
Desktop Publishing Overview

PART 1 – Directions: Use page 25 in the book to answer the questions below.

1.  ______means printing something that can be distributed or shown to others. Some examples of publications are ______


2.  ______is the use of a computer to combine text and graphics on a page that can be printed or published.

3.  What are five things that can be created in Microsoft Word by doing desktop publishing?______


4.  ______stands for "What You See Is What You Get". The ______(text and images) that are displayed on the computer will look the same when it is printed.

PART 2 - Parts of a Publication: Use the book to answer the questions below.

5.  ______provide the title of something. ______is the main part of the story and is smaller than the headline. Pictures or ______provide visual images about the story. The ______are usually about the same size as the body text and have a description of what is going on in the pictures.


WORD BANK: Headline, Photo, Body Text, Caption

6.  ______- picture

7.  ______- description of photo

8.  ______- title

9.  ______- main story

PART 3 - Captions: Use page 26 in the book to answer the questions below.

10. Captions are seen in ______, magazines, books, and most other printed material that has ______.

11. A ______is a short explanation or description of a picture located near the picture. It can be on either side of the picture, above the picture, ______below the picture.

12. The information included in a caption is very ______and specific, but short and to the point. A caption doesn’t always ______the whole story it accompanies a story.

13. People look at headlines and pictures to ______what they want to read in the newspaper. If a picture grasps their______, they will read the caption. If they want to know more, they read the article.

14. Captions should include ______.

15. ______is in the picture? List all the names of the people.

16. ______was the picture taken? (Year, time or after something?)

17. ______is happening in the picture? What happened before or after the picture?

18. ______did this happen? Include the place.

19. ______did this happen?

20. ______did this happen?

21. When writing captions, use adjectives to ______the reader’s attention. ______state the obvious. Include details that ______be seen in the picture

ACTIVITY - PART 4 - Caption Writing: Rewrite the caption so that it includes the 5W’s and H.


PART 4A: Answer the questions. Then use the information to write a new caption for this picture.

Photo A: Answer the questions. Then use the information to write a new caption for this picture.

Photo A: Answer the questions. Then use the information to write a new caption for this picture.

PART 5-Type and Topography: Use page 26 - 28 in the book to answer the questions below.

24. ______is the art of effectively using type to convey a message.

25. ______deals with the size, shape, and spacing of the text.

26. ______refers to any of the words in a document. Desktop publishers pay special attention to the ______that they choose in their designs.

27. The three main things that define type are______.

28. A ______is a collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that share a distinct look. What is a synonym for font?______

29. ______fonts are used in books and magazines.

30. ______fonts are considered masculine.

31. ______fonts are that look like handwriting and are feminine.

32. ______fonts are used for cartoons and headlines.

33. ______fonts are funky and are used in posters or ads.

34. ______fonts are formal and for things important in history.

35. Which two fonts should you never use in all capital letters because it is hard to read ?______


36. What are three font styles?______

37. How is type size measured?______

PART 5B -MATCHING Directions: Write the name of each font under the picture. Square Serif, Sans Serif, Roman, Text, Script, Display.

38. ______/ Tech
39. ______/ Tech
40. ______
41. ______/ TECH
42. ______/ Tech
43. ______

PART 5C -MATCHING Directions: Write the letter of the font with the correct way to use it. On the line to the right, write the font family: Roman, Text, Display, Sans Serif, Square Serif, Script.


44. ______Attention grabbing headline or ad A. Font A ______

45. ______Cartoon or headline B. Font B ______

46. ______Body text C. Font C ______

47. ______Masculine D. Font D ______

48. ______Feminine (handwriting) E. Font E ______

49. ______Formal or historical F. Font F ______

PART 6 -A Desktop Publishing System: Write the parts of a system on the lines from page 28 in the book.

PART 7 - Writing Books: Use page 29 in the book to answer the questions below.

50. An ______is a story of a person’s life that is told by that person. You will write about your life and describe some of the ______and inventions that you use.

51. This will be a ______book of 8th grade. Technology is constantly changing. In a few years, you will be able to look at it and remember what life was like in 8th grade.

52. The most important step in creating a book is ______. You will need to read it and ______it before you print it.

53. Our books will have several important parts: end pages, a ______page, dedication page, and ______of contents.

54. The ______or leaves, are the blank pages you find at the beginning and end of the book. These are on the ______side as the cover. ______writing goes on these pages.

55. The ______has the book title and the author. The publisher, copyright notice and the ______the book was published might also be on this page.

56. The ______page allows the author to dedicate the book to someone or something. This is a good place to ______the people that were helpful in your life.

57. The ______or TOC lists the chapters or other elements found in the book and the page where it begins.

58. A book has a ______page spread, a right page and a left page.

59. The center is the ______(where the pages are bound together at the spine).

60. Your autobiography will have a ______on every spread.

ACTIVITY - PART 8 - Autobiography

You will be creating an autobiography about your life and the technology you use. Technology is constantly changing. Years from now, you will have a souvenir of what it was like as an 8th grade student at Jersey Shore Middle School.


PART 8: Autobiography Graphic Organizer Answer the questions below.

Page 3: Dedication Page: Who______Why:______


Page 7: Introduction Page: Name______Age:______

School:______Why: Technology changes fast. This is a memory book so you can remember 8th grade in 2016.

Page 9: Family Page:

Parents/Guardians / Siblings / Pets

Page 11: My Life: Write at least three interesting things about you

1 / 2 / 3

Page 13: Typical Day: What do you do before school, after school, and on the weekends?

Before School / After School / Weekends

Page 17: Technology: Five things you use

Five Technology items
5 / Why they are important

Page 19: Inventions: Two inventions you can’t live without

Two Inventions
2 / Why they are important

Page 21: Events: Write about two events that have happened to you. (Good or Bad)

Two Events
2 / Why they are important

Page 23: Future Plans:

What do you want to do after you graduate? (College, Work, Marriage, Travel) / What Pathway are you interested in?
What job do you want to have? / Where do you want to live?

Page 25: Technology in the Future: What will technology be like in the future?

Computers / Transportation / Phones / Other

Page 27: Costs: Write down four things you buy or use every day. Look up the price of the items you use.

Details / 2
Details / 3
Details / 4

ACTIVITY - PART 8 - Autobiography Typing Directions:

Open the Technology Book Template:

1.  On the desktop, double click Computer. Double click Student Share. Double click Samples. Double click H. Reeder – Tech Ed. Double click 8th Grade. Double click Desktop Publishing. Double click Technology Autobiography Template. Click View – Edit Document (or enable editing) before you begin typing.

Save the book template:

2.  After the file opens, Go to File and click Save As. Click Computer/Browse and open your network folder. Click your Tech Ed folder. Type My Autobiography in the box for the file name. Click Save. From now on you will open this from your Tech Ed folder.

Type the information in your book:

3.  Cover: The left half of the page is the cover of the autobiography.

·  Think of a title. (Remember this book is about your current life and the technology that you use today.) Type in the title of the book.

·  Type in your name as the author.

4.  Change the font, point size and style of the writing. You can press enter to move the writing toward the middle of the page. Position everything where you want it. Remember WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get.)

5.  Page 1 is the title page. Copy the cover and paste it on this page. Add the school year.

6.  Page 3 is the dedication page.

·  Write a sentence or two. Tell the name of the person you want to dedicate the book to and explain why you are dedicating your book to them. You can dedicate your book to more than one person.

7.  Page 5 is the Table of Contents – you don’t need to change anything on this page.

8.  Page 7 is the introduction.

·  Write a few sentences and give your name, age, where you go to school. Explain why you are doing this project. (This is a memory book because technology is constantly changing. Years from now you will be able to look back and see what life was like when you were in 8th grade.)

9.  Page 9 is about your family or guardians.

·  Write a paragraph about the people you live with/ your family. Tell me their names and the names of your brothers and sisters. You can include the pets in your family, too. Remember to use topic and concluding sentences.

10.  Page 11 is all about your life.

·  Write a paragraph and tell me at least three interesting things about you. Remember to use topic and concluding sentences.

11.  Page 13 is a typical day.

·  Fill in a copy of your schedule for Day 1. Explain how the schedule rotates. Write a paragraph about what you do before school, after school and on the weekends.

12.  Page 15 is your favorite things.

·  Fill in the chart with your favorite things. (You don’t need to use sentences.)

13.  Page 17 is about technology.

·  Write a paragraph about the technology you use every day. Write about your camera, phone, iPod, TV, video games, computer, four wheelers, websites, apps, etc. You need to describe at least five things you use and how you use it. Remember to use topic and concluding sentences.

14.  Page 19 is about important inventions.

·  Write two paragraphs about two inventions that you could not live without. Explain why you picked those items and why they are important to you. Make sure to include topic and concluding sentences in both paragraphs.

15.  Page 21 is about important events

·  Write two paragraphs about two important life events. Did you win something, travel somewhere, get a pet, get a new sibling or parent, or suffer the loss of something? Describe what happened and why it is a memorable event. Remember to include topic and concluding sentences in both paragraphs.

16.  Page 23 is about your future plans.

·  Write at least one paragraph about what you plan to do after you graduate. What pathway is most interesting to you? Do you want to go to college, get a job, get married, have kids, or travel? Remember to include topic and concluding sentences in your paragraph.

17.  Page 25 is about technology in the future.

·  Write a paragraph about how you think technology will be in twenty years. What kind of transportation will people be using? How will we communicate? What will be different? What will be the same? How will computers change? Will prices go up or down? Remember to include topic and concluding sentences in your paragraph.

18.  Page 27 is about cost of things today.

·  Keep the list of items on chart but a four more. Look up the prices of four of the common technology items that you used daily. Write down how much a new TV, computer, phone, iPod, or car will cost. Be sure to write down what kind of device it is and features it has. Example: iPad Air 2 128 gb, or Samsung 55 inch 3D Smart Curved HDTV.

Spell check and proofread:

19.  Save your book. Spell check your book and proofread it. Fix any mistakes.

20.  Have a friend proofread your book. Fix your mistakes.

·  This is the most important step in creating a book. The spell checker does not always catch every mistake.

21.  Change the font, size and style of all the pages so that they are the same. You should use a Roman font. A Roman font has serif’s or feet at the end of the letters.

·  Make sure the words are not going to get cut off when it is printed.

Print your book and put it together: