Handout 1

What’s the Point?

Group 1

Most people that have pets have a cat or a dog. People disagree all the time as to which pet is best. Cats make the best pet! There are many reasons why cats are the best pet. Cats are very independent. If you go on vacation, you can leave extra food and water and have a friend occasionally check on the cat. On the other hand, dogs need to be kenneled, which costs a lot of money. Watching a cat play with a string or ball is very entertaining. You can sit back and enjoy the cat. However, a dog needs a person to play with and usually won't play alone. On a cold winter's night, there is nothing better than to have your cat snuggled up on your lap purring contentedly. If you are trying to choose between a dog or a cat for a pet, cats make the best pet!


FOR SALE: a cozy, two-bedroom, one-bath home on a quiet, tree-lined street in the new Happy Seniors Retirement Estates development. This home is perfect for the retired couple or single who wants an extra room for a visiting grandchild or for sewing and crafts. It has all the modern conveniences and no stairs to climb. This home is pleasant and affordable, even for those on a fixed income.


Dear Diary,

I lost two teeth today when a basketball hit my face. It hurt! And every-body laughed at me! I was so mad! The next time I see that mean old Gus I’m going to get even. I’ll teach him to

Group 2

Once there were three little pigs, I know you've heard this story before. They set off into the world to be independent and wanted to build a house for themselves. As you know, the first pig built his home out of straw, which was blown down and he was eaten by the big bad wolf. The second pig didn't learn from his brother, and built his home out of twigs, which was blown down and he too was eaten by that bad wolf. The third little pig was smart and decided that she would take her time and build a strong house out of brick. As the story goes, that pig outsmarted the wolf and had a delicious wolf stew for dinner. It took a female to prevail!

Dear Editor,

The right to vote is a valuable privilege in our country. Many citizens in other countries around the world are not allowed to vote and are willing to fight for the right. Everyone in America needs to use their honor and right and get out to vote in November's election. It is your patriotic duty to do your part as a citizen of this country. So be sure to vote in the upcoming election. Make your opinions heard! Vote!


Uncle Sam

March 26, 2006 - Today we had an extra long recess. I loved playing outside so long! I wish we could have a long recess every day, maybe then we wouldn’t have to spent so much time on math. I am so tired of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing over and over and over and over! Why won’t she find something else for us to do? Math is so boring!

Group 3

Today’s Journal – 3/25/06 – Don’t forget to ask Mom to buy a poster board so I can start working on the African presentation. Melanie is going to bring her new markers. We have some great ideas. I bet ours will be the best in the class!


The earth is a sphere made up of one-fourth land and three-fourths water. The largest bodies of water are the four oceans: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Arctic Ocean. The land is divided into seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica.


Dear Editor,

A dog is man's best friend. Everyone knows this to be true. Yet we have no holiday to honor the dog and all that he contributes to families and society. The contribution of dogs can no longer be ignored! A national holiday for dogs should be declared. It could be called DOG'S DAY. Children would have this holiday as a vacation day from school, and parents and children could stay at home to honor their dogs. Don't let the family dog be taken for granted any longer!


Max Collie


Group 4

Dear Editor,

Did you know that the landfills are overflowing? They are filled with trash and garbage that people throw away every day! The amount of waste in landfills could be reduced significantly if people would recycle on a regular basis. There are many items which can be recycled: aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic bottles, and glass. Newspapers and other paper and cardboard items can also be recycled. Each of us can help to save our earth by supporting our local recycling program. You can help too.

Sincerely yours,

E. Smart

Monday – 3/14/05 – I hate Mondays. Last night I had a really bad dream about how horrible today was going to be. And it was right. Mondays are bad. I wish I could have stayed home today. I tried to tell mom I had a stomach ache, but she told me to try to make it. What does she know? Maybe I’ll get really sick today and have to go to the hospital since she made me come to school today. I hate hate hate Mondays.

Hey, Man, I need to borrow twenty bucks. Okay? I have to buy this book for my music class. It’s about lullabies or something. I can't believe a book of lullabies is so expensive. And I can't believe my instructor is making us buy this book. I know. I should've used the twenty bucks I had yesterday to buy the book, but I forgot about it, and, besides, I really wanted that new CD. So, come on, be cool and lend me the money. I'll pay you back with my next allowance.

Group 5

As I prepared to send you my payment, I noticed an error in my monthly statement. You listed a charge against my credit card (account number 1234-5678-9123) in the amount of $23.56 for a purchase at Wal-Mart twice. I made only one purchase at Wal-Mart for that amount not two. Please correct this error immediately by crediting my account in the amount of $23.56. Thank you.

November 17, 2005 – I can’t believe it! I wanted to get the part so bad – and I just found out I got it! I need to call Valerie and tell her – she got the part she wanted too! We are going to have so much fun practicing for the Christmas play. I can’t wait to get my costume and learn my lines! Gotta go now and call Valerie.

Dear Editor,

Why do children have such a long summer vacation? Children are wasting valuable time by staying home in the summer when they could be in school, gaining knowledge and furthering their educations. Sure, a short break might be necessary, but they could be learning so much more if they were back in school, hitting the books. And parents, wouldn't you like your children back at school in July? Summer vacation is too long! Children should be back in school. Sincerely, T. I. Red

Group 6

My neighborhood, Tranquil Village, is a wonderful place. It is a clean and safe place to raise children. The only thing missing is a neighborhood park. Our children need a place to play that is not only clean and safe but also close to home. Parents are busy people—they work, they take their children to school, and they vote. The parents of Tranquil Village ask you, as their City Council representative, to vote in favor of establishing a park in Tranquil Village.

In Tarpon Springs, Florida there are people who work underwater. These people are called sponge divers. The kind of treasure they look for is called sponges. Sponge diving is not an easy job. The diver has to breathe under the water, and be careful of extreme water pressure.


Saturday, April 1, 2005 – Today I hit a grand slam home run! I knew as soon as I felt the ball hit my bat that it was solid and, man, it was gone. You should have seen the surprised look on the pitcher’s face. He couldn’t believe I got the bat around on his slider. All that practice really paid off. Plus we won the tournament and get to play in the winner’s bracket next weekend. I hope I can powder that ball again!

Dear Editor,

The children in our city do not have enough safe playgrounds where they can play. Much of the area that children used to play in is now under construction and unsafe for children. Many of the local playgrounds have broken and rusted equipment, and they are no longer safe play areas either. The city should provide land and purchase new and modern playground equipment for these parks. Our children are our future. They will be much safer and healthier with quality parks in which to play.

Sincerely yours,

E. Z. Tag