The Canterbury Tales

Bio Box Project

Directions: Make a shadow box containing information about one of the characters described in the “Prologue” of The Canterbury Tales. This will be presented to the class on September 22.

  1. Choose a box that suits the personality of the character you have chosen (may be cardboard, plastic, plywood, etc.). The box must be at least the size of a large (size 9) shoe box.
  2. On the outside of the box place a collage of pictures, words, stickers, etc. that represent who your character is externally. This is the way other people see your character (sports, animals, siblings, personality traits, clothing style, etc.)All parts of the box must be covered. You may want to cover the box with fabric or some other material that represents who your character is.
  3. On the inside of the box represent who that character really is(what they are passionate about, things they love, their goals, special hidden talents, career choice, etc.) This is the way they see themselves and what most people do not know about them.
  4. Do not put your character’s nameon the box.

Bio Box (size, creativity, color, etc. = 100 pointsPresentation = 25 points

The Canterbury Tales

Bio Box Project

Directions: Make a shadow box containing information about one of the characters described in the “Prologue” of The Canterbury Tales. This will be presented to the class on September 22.

  1. Choose a box that suits the personality of the character you have chosen (may be cardboard, plastic, plywood, etc.). The box must be at least the size of a large (size 9) shoe box.
  2. On the outside of the box place a collage of pictures, words, stickers, etc. that represent who your character is externally. This is the way other people see your character (sports, animals, siblings, personality traits, clothing style, etc.)All parts of the box must be covered. You may want to cover the box with fabric or some other material that represents who your character is.
  3. On the inside of the box represent who that character really is (what they are passionate about, things they love, their goals, special hidden talents, career choice, etc.) This is the way they see themselves and what most people do not know about them.
  4. Do not put your character’s name on the box.

Bio Box (size, creativity, color, etc. = 100 pointsPresentation = 25 points