Greater Orlando

EMDR Trauma Recovery Network,

Dear ,

We are writing to introduce our Trauma Recovery Network, explain its purpose and extend an offer of our services. Our network is composed of specially trained psychotherapists who provide a brief therapy designed to help individuals suffering from acute stress conditions following a community disaster. This could include a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or flood, a fire, or an act of violence or terrorism. The method of treatment, called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, in most cases can resolve an acute stress disorder and prevent the development of post-traumatic stress. The approach we are using is a specialty protocol of EMDR Therapy specifically indicated for use in the aftermath of a disaster or crisis event. EMDR has been researched for 25 years and has been endorsed as an effective treatment by the American Psychiatrist Association, the Bureau of Veterans Affairs, the World Health Organization and the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration.

Our network is connected to a larger organization, Trauma Recovery, the EMDR Humanitarian Program. Trauma Recovery operates nationally and internationally, training, teaching and sending mental health clinicians into areas of need following disasters. For example, Trauma Recovery was asked to send therapists to Louisiana after Katrina, to New York City after 9/11, to Boston after the Boston Marathon bombings and to Aurora, Colorado after the movie theater shooting.

Our team will provide assessments, up to 5 treatments, free of charge, and will make referrals as needed. We do not duplicate or compete with systems in the community that already provide early responses. Some individuals respond to initial community crisis intervations with no further need of services. TRN therapists can offer additional interventions to those who need it, with the goal of preventing continued suffering and the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. We aim to work collaboratively, offering a different, yet compatible service. TRN therapists can provide services to victims, affected loved ones, first responders and health care professionals involved.

We welcome an opportunity to meet with you and answer any questions. We will call to ask if you are interested in talking to our team or utilizing the services that we offer.

Thank you.

Cherilyn Rowland Petrie, LMHC

Greater Orlando Trauma Recovery Coordinator

, 407-677-0661