Chorus Information Sheet 2016-2017

Blandford Elementary

Dear Parents,

Your child has expressed a desire to be in the Blandford Elementary School Chorus for the 2015-2016 school year. Chorus is a privilege and an exciting opportunity for all interested 4th and 5th grade students. While it is a wonderful rewarding experience it requires and teaches children responsibility, teamwork, discipline and self pride. In chorus students are challenged musically beyond the normal music classroom experience. Please understand all policies are in place to ensure a positive experience for all chorus students.

Admittance into Chorus: Students are admitted into chorus based on a rubric and audition. 4th Grade auditions will be held Thursday August 18th, and 5th grade Auditions on Tuesday August 16th. Once all scores have been complied, those admitted into chorus will receive the Parent/Student Agreement signature page of this contract to return to school. This signed page is due to Mrs. Gonzales by Thursday, August 24, 2016. Returning this page by the deadline completes the process of official acceptance into chorus. Please understand that the rubric was created in a way that if a child doesn’t audition well, they can still be admitted into chorus based on their positive attitude, work ethic and attendance.

Chorus members are expected to follow these guidelines:

1. Be on time for all rehearsals during the school day.

4th Grade- Thursday and Friday 7:35-8:05. 5th Grade- Tuesday and Friday 7:35-8:05

All unexcused absences will result in their dismissal from chorus. Students in the IPASS program will only attend 1 rehearsal per week (4th Grade Thursday, 5th Grade Tuesday). Students receive strikes for tardies and behavior. After 2 strikes of any type they are dismissed from chorus.

2. Display good behavior at all times.

Students will receive a warning for misbehavior. After two warnings, the student will be removed from the group. The director and administration reserve the right to dismiss any child from chorus at any point where they deem necessary. Tardy strikes and behavior strikes are combined. After 2 strikes (any type of strike) students are dismissed from chorus.

3. Participate in all programs, presentations, rehearsals and related choral activities.

Attendance Policy: In order to be successful it is important for all students to be able to attend all in-school rehearsals (unless they are not at school that day). Students will be excused from practice if they are absent from school. If a student skips chorus, it will be treated like the student is cutting class, and they will be written up and dismissed from chorus. If a conflict within the school day occurs and may possibly affect a student’s chorus attendance, students must speak with Mrs. Gonzales prior to the conflict in order to reach a resolution, otherwise the absence will be counted as an unexcused absence and will be dismissed from chorus. Please understand this is a performing group, therefore all rehearsals are essential. Mrs. Gonzales will do what she can to resolve in school conflicts, but please understand not all conflicts may be able to be resolved. In that circumstance chorus students are asked to honor their commitment to chorus. 2 tardies will result in dismissal from chorus. In chorus there is a 2 strike rule. 2 strikes and you are dismissed. The strikes can be a combination of behavior or tardy issues. Students will not be excused from a performance unless he/she has a serious illness, family emergency, or death in the family. If a student experiences one of the exceptions he/she should provide a written note to the director on the following school day. If a note is not provided the student will not be able to remain in Chorus and are not allowed to participate in post concert parties.

4. Chorus is a yearlong commitment

Students who sign up for chorus are in chorus for the year. As the group learns and grows together they begin to blend and sing better. If the members of the group constantly change material could not be attained.

Required Concerts ALL concerts are required

Christmas Concert: In-school dress rehearsal December 12. Evening Community Concert December 24 7:00 p.m. Call time 6:30 at BES. Chorus Christmas party/dress down day December 13

MIOSM Concert: March 9th Countryside Baptist Church. Call time 6:00 p.m. Concert begins 6:30

Spring Concert: In-school dress rehearsal March 27. Evening Community Concert March 27 7:00 p.m. Call time 6:30 at BES. Chorus Spring party/dress down day March 28. (Must attend MIOSM and Spring Concert for admittance into this party).

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. I know we will have a successful year with your support! I can respond to email much quicker than phone calls. I’m looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Gonzales email: