Here are some tips to help you with your blog.Hover over the key at the top of the page and hover over your username. Click on Dashboard.

  1. Change your avatar:Your avatar is the small icon that shows up next to your username (seen in comments, etc.).

  • Go to your dashboard
  • Click on Settings on the left nav bar (near the bottom of the list)
  • Click on Blog Avatar
  • Click on Choose File
  • Upload aphoto of yourself from your computer or your phone
  • Crop it so it fits in the allotted space and click on Upload Image
  1. Choose theme (“layout”):There are hundreds of layouts with specific purposes for different types of blogs, so make sure the look and layout makes sense for YOUR blog.

  • At the top of your dashboard page, click on Choose Theme (blue button).
  • Scroll through the different themes and click on Live Preview for layouts you are drawn to.
  • Click on Activate(next to the Live Preview button) from the first page.
  1. Create additional pages:Purpose of this is to add pages like “About Me” or “FAQs” or “Related Articles”. These pages are static, which means it never refreshes or changes, the info you add is permanent until you make changes yourself.
  • Click on Pages and Add New
  • Add a title and the text you want on that page, then clickSave Draft if you want to keep working on it, or you can clickPublish to make it live when you’re ready for it to be posted.

  1. Create a post:These posts will be displayed on the homepage of your blog. Your most recent post will be displayed at the top.
  • From your dashboard, click on Posts and Add New
  • Begin writing your post and click on Save Drafton the right side if you are not finished.
  • Click on Publish if you are ready to make it live on your blog.
  1. Upload media in your post:Use this if you want to add a video or an image.
  • Click on Add Media
  • Click on Select Files
  • When you are finished uploading all your photos and videos, click on the Media Library tab
  • When you know which media you want in your post, and where you want it to be placed, click on Insert into Post. You can maneuver the photo/video placement once it’s uploaded into the post.
  1. Insert a hyperlink in your post:This allows the reader to click on a word or phrase and it directs them to another URL/site.
  • Copy the URL (from another site) that you want to direct your reader to (or give credit to).
  • Highlight the word or phrase you want to hyperlink in your post.
  • Click the Chain Link icon above your post.

  • Paste the URL that you copied from another site and give that link a title and click on Add Link.