Morgan CityHigh School Weekly Lesson Plans

Spring 2011

Teacher: Constance Wallace January 31-Feb. 4, 2011

Basic Reading and Writing (English I Prep.)



Ongoing Daily practices / MUG Shots, Formatives, Vocabulary, SSR, and Learning logs are done on a daily basis.
  • LCC Unit 1-6Activity 1: Reading (Ongoing)(GLEs: 01a, 02a, 02b, 04a, 09e, 10c, 11a, 11e, 13)
  • LCC Unit 1-6 Activity 2: Vocabulary Study (Ongoing)(GLEs:01a, 01d, 22a, 22b, 23g, 26)
  • LCC Unit 1-6 Activity 3:Writing Prompts to Make Real-Life Connections and to Assess Understanding(Ongoing)(GLEs: 05, 10c, 12b, 21d, 32a, 32b, 35a)
  • LCC Unit 1-6 Activity 4: Grammar/Usage Mini-Lessons (Ongoing)(GLEs: 22a, 22b, 22c, 24a, 24b, 24d, 25)
Highlighted items = Literacy Strategies
Highlighted items = LCC activities
Highlighted items = HONORS ONLY
Highlighted items = REGULARS ONLY / 1a: use of context clues
1d tracing etymology
2a: direct and indirect characterization
2b: author’s pacing of action and use of plot development, subplots, parallel episodes, and climax to impact the reader
4b: draw conclusions and make inferences
5: connect to real-life situations and other texts
9e: analyze in written responses short stories and novels
10c: reflecting life experiences
11a: summarizing and paraphrasing
11e: inferences and drawing conclusions
12b: analyzing relationships b/w prior knowledge and info in text
13: impact of author’s life
21d: connect life to text supported interpretations
22a: avoiding fragments
22b: avoiding run-ons
22c: avoiding syntax problems
23g: using parts of speech appropriately
24a: commas to set off appositives
24b: quotation marks
25: correct spelling
26: variety of sources to verify spelling
32a: monitor messages for clarity
32b: select and organize essential information
35a: identify strengths/talents of other participants
Monday / TLW identify and analyze theme, symbolism, making inferences, and point of view through the short story “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst.
LCC Unit 1 Activity 10: Literary Element Poster Presentation (modified)
10 – Vocabulary Week 17.1
10 – MUGS 17.1
15 – Learning log #3 on Blackboard: Why do we hurt the ones we love?
*After students are finished, they are to work on Drug Free Slogans
50 – Read “The Scarlet Ibis” ML p. 426
  • Students will take notes on the following:
  • Define symbol and inferences.
  • Find the symbols from the story. Discuss. (nickname, bird)
  • Make inferences… “What do you think…”
  • Identify and Analyze mood of story
  • Identify and Analyze the point of view
5 - WDWLT? Short story unit test scheduled for Friday!!! / 4b making inferences
09e analyze elements in short stories
03c identify and explain literary devices, including symbolism
11e making inferences and drawing conclusions
32a monitor message for clarity
32b select and organize essential information
Tuesday / TLW identify and analyze flashback, realism, and sequence through the short story “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” by Tim O’Brien
LCC Unit 1 Activity 10: Literary Element Poster Presentation (modified)
10 – Vocabulary 17.2
10 – MUGS 17.2
15 – Learning log #4 on Blackboard: Is FEAR our worst enemy?
10 - Define realism, sequence, and flashback
40 – Read “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” by Tim O’Brien ML p. 750-759
  • Students will summarize the story’s sequence of events in a chronological pattern.
  • Take note – flashback could confuse students on the past and present
  • In addition, narrator imagines what will happen in future.
  • Students will identify examples of realism within the story, citing specific examples.
  • What type of point of view is this story told from? How does this affect your understanding?
5 – WDWLT? Continue reading The Princess Bride for homework. Please submit Drug Free Slogans to me by Friday. Don’t forget about short story unit test. / 03d analyzing flashback
4b making inferences
09e analyze elements in short stories
11e making inferences and drawing conclusions
32a monitor message for clarity
32b select and organize essential information
Wednesday / TLW identify and analyze mood, paraphrasing, and imagery through the short story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe
LCC Unit 1 Activity 10: Literary Element Poster Presentation (modified)
10 – Vocab 17.3
10 – MUGS 17.3
15 – Learning log #5 on Blackboard: Is REVENGE ever justified?
10 – Define mood, paraphrasing, and imagery
30 – Read “The Cask of Amontillado” by Poe ML p. 342 and “The Story behind The Cask of Amontillado” by Edward Rowe Snow
  • Paraphrase the opening paragraph. Why does the narrator vow revenge? What does he consider a successful revenge?
  • Reread lines 27-55; how does Poe build a mood of suspense in the conversation between the narrator and Fortunato?
  • Reread lines 74-92. What is ironic about this conversation?
  • In lines 108-114, note the sensory details and imagery that help you visualize the setting. What mood do they create?
  • Mood – what details from the story make the story horrifying? Point out images that help convey mood.
  • Paraphrase lines 185-191. What emotions does Montresor experience at this point in the story?
10 - ML p. 256 Film clip from The Cask of Amontillado (Media Smart DVD) by Joyce Chopra (Setting and Mood in movies)
5 – Closure – WDWLT? This was our last short story. Tomorrow is a review day for all the short stories that we have read up until this point. Short story test is Friday. / 3b analyzing imagery
09e analyze elements in short stories
11a summarizing and paraphrasing
11e making inferences and drawing conclusions
32a monitor message for clarity
32b select and organize essential information
Thursday / TLW review all short stories from previous lessons in order to prepare for assessment tomorrow.
10 – Vocab 17.4
10 – MUGS 17.4 & 17.5
65 – Play Professor Who Knows It All
  • Break kids into groups. They are allowed to use notes, worksheets, and textbook to stump other group members. Each group has to come up with one question from each story to stump the other members. Encourage students to only use questions that begin with why, how, and what (but be careful with that one). These are the following stories that will be on test tomorrow:
  • “The Most Dangerous Game” p. 52
  • “The Lottery” (handout)
  • “The Necklace” p. 207
  • “The Scarlet Ibis” p. 426
  • “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” p. 750
  • “The Cask of Amontillado” p. 358
  • Teams will take turns stumping each other. Points will be awarded for each thwarted effort. Winners receive 5 bonus bucks to be awarded on tomorrow’s test.
5 – Closure – WDWLT? Study for tomorrow’s test. Vocabulary and MUGS quizzes are tomorrow as well. / 2a: direct and indirect characterization
2b: author’s pacing of action and use of plot development, subplots, parallel episodes, and climax to impact the reader
3b analyzing imagery
03d analyzing flashback
4b: draw conclusions and make inferences
5: connect to real-life situations and other texts
9e: analyze in written responses short stories and novels
10c: reflecting life experiences
11a: summarizing and paraphrasing
11e: inferences and drawing conclusions
12b: analyzing relationships b/w prior knowledge and info in text
13: impact of author’s life
Friday / TLW be assessed on the short story unit.
10 – Vocab Week 17 Quiz
10 – MUGS Week 17 Quiz
65 – Short Story Unit Test via scantron
5 – Closure – On February 11, you will have The Princess Bride test, and you will receive your 2nd novel. On Monday, we will begin our first writing assignment: the narrative (LCC Unit 1 Activity 12) / 2a: direct and indirect characterization
2b: author’s pacing of action and use of plot development, subplots, parallel episodes, and climax to impact the reader
3b analyzing imagery
03d analyzing flashback
4b: draw conclusions and make inferences
5: connect to real-life situations and other texts
9e: analyze in written responses short stories and novels
10c: reflecting life experiences
11a: summarizing and paraphrasing
11e: inferences and drawing conclusions
12b: analyzing relationships b/w prior knowledge and info in text
13: impact of author’s life