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Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Notes from the Woodham Ferrers

Public Meeting

2nd March 2017

Panel Members

Police and Crime Commissioner, Roger Hirst,

Ch/Insp Ronnie Egan

Chelmsford Community Safety Partnership Manager Spencer Clarke

The PCC began by explaining the numbers behind the precept increase. Approximately half of the £3.25 million it will raise will be spent on front line officers and around £400k on Special Constables. Half a million would be spent on 15 new staff for the Force Control Room. The 999 service is good but 101 requires improvement and some callers can be waiting over half an hour, so funding will also go towards making the system work better. Another £.5 million will be spent on improving IT. A further £.5 million will be spent on tackling cybercrime.

Q - Will the police source out the 101 to an outside company? The PCC advised there were no plans to do so at present.

Ch/Insp Egan spoke about the current issues in the area including the increase in cybercrime and burglary. ASB was reducing overall but was still a concern in some areas.


Q – The Shore Farm roundabout is the nexus for the majority of traffic coming out of the Dengie – Would Essex police consider putting in ANPR and could Chelmsford council contribute to the cost? Spencer Clarke agreed to look into it and work with the PCC and Ch/Insp Egan.

Q - Rural Crime is becoming a huge issue so what is being done to tackle it? Ch/Insp acknowledged it was an issue. A large element is caused by organised crime gangs and Essex police were working with other forces to share intelligence. The PCC added that he was continuing to lean on farm machinery manufacturers to install smarter immobilisers. A resident added that he had installed locks on his equipment and because they couldn’t steal them, they trashed them instead. PCC advised that a rural crime forum was held regularly with members of the community. Furthermore Essex police had a drone that would be used in rural areas. They were also expanding the rural team from two to six with close links to the community policing teams (CPT), who they will link in with when burglaries is taking place.

Q – What will happen to Wickford police station? The PCC stated it had been closed for a number of years and would be sold and the money reinvested into policing.

Q - Parish Volunteers are volunteers trained by police and the Fire Service to go out and give advice. However, there is a failing in getting people to know about how to access com safety volunteers. Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Jane Gardner agreed to take feed that back to the Fire Service.

Q – What does the Office of the Crime Commissioner cost and would it be better spent on front line policing. The OPCC replaced the Police Authority and are much more responsive and better implemented. They were responsible for funding victim services and community safety projects.

Q – What role should NHW have as the SWF NHW had recently folded. Insp Egan was very supportive of the NHW scheme and she has reinvigorated the system to help bring in more members.

Q – Would it be possible for the PCC or Essex Police to visit South Woodham Ferrers. The PCC agreed he would and requested details to be taken after the meeting.

Q – Why do Essex police advertise when they will carrying out speed traps and drink driving campaigns as surely they want to catch people. Insp Egan advised that the main drive was to prevent people speeding and drink driving in the first place but that

They still catch a number of people.