Hospitality Staff

Health & Food Safety Brief

2015 – 2016

Welcome to Twickenham Experience Ltd

Welcome to our team at Twickenham Experience Ltd (TEL), as part of our commitment to you we will provide you with the information, training and instruction you require to carry out your job safely and in line with our company procedures and legal requirements.

Please take the time to read through and understand this booklet as it provides you with all the essential Health & Food Safety Information you need in order to carry out your job safely. Once you have read and understood this information you need to sign the attached document and bring this with you on your first day of work. If you do not return this on the first day of work you will not be permitted to work.


Rules of Safety Page 03

Health & Safety Section Page 04

Fire Safety Information Page 06

Risk Assessments (Relevant to Your Job) Page 07

Essentials of Food Hygiene & Food Allergy Awareness Page 42

Food Safety Section Page 43

Environmental Awareness Page 44

Confirmation of Understanding Questionnaire (to be completed, signed & returned) Page 45


·  Look around your place of work and report anything you regard as dangerous to a member of Management.

·  In the case of an accident that results in injury, however minor, you must report it immediately to a member of Event Management and complete the relevant information in the Accident Checklist. Near misses should also be reported to the Event Manager.

·  Know what you must do in the case of a fire or bomb alert. In the event of an evacuation act quickly and quietly, use the nearest available exit, do not use lifts, and wait at the assembly point until you are given further instructions.

·  Do not operate any machinery or use equipment without authority or training.

·  Take care as you go about your everyday tasks: do not run, be careful on staircases and take particular care if handling hot liquids.

·  Wear clothing that is safe, sensible and wear sound shoes that provide good grip and protect the feet.

·  You must not misuse or interfere with anything provided in the interest of Health and Safety.

·  Dispose of waste in the designated refuse areas

·  Keep your work area clean and tidy. Never leave articles on the floor that could become a tripping hazard. Immediately wipe up spills and alert peoples’ attention to them verbally and with ‘Wet floor’ signage

·  Obey all safety signs and instructions on cleaning chemical labels at all times. When using chemicals wear gloves, goggles and face mask wherever directed by the product label. NEVER TAKE RISKS.

·  Never decant cleaning materials in to unmarked bottles or containers.

·  Always take care when pouring hot water from the hot taps/urns.

·  Never attempt to lift anything which may be too heavy – always get help.

·  Never attempt to repair anything electrical or any other equipment – always report any defects to the Event Manager as soon as possible.

·  Always use equipment as directed - never take short cuts to save time – think about the risks involved first.

·  You are individually responsible for complying with this guidance and with regard to your own personal safety and that of your colleagues.

·  Only smoke in designated areas and never smoke near gas cylinders or vehicles.

Remember Safety First in Everything we do!

Health & Safety Section

This Health & Safety section provides you with the information you need in order to beware of the hazards and risks within your area of work. If you identify any hazards you should highlight these to your manager immediately. We will cover: First Aid, Slips Trips and falls, Safe use of cleaning chemicals (COSHH), Fire Safety, Manual Handling and the Risk Assessments relevant to your area of work.

First Aid

If you sustain an injury, whether a cut, burn, bruise, sprain or something more serious, inform your supervisor or manager and seek medical treatment immediately. All open cuts, burns or sores must be kept covered with a clean blue waterproof plaster at all times.

Burns & Scalds

Hot plates, bain maries, ovens, deep fat fryers, griddles and grills are common causes of burns. Movement of hot trays can also cause burns and containers of hot foods can result in scalds


ü  Stand well back when opening ovens

ü  Stand back from high level grills while cooking

ü  Use protective gloves when handling hot equipment

ü  Use long handled tongs for removing individual pies & burgers

ü  Use a trolley when moving containers of hot liquids

ü  Fill container to only half or two thirds full

Slips, trips and falls

A common cause of injury is a slip, trip or fall. For this reason it important that you wear appropriate non slip footwear. To reduce the risk of slips however if the job you are carrying requires specialist protective footwear, this will be provided for you.


ü  Remove any obstructions (such as boxes) in the path of people

ü  Immediately mop-up spillages

ü  Notify colleagues and customers when a floor is wet or damaged and use wet floor signs.

Safe use of cleaning chemicals

There are 4 main chemicals we use within your area of work; these have been selected as they are the most effective and safest chemicals for the job.

The chemicals we use:
Suma Multi D1: Hand dish washing liquid – Clear Green liquid
Suma Multi D2: Hard surface general cleaner – Clear Blue liquid
Suma Bac D10: Detergent sanitiser - Clear Violet liquid
Taski Jontec 300: Neutral Floor Cleaner – Pale Green liquid / When to use it:
Washing cooking equipment and glasses by hand
Cleaning general surfaces during the working day (Not sanitiser)
Cleaning Food Prep / Serving areas to sanitiser the surfaces
Mopping floors – REMEMBER Wet Floor Signs!
Chemical Hazard Symbols

Health & Safety Section

Manual Handling
If you are required to move heavy loads during your work you should consider:
ü  Plan your lift – where is it to be placed?
ü  Do you need help? If so ask a colleague.
ü  Are there any obstructions along your route?
ü  Any obstructions should be removed.
ü  Is the load at a safe high to lift?
ü  Keep a wide base of support. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the other
ü  Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only. If necessary, put one knee to the floor and your other knee in front of you, bent at a right angle (half kneeling).
ü  Maintain good posture. Look straight ahead, and keep your back straight, your chest out, and your shoulders back. This helps keep your upper back straight while maintaining a slight arch in your lower back.
ü  Slowly lift by straightening your hips and knees (not your back). Keep your back straight, and don't twist as you lift.
ü  Hold the load as close to your body as possible, at waist level, this will reduce the leverage on your spine.
ü  Use your feet to change direction, taking small steps. /

Risk Assessments

The company has carried out risk assessments for all tasks, equipment and activities that are relevant to you job role. These have been included in this brief please ensure that you fully understand all the risks and hazards associated with your job. You need to ensure that you do not use any equipment or carry out any tasks without the suitable training, information or instruction from your supervisor or manager.

Risk Assessments Included:
Electrical Safety / Violence at Work / Highchairs
General Manual Handling / Beverage Dispensers / Hot Food Service Equipment
Task Specific Manual Handling / Cash Registers / Microwave Ovens
Goods Receipt and Storage / CO2 Cylinders / Portable Food Service & Display Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment / Cooking / Soup Kettles
Safety with Sharp Knives / Dishwashing, Glass Washing & Pot Washing Machines / Steaming Ovens (Steamers)
Damp Mopping / Equipment Washing in Sinks / Toasters (Pop-up, Rotary and Tunnel Toasters)
Disposal of General Waste / Flambé Lamps, Chafing Dishes & Similar Equipment / Water Boilers (Plumbed-in)
Trolleys, Sack Trucks etc / Free-standing Hot Water Urns / Working in Cold Rooms, Walk-in Chillers and Freezers
Handling, Use and Cleaning of Glass, China & Crockery / Polishing Glassware using hot water vapour / Waiting Tasks & Activities

Twickenham Experience FOH Health & Food Safety Brief 1.1 1

Ref. MAN 05

/ Task/Activity: Electrical Safety (Portable and Non-Portable Equipment) (Page 1 of 2) / Assessment date:25 July 2012
Unit No: 68686 / Unit name/location: TWICKENHAM EXPERIENCE LTD - RETAIL / Assessed by: Evan Judge
Hazard / Safety Risk / Safe System of Work / Control Measures
Short Circuits
Overloaded circuits
Loose Wires
Damaged or faulty equipment
Incorrectly wired plugs and equipment
Inadequate Earth-bonding
Contact with Water and Moisture
Who may be affected by the task/activity?
Compass employees/Agency staff
Customers / Client staff
Maintenance personnel / Electric Shock
Fire / Using Electrical Equipment
·  Equipment only to be used by trained employees, this training to include general electrical safety.
·  Follow manufacturer's user instructions where these are available
·  Wherever possible, nearest electric power socket to be used to reduce the length of trailing cables and to minimise the use of extension leads. Cables to be located to reduce tripping hazards and suitable warning signage to be displayed.
·  Ensure no strain is placed on the cable and connections.
·  Unless manufacturer’s instructions state differently, electrical equipment and cables must always be handled with dry hands and not allowed to become wet due to exposure to adverse weather conditions, spillages, splashing, cleaning chemicals etc.
·  Where extension leads and multi-point block adaptors are used, these should be properly secured, off the floor and not overloaded.
·  Equipment to be isolated prior to being cleaned, carrying out routine maintenance, cleaning filters etc.
·  Cleaning chemicals not to be sprayed close to electrical equipment or sockets.
·  Do not damage or disconnect earth-bonding cables when cleaning or moving tables and equipment. Where the earth bond has to be disconnected for maintenance or deep cleaning, it must be reconnected by a competent person.
·  Equipment used outdoors must be connected to a residual current device (RCD).
·  Checks to be made to ensure that electrical equipment is turned off where appropriate at the end of the day.
·  Equipment to be maintained by competent persons and in accordance with manufacturer's guidance where available, including Portable Appliance Test (PAT) and inspection where required.
Note: Where the equipment is double insulated (as indicated on the appliance by a symbol showing a square within a square) or where no earth wire is used, a PAT is not required
·  Fixed electrical installations should be inspected for safety at least every 5 years
Ref: MAN 05 / Task/Activity: Electrical Safety (Portable and Non-Portable Equipment) (Page 2 of 2)
Hazard / Safety Risk /
Safe System Of Work / Control Measures
Visual Checks
·  Employees to carry out visual checks to equipment before use to identify any obvious damage or defects. Checks to cover:
·  No obvious damage to the equipment and no loose or missing screws or other fixings
·  No burn marks or staining on the wires or around the plugs and sockets.
·  No coloured wires are visible where the cable is fixed into the plug.
·  Cables are not damaged with cuts, abrasions or squashed under heavy furniture or equipment
·  Plug and socket have no signs of damage with cracked or broken casings
·  The socket is securely fixed to the wall with no gaps around the edges
·  No taped joints in the cable and no damaged or bent pins on the plug.
·  Cables are not trapped between sharp up stands on stainless steel preparation tables and the wall
·  All the wires are stored in such a way that they do not cause a trip hazard or can be pulled from the socket or equipment.
·  Where defects or damage presents a risk of injury, the equipment should not be used. It must be switched off, isolated and labelled “Out of Order – Do Not Use”. The manager informed and not used again until repaired by a competent person. Employees must not attempt to affect a repair themselves.

Twickenham Experience FOH Health & Food Safety Brief 1.1 1


Site / Unit Name


Location being assessed

/ Front of House Areas / Date / 25/07/2012

Site / Unit Manager

/ Rob Brumell
1.  List below the manual handling tasks associated with the work activity.
2.  Using the diagram below and your judgement consider if the task involves low or high risk manual handling activities. Where the loads handled are heavier than the weights shown in the zones for women and men in the diagram, the task should be marked High risk.
3.  Special consideration must be given to the personal physical capabilities of children and young persons
4.  Where you consider a task to involve High Risks*, use the detailed Task Specific Manual Handling Risk Assessment to identify significant risks and control measures.
/ Overall Level of Manual Handling Risk (ü)
1.  Moving Tables / ü
2.  Moving Chairs / ü
3.  Movement of heavy duty boxes e.g. cutlery / ü
4.  Pushing & Pulling loaded trolleys / ü
5.  Lifting bags of linen / ü
6.  Removal of bags of refuse / ü
7.  Moving of stock e.g. cases of beverage / ü
8.  Removing trays of glasses from glass washer / ü