Authentic Learning

How I prefer to learn and work

We all learn or prefer to work in many ways, like seeing, hearing, talking, doing and using words, pictures or numbers. But for most of us, one or two ways suits us better than the others.

Use the following ratings to put a number beside each statement. Then add up the score
for each section to see how you learn or like to work. Take time to think about each question carefully so you get a correct profile of yourself. You may like to discuss your choices with your family/whanau/Learning Advisor.


(1) This is not like me (2) This is a bit like me

(4) This is a lot like me (5) I am always like this

(Note: There is not a 3 rating)

Questions / Rating
Social/Interpersonal – Taha wairua
I am social and like to do activities with other people.
It upsets me when I see someone mistreated.
I like taking the lead or organising other people.
I can talk to others easily.
Add up score
Solitary/Intrapersonal – Taha wairua
I know my strengths and my weaknesses about how I think and do things.
It is important to me to be doing the right thing.
I like learning more about myself.
I start things myself and don't need someone else to remind me.
Add up score
Physical/Kinaesthetic - Taha tinana
I find it easy to learn new movements.
I find it easy to solve problems when I am moving about.
I enjoy using my hands and I am good at making things.
I like to touch objects and hold things.
Add up score
Visual/Spatial - Taha hinengaro, tinana
If I am learning something new I like to see drawings and diagrams about it.
I like taking things apart and putting them back together again.
I often see clear images in my head when I close my eyes.
I like to draw my ideas and include a lot of detail.
Add up score
Verbal/Linguistic – Taha hinengaro tinana
I often talk to myself out loud or in my head.
It is important to me to be doing the right thing.
I like learning and using new words.
I enjoy talking and making up stories.
Add up score
Logical/Mathematical - Taha hinengaro
I can easily plan and organise the steps to solve a problem.
I can easily group and sort information and objects into categories.
I enjoy playing number games and solving mathematical problems.
I enjoy doing logic puzzles and jigsaw puzzles.
Add up score
Aural/Auditory – Musical – Taha hinengaro, tinana, wairua
I like having background music on.
Reading out loud helps me to understand what I am reading.
I like listening to music and I often have a song in my head.
It is easy for me to listen to instructions.
Add up score

Graphing your results
Make a bar graph either in your Learning Journal or on a computer, to show the results of this questionnaire.

Use these websites if you need help in making one using the computer:



Your graph might look like this:

Checkpoint: Write your comments in the boxes

·  Do you think your graph shows what you are like?
Why or why not?

·  Show your profile to someone else and talk about what this shows about you.
Do they think the graph shows what you’re like?

·  Read through the extra information on how learning and working preferences that you have, can relate to particular careers. Are there any careers that interest you, based on your strengths?

Either: Attach these notes and your graph into your Learning Journal
Or: Save this document to your e-Portfolio

AL How I prefer to Learn and Work May 2015