Jump Attack

The sports cliché for getting through difficult spots of a game is "mind
over muscle". In this program, your training success hinges on getting your
mind and muscle to work together, ever movement we make is neuromuscular- the
brain sends signals to the muscle.
During training focus on what their muscles are doing, what feels
good, what doesn't, if perfect form is being maintained. Each lift or drill
we are focusing on muscular action. Make it routine in your Jump Attack
training program- every step, every leap- and you will experience the
difference in your sport. When your mind needs to be on the game or match
rather than muscle fibres.
There is a good science to support this approach. the simple thought
process improves the "communication" between your brain and muscles.
Before u move on to the secrets of jump attack there are 2 things we have
to do. One is to determine your current vertical jump, so u can determine
gains from the program. With feet on ground reach as high as u can and touch
wall. Second do 3 jumps using all of your might to touch the same wall as
high as possible. The distance between the standing-only mark and the
highest of your jumps is your vertical jump.
These are the techniques for perfect form:
Fluid bending of the knees, on the balls of your feet hips and explode
upward. Your power comes from the abdominal and the torso. The arms should
act like a pendulum to continue maximum force and momentum. Keep a vertical
posture. It's all about staying erect in the torso from hips to chest to
shoulders, as you reach the peak of your jump.
a common mistake is tilting forward at the trunk the hips push rather than
Perfect form finishes with a soft landing. There should be little noise
as u land on the balls and toes of your feet-not just the toes. You want no
more than about 15 degree knee bend at the bottom of your jump and no
collapsing of the ankles.
Warming up the muscles before competition will improve performance.
Jumpers can actually gain a few inches in vertical leap with a disciplined
warm-up routine.
A suggestion is to jump rope for 5 to 10 minutes before a workout or a
game. Go at a steady pace, but not too rigorous. You want to break a light
sweat but not overtax any muscle groups. Feel free to incorporate single leg
hops and other variations.
If you don’t have a jump rope try an exercise bike, or do jumping jacks,
or gently skipping the length of the court for 5 minutes is a good warm-up.
a stretching routine can prevent injuries. More importantly studies show
stretching can impact leaping ability. The jump actually starts with a
stretch. Your muscles are rapidly elongated immediately before you leap into
the air, when those same muscles shorten to unleash to body.
Most of the Jump ATTACK stretches are static, which means u hold the
stretch in a fixed range of motion for a short period, usually 15-20 seconds.
You hold the stretch until u get a feeling of mild discomfort, but NEVER
pain. If the stretch doesn’t feel enough repeat the stretch.
Warm-up the muscles before u stretch
STRETCHING exercises
standing straddle left, right
go into straddle position keep knees slightly bend, slowly bend from the
waist toward the left knee, Hold for 15-20 seconds
standing straddle centre
same as before just reach down in front u with feet spread 2-3 feet apart
band stretch
in standing position, crossing left leg over right leg. Bend the knees
slightly. Slowly move your hands toward the ankle of your back leg. Hold
for the tension for 15-20 seconds. Repeat by crossing right leg over left
Butterfly stretch
hold 15-20 seconds
glutes stretch
lie on your back, keep left leg straight but slightly bent. Slowly pull the
right knee toward your chest, hands clasped over front of lower knee, until
you feel the tension. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat on left leg.
on back hamstring stretch
lie on back, with legs straight out, bring right leg up until it is almost
straight in the air, hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat with left leg.
forward lunge stretch
lunge forward with right leg, make sure knee goes no farther than the ball of
your foot. Push the left hip forward. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat on
other side
standing quadriceps stretch
stand next to a wall. Grasp the right foot near the toes. Pull your heel to
the glutes, hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat with left leg.
standing calf stretch
hold for 15-20 seconds
march with knees high in air for 30 yards.

strength program u have explosive strength but if u still want it i will
send it to u
exercises- lat pull down, shoulder press, upright rows, bicep and tricep curls
Think about how often u can end up off balance during a ballgame. You can
actually train your muscles to perform better when you are knocked of balance
Close your eyes and stand firm for 30 seconds. Then lift 1 leg up. Hold
the position for 30 seconds. When u can do this do the same thing with
squats then lunges.
Do this everyday
Keeping a log is helpful. think of it as your own sports lab class.
Write about games, practice, and grade yourself on overall performance and
jumping skills. Look for patterns and vow to work your weakness.
The jump attack program can also be done without weights, but u will see
more gains with weights
Part of the power of jump attack is eliminating behaviours or practices that
prevent you from the goals of jumping higher and competing more explosively.
Your diet can fall into either the positive or negative category.
Do not:
Skip breakfast
eat high carbohydrate snack foods
consume sugar rich foods
totally eliminate fat from your diet
eat five small meals through the day
eat nutritious breakfast
eat larges meals early in the day
eat balanced meals with protein carbohydrates and fats
In this program do TIMED SETS not REPS
50to60% of 1 rep max means if u can squat 100 lbs use 50-60 pounds
Week 1-4
weightlifting (50to60% of 1 rep max) two 20 second sets
Power cleans
dead lift
Toe raises
Jumping exercises (two 20 second sets)
depth jumps
barrier jumps side to side
box jumps lateral shuffle
Drills (each drill 10 seconds)
shot blocking drill
defence drill setting
defensive slide
Stretches (hold each stretch for 30 seconds)
Band stretch
back glutes stretch
standing calf stretch
Week 5-8
Weightlifting (70to80% of 1 rep max) two 20 second sets
jumping exercises (two 30 seconds sets)
Drills and Stretches stay the same
Week 9-12
Weightlifting (85-90% of 1 rep max) two 15 second sets
jumping exercises (three 30 second sets)
Drills and stretches stay the same
power cleans- Bring bar to thighs from floor. Your butt comes up in
preparation for the second pull, which moves the barbell from the knees to
upper chest. Involve legs, hips and back but keep arms straight. The legs
straighten and you extend on your toes.
shot blocking drill- Pretend as if guarding a defender, jump as high as
u can as if to block there shot.
barrier jumps side to side- Keep feet together and head straight ahead,
leap over barrier sideways, land in ready position and keep moving as quick
as possible. Start with hurdle six inches or less. Then work your way to 12
to 24 inches
Defensive drill setting- Practice springing forward and diagonal from
defensive crouch as if covering an opponent.
Box jumps lateral shuffle- Start with 1 foot on the box and other
outside foot on the ground. Hold your arms in defensive position, and
shuffle on and over box, lift slightly as u shift weight from one side to