American History 9 (Phelps) Name ______Period ______

Chapter 18 Reading Guide

Section 18.1 Pgs. 602-608 Due: ______

1.  At the Potsdam Conference, what did Stalin want from Germany? ______

2.  Why did Stalin feel “justified” in controlling Eastern Europe after WWII? ______

3.  What was meant by the term “policy of containment?” ______

4.  What part of the world received U.S. aid in the Marshall Plan? ______

5.  After WWII, which four countries occupied Germany? ______

6.  The Berlin Airlift was a response to Stalin having done what? ______

7.  What did the members of NATO agree to do? ______

8.  How was joining NATO unique in American history? ______

Section 18.2 Pgs. 609-608 Due: ______

9.  In what year did Communists under Mao Zedong gain control all of China? ______

10. How was China going Communist seen as a failure of the U.S.? ______

11. How was Korea similar to Germany after WWII? ______

12. Who supported the North Koreans in starting the Korean War in 1950? ______

13. Who came to the aid of the North Koreans in late 1950? ______

14. What did Gen. Douglas MacArthur want to do (that Truman did not)? ______

15. How did Truman handle the above disagreement? ______

Section 18.3 pgs. 616-621 Due: ______

16. How many Americans were members of the Communist Party during WWII? ______

17. What was the task of the Loyalty Review Board? ______

18. HUAC first major target was ______

19. Why were the Hollywood Ten imprisoned? ______

20. Who gained fame from the spying case against Alger Hiss? ______

21. In what year did the Soviets detonate their first atomic bomb? ______

22. What were the Rosenbergs charged with doing? ______

23. What has McCarthyism come to mean since the 1950s? ______

24. What became McCarthy’s downfall? ______

Section 18.4, pgs. 622-627 Due: ______

25. US detonated their first H bomb in what year? ______When did the Soviets? ______

26. How did Secretary of State Dulles view the Cold War? ______

27. How did the U.S. alter its armed forces for the policy of brinksmanship? ______

28. What two activities did the CIA of the 1950s focus on? ______

29. What did the Warsaw Pact countries have in common? ______

30. Eisenhower Doctrine: ______

31. How did the Soviet Union react to the uprising in Hungary? ______

32. How was Khrushchev different than Stalin? ______

33. What did the Soviet Union do in 1957 that scared us? ______

34. What policy towards the Soviet Union was the U.S. ready to give up by 1960 because it was too dangerous? ______

35. How did the U-2 incident effect U.S.-Soviet Union relations? ______