Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____

Periodic Table Test Review

1.Who was the first person to attempt to organize the known elements?

2.Moseley discovered that elements with similar properties occurred at regular intervals when the elements were arranged in order of increasing ______.

3.Who is the only scientist to have an element named after them while still alive?

4.Which of the following scientists determined that all elements < 60 had similarities every 8th element?

5.What is the periodic law and how is it used in the organization of the periodic table?

6.How did Berzelius organize all of the elements?

7.Which of the following is the only transition metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature?

8.What are the names of the different element groups?

9.Explain how we can tell the final orbital of an element without using an Aufbau diagram?

10.Answer the following questions by bolding the correct element.

a.Which has the smallest radius? PbN

b.Which has the lower ionization energy?GaKr

c.Which has the higher electron affinity? AlS

d.Which has the larger radius? WOs

e.Which has the higher ionization energy? ClF

f.Which has the lower electron affinity? RbSr

g.Which has the smallest radius? LiBe

11.Why are the noble gases unreactive?

12.Compare and contrast electron affinity and ionization energy?

13.Draw arrows that indicate the direction that each trend (atomic mass, radii, ionization energy, and electron affinity) increases on the periodic table.

14.When an oxygen atom forms an ion its radius increases, but when a patassium atom forms an ion its radius decreases. Explain this apparent contradiction.

15.Why are alkali and halogens are so reactive?

16.Write the standard and shorthandnotation for the electron configurations of each of the following elements:

6C 17Cl

23V 18Ar

17.Complete the Aufbau Diagram for the following atoms: 12Mn, 29Cu,