Campus Location:Georgetown, Dover, WilmingtonEffectiveDate: 2018-51

CourseNumberandTitle:HRI216 – PropertyManagement

Prerequisite:HRI101,(ENG102 or higher)

CourseCredits andHours:3 Credits


0Lab hours/week

CourseDescription:This courseincludes thebasic skills of engineering, maintenance, and energyconcepts in ahospitalityestablishment.

RequiredText(s):Obtain current information at or visit the bookstore. (Check your course schedule for the course number and section.)

Additional Materials:

MethodofInstruction:Classroom, Hybrid



1.Examine the role, cost, and management associated withhospitalityfacilities, as wellas the

major activities ofthe engineering/maintenancedepartment. (CCC2, 4; PGC 2, 4, 7)

2.Explain the importanceof environmental and sustainabilitymanagement in hospitality. (CCC2, 4; PGC 5, 6, 7)

3.Illustrate theimportanceofsafetyand securityinpublic accommodations. (CCC 1, 2, 3; PGC 1, 4, 6)

4.Discuss facilities management, includinginteriorand exterior buildingnetworks and systems such as heating,ventilation, air-conditioning, electricity, lighting, laundry, and equipment. (CCC1, 2, 3; PGC 4, 5, 6)

5.Explain the role of foodserviceequipment and maintenance. (CCC2; PGC 1, 4, 5)

6.Discuss the development process in facility design for food service and lodging, renovation, and capital projects. (CCC 3, 4; PGC 4, 5, 6)

SeeCore Curriculum Competencies(CCC)and Program Graduate Competencies(PGC)at the end of thesyllabus. Course objectives arecoded to the competency(cies)theydevelop.


Upon completion ofthis course, the studentwill:

1.Examine the role, cost, and management associated with hospitalityfacilities, as wellas the major activities oftheengineering/maintenancedepartment.

1.1Discuss whyknowledgeofmaintenance and engineeringis important forthe futurehospitalitymanager.

1.2Explain how maintenancedepartments’goals regardingpreventivemaintenance, repair, replacement, improvement, and modification correspond tothe overall business strategyand primarybusiness goals.

1.3Distinguishamongtheprimarycategories of afacility’s operatingcostsand the components and the various factors that affect each category.

1.4Describethe costsof renovation and modernization and the impact of facility design with consideration toafacility’s benchmarking and life cyclecosting.

1.5Analyzethe basic elements of abudget forpropertyoperation maintenanceand utilitycosts.

1.6Illustrate how technologyplays a keyrole incommunications with other departments.

1.7Explain the different types of energymanagement control systems, and determine when each should beused inahospitalityindustrybuilding.

1.8Discuss the circumstances under which to hire outside contractors.

1.9Recognizethat the maintenance department contributes directlyand indirectlyto revenue.

2.Explain the importanceof environmental and sustainabilitymanagement in hospitality.

2.1Discuss how the hospitalityindustry’s sustainabilityinitiatives evolved from the

1970’s energycrisis.

2.2Explain specifics ofthe hospitalityindustry’senergyconsumption, and determine the critical energyconsumptionoffunctional areas of buildings.

2.3Describetheliabilities ofpoor energymanagement in terms of its effect onboth

the hotel’s profitabilityand the community.

2.4Explain the conventional energyresources andthepotential pollution problems of each resource.

2.5Outlinethe issues involved with proper waterandwastewater management.

2.6Discuss thetriplebottom line, and describethe benefits of involvingstaff, customers, communities, and partnerships.

2.7Explain the role ofgreencertifications and planningtools.

2.8Identifyconservation measures with water, wastewater, and utilities.

2.9Discuss solid waste management techniques andthe components of solid waste management programs.

2.10Describetrends and benchmarking for environmental sustainability.

3.Illustrate theimportanceofsafetyand securityinpublic accommodations.

3.1Discuss theimportanceof lifesafetysystems, firecodes, andstandards.

3.2Outlinehow buildingdesign andmaintenance affect safety.

3.3Identifycriticalelementsof fireprevention, firedetection, and firenotification.

3.4Identifycomponents of firesuppression, fire control devices, and systems.

3.5Discuss protectivemeasures that can help mitigatetherisk ofinjury.

3.6Outline emergencyand contingencyplans.

4.Discuss facilities management, includinginteriorand exterior buildingnetworks and systems such as heating,ventilation, air-conditioning, electricity, lighting, laundry, and equipment.

4.1Discuss theimportanceof complyingwith electrical standards andcodes.

4.2Describeelectrical termsas theyapplyto a building’senergyconsumption.

4.3Discuss types, maintenance, and managerial decisions regarding heating, ventilation, air conditioning(HVAC)systems in providing guest andemployee comfort.

4.4Identifycomputerized facilities management systems for energyand maintenance.

4.5Discuss maintenanceconcerns oftheHVAC systems.

4.6Discuss how electric energyis distributed and how to decipheran electricbill.

4.7Describefactors in determiningwhat typeofequipment is necessaryand the basics oflifecycle costing.

5.Explain the role of foodserviceequipment and maintenance.

5.1Explain the relationshipbetweenamenu andequipment requirements.

5.2Reviewthe various equipment classifications.

5.3Describeessential equipment selection factors.

5.4Develop a preventivemaintenanceprogram for foodserviceequipment.

5.5Discuss theEnergyStartprogram and selection criteria.

5.6Reviewmaintenanceproceduresforlarge equipment expenditures.

5.7Discuss safetyfeatures toconsider when purchasingequipment.

6.Discuss the development process in facility design for food service and lodging, renovation, and capital projects.

6.1Describethehotel and foodservicedevelopment process.

6.2Discuss typical reasonsfor renovating.

6.3Identifydesign elementsin all areas, includingfront of the house and backofthe house areas.

6.4Describelightingsystem requirements and opportunities for conservation measures.

6.5Describeconcept development, and identifytheregulations that affect construction and operation ofhospitalityfacilities.

6.6Explain the makeup and responsibilities of theproject planningteam.

6.7Explain how a renovation plan is implemented, includingthe designand construction phases.

Evaluation Criteria/Policies:

Students must demonstrate proficiency on all CCPOs at a minimal 75 percent level to successfully complete the course. The grade will be determined using the DTCC grading system:

92 – 100 / = / A
83 – 91 / = / B
75 – 82 / = / C
0 – 74 / = / F

Students should refer to the Student Handbook ( for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.

Core Curriculum Competencies(CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop):

  1. Apply clear and effective communication skills.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.

ProgramGraduateCompetencies:(The competencieseverygraduatewilldevelopspecific to his/hermajor.)

1.Utilizemanagement roles andinterpersonal skills to lead/manage first levelemployees in


2.Prepare food and beveragemenus foravarietyofhospitalityrequirements considering price, quality, and selection.

3.Utilizeknowledgeoffacilities management to aid in decision making.

4.Perform cost calculations and applyto decision makingsituations pertainingto factors of production.

5.Evaluatelevels offoodsafetyand sanitation to maintain asafe and sanitarywork environment.

6.Integrate professional,ethical and legal standardsinto business practice.

7.Employthe various theories ofmanagement andmarketinginabusiness.

Disabilities Support Statement

The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your campus Disabilities Support Counselor if you feel that you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability. A listing of campus Disabilities Support Counselors and contact information can be found at or visit the campus Advising Center.