/ Harvest Billing System
MR10 Summary of Functionality
September 22, 2005
The following is a list of the enhancements and fixes included in Maintenance Release 10
Function/Subsystem / Summary /Access / Enhancement to change domain associations for the Ministry Scaling Administrator (MSA) role from scale-site based to district based. The MSA role is now based on scale site rather than forest district.
This improves productivity of HBS users since the time-consuming process of maintaining user site associations is replaced with much easier to maintain district associations. It also improves HBS performance since the user / site association table contains over 65,000 records but the user / district association table contains fewer than 1,000 records. One of these tables is referenced every time a scale return is viewed.
Anomalies / Repair to properly sort anomaly screens and reports.
P912 / R912 – Scaling Event Gaps and Duplicates
- Return numbers sorted numerically within scaler licence.
P914 / R914 – Weighing Event Gaps and Duplicates
- Weigh slip numbers sorted numerically within scale site.
P922 / R922 – Arrival Event Gaps and Duplicates
- Load arrival numbers sorted numerically within scale site.
P932 / R932 – Arrivals without matching Departures
- LDS numbers sort alphanumerically within scale site.
P933 / R933 – Departures without matching Arrivals
- LDS numbers sort alphanumerically within scale site.
P942 / R942 – Weigh Slips without matching Samples
- Weigh slip numbers sort numerically within scale site.
P943 / R943 – Samples without matching Weigh Slips
- Return numbers sort numerically within scaler licence.
P952 / R952 – Weigh Slips without matching Red Tag Scales
- Weigh slip numbers sort numerically within scale site.
P953 / R953 – Red Tag Scales without matching Weigh Slips
- Return numbers sort numerically within scaler licence.
This fix makes it easier for users to find and correct anomalies.
Anomalies / Enhancement to enable users to add a comment when clearing anomalies. A new screen, P955 – User Cleared Anomaly Details, has also been created to display the details of a user-cleared anomaly, including the user id of the person that cleared the anomaly, the date and time cleared, and the user cleared comment.
These enhancements make it easier and faster for users to determine why an anomaly was user-cleared.
Anomalies / Repair to correct a bug on anomaly screens which, under certain circumstances, caused the navigation buttons (First, Next, Previous, and Last) to not work properly and caused the incorrect reporting of the record count.
This fix makes it easier for users to find and resolve anomalies.
Anomalies / Repairs to correct minor formatting errors on anomaly screens and reports.
These repairs make it easier to read and interpret anomaly screens and reports.
Anomalies / Repair a bug to display Arrival Date on R922 – Arrival Event Gaps and Duplicates Report, and R932 Arrivals without matching Departures Report for all Arrival Ledger event types except To Site Deck (which does not have an Arrival Date).
Correct information displayed on the anomaly reports make it easier to investigate anomalies.
Anomalies / Repair a bug which resulted in incorrect data being displayed on P972 – List of Cut Block Departures and R972 – Cut Block Departures Report. For event types which don’t have an Arrival Date or a Scale Date, these fields are now displayed as blanks.
Corrected information display make it easier for users to investigate anomalies.
Anomalies / Repair a bug which caused Weigh Slips without matching Samples to be autocleared when they shouldn’t be.
This repair makes scale control more accurate because Weigh Slips without matching Samples will no longer be erroneously autocleared.
Anomalies / Enhancement to list the gap associated with the first record assessed for each scaler or scale site as zero. For example, if the first record assessed for a particular scaler has return number 100, the gap of missing returns is recorded as 0 instead of 99 as was the case previously. A further enhancement renamed the Gap Count column as follows:
Ø P912 / R912 (Scaling Event Gaps and Duplicates) – Missing Returns
Ø P914 / R914 (Weighing Event Gaps and Duplicates) – Missing Slips
Ø P922 / R922 (Arrival Event Gaps and Duplicates) – Missing Arrivals
A final enhancement changed the content in the former Gap Count column from a count of the number of missing returns to “FFFF – LLLL” where FFFF is the first missing return, and LLLL is the last missing return.
These enhancements make it easier to reconcile anomalies.
Anomalies / Fixed bug in anomaly batch job B1922 which caused all load arrivals from the previous year to be assessed as missing.
Arrival Event Gaps and Duplicates anomalies are now correctly reported.
Anomalies / Enhancement to add Assessment Date to all anomaly list screens and reports.
This enhancement aides users in interpreting anomalies by displaying the date and time when the anomaly was last assessed.
Anomalies / Repair to ensure that search criteria are correctly listed on anomaly list screens and reports.
Search criteria information is correctly displayed on screens and reports reducing confusion.
Anomalies / Corrections made to column names on anomaly screens and reports:
· P932 & R932 – “Source Site” column renamed to “Originating Scale Site”
· P933 & R933 – “Destination” column renamed to “Destination Site”
· P942 & R942 – “Destination” column renamed to “Destination Site”
· P943 & R943 – “Source Site” column renamed to “Originating Scale Site”
· P952 & R952 – “Destination” column renamed to “Destination Site”
· P953 & R953 – “Source Site” column renamed to “Originating Scale Site”
Repairs made to report R932 and R943 to display the originating scale site when this information is available.
Anomalies / Tightened the definition for anomalies of what constitutes a match when matching weigh slips with samples and when matching weigh slips with red tag scales.
For a weigh slip to be matched with a sample return, it must now also match on Timber Mark, Population, Stratum, Year, and Sample Weight in addition to Event Type Code, Weigh Slip Number, and Scale Site Number (when the event type is Sample Scale). When the event type is Remote Sample, the Scale Site on the sample tally must match the Destination Site on the weigh slip, and the Originating Site on the sample tally must match the Scale Site on the weigh slip.
For a weigh slip to be matched with a red tag scale, it must now also match on Timber Mark in addition to Event Type Code, Weigh Slip Number, and Scale Site Number (when the event type is Local Red Tag). When the event type is Remote Red Tag, two scale site comparisons are done: the Scale Site on the log tally must match the Destination Site on the weigh slip, and the Originating Site on the log tally must match the Scale Site on the weigh slip.
These enhancements improve anomaly management.
Scale Returns / Added HBS cross reference edits when editing sample log tallies so that the tally will be considered in Error if it does not match a weigh slip (based on the tightened definition of a match described above).
Added HBS cross reference edits when editing weigh slips to flag where more than one sample tally matches the weigh slip or where more than one red tag scale matches the weigh slip. Weigh slips will not go into error if there is no matching red tag scale or sample tally, but will go into error if there are duplicate matches. These enhancements facilitate correct data entry.
Scale Returns / Implemented enhancements to screen P046 – Search for Detail Scale Returns:
Ø Five options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”;
· “Single Site”;
· “Associated Sites” (for the ISA role); and
· “Sites in Associated Districts” (for the MSA, MBA, MCA, and MPA roles).
Previously, users were able to specify only a single scale site as a search criterion.
Ø Four options for searching by timber mark:
· “All Marks”;
· “Marks in Region/District”;
· “Single Mark”; and
· “Marks in Associated Districts”
Previously, users were able to specify only a single timber mark as a search criterion.
Ø Formatting changes to improve readability
Ø Edit checks and error messages to support the new query options.
These enhancements make searching for specific sets of detail returns more efficient.
Scale Returns / Implemented enhancements to screen P045 – Search for Summary Scale Returns:
Ø Five options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”;
· “Single Site”;
· “Associated Sites” (for the ISA role); and
· “Sites in Associated Districts” (for the MSA, MBA, MCA, and MPA roles).
Previously, users were able to specify only a single scale site as a search criterion.
Ø Four options for searching by timber mark:
· “All Marks”;
· “Marks in Region/District”;
· “Single Mark”; and
· “Marks in Associated Districts”
Previously, users were able to specify only a single timber mark as a search criterion.
Ø Formatting changes to improve readability
Ø Edit checks and error messages to support the new query options.
These enhancements make searching for specific sets of summary returns more efficient.
Scale Returns / Implemented enhancements to screen P041 – Search for Detail Scale Transmissions:
Ø Five options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”;
· “Single Site”;
· “Associated Sites” (for the ISA role); and
· “Sites in Associated Districts” (for the MSA, MBA, MCA, and MPA roles).
Previously, users were able to specify only a single scale site as a search criterion.
Ø Three options for searching by Submitter:
· “All”;
· “XML Transmission Creator”; and
· “Input User ID”
Previously, users were not submitter type as a search criterion.
Ø Formatting changes to improve readability
Ø Edit checks and error messages to support the new query options.
These enhancements make searching for specific XML Transmissions more efficient.
Scale Returns / Implemented enhancements to screen P024 – Search for Submitted Detail Batches:
Ø Five options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”;
· “Single Site”;
· “Associated Sites” (for the ISA role); and
· “Sites in Associated Districts” (for the MSA, MBA, MCA, and MPA roles).
Previously, users were able to specify only a single scale site as a search criterion.
Ø Three options for searching by Submitter:
· “All”;
· “XML Transmission Creator”; and
· “Input User ID”
Previously, users were not submitter type as a search criterion.
Ø Formatting changes to improve readability
Ø Edit checks and error messages to support the new query options.
These enhancements make searching for specific detail batches more efficient.
Scale Returns / Implemented enhancements to screen P047 – Search for Scale Returns in Submitted Detail Batches:
Ø Five options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”;
· “Single Site”;
· “Associated Sites” (for the ISA role); and
· “Sites in Associated Districts” (for the MSA, MBA, MCA, and MPA roles).
Previously, users were able to specify only a single scale site as a search criterion.
Ø Three options for searching by Submitter:
· “All”;
· “XML Transmission Creator”; and
· “Input User ID”
Previously, users were not submitter type as a search criterion.
Ø Formatting changes to improve readability
Ø Edit checks and error messages to support the new query options.
These enhancements make searching for returns in detail batches more efficient.
Scale Returns / Implemented enhancements to screen P911 – Search for Scale Event Anomalies:
Ø Five options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”;
· “Single Site”;
· “Associated Sites” (for the ISA role); and
· “Sites in Associated Districts” (for the MSA, MBA, MCA, and MPA roles).
Previously, users were able to specify only a single scale site as a search criterion.
Ø Ability to search by Primary Scaler Licence
Previously, users were not able to specify primary scaler licence as a search criterion.
Ø Formatting changes to improve readability
Ø Edit checks and error messages to support the new query options.
These enhancements make searching for scale event anomalies (including anomalies from all sites associated with the user) more efficient.
Scale Returns / Implemented the ability for users with the Industry Scaling Administrator or Ministry Scaling Administrator role to make bulk changes to detail scale returns. Bulk changes can be made to the following four fields:
1. Scale Site
2. Scale Date
3. Timber Mark; and
4. Pop/Strat/Year
Users with the Ministry Correction Approver role have the authority to approve or reject the bulk changes. This functionality was identified as a high-priority item on the Ministry user wish list and represents an improvement in productivity over making the above corrections for each scale return separately.
Document Delivery / Enhancement to add the Client Number and Location to the Statement Delivery email notification.
Industry Document Receivers for multiple companies and/or locations now know which user id to logon with to view their statements. Previously, they would have to try each user id on a trial-by-error basis until they were able to open the email link to the statements.
Ledgers / Implemented ability to search for Arrival Ledgers and Departure Ledgers by Event Date. The Event Date used depends on the Event Type of the ledger:
· For Arrival Ledgers where the Event Type is Scaled Before or To Site Deck, the Event Date is the Arrival Date;
· For all other Arrival Ledger event types, the Event Date is the Scale Date; and
· For Departure Ledgers the Event Date is the Departure Date.
Previously, users were not able to search for Arrival Ledgers with Scaled Before or To Site Deck event types or search for Departure Ledgers because these ledger types do not have a scale date, which was a required query parameter.
Queries / Implemented enhancements to screen P401 – Configure Scale Site Summary Report:
Ø Three options for searching by scale site:
· “All Sites”;
· “Sites in Region/District”; and