Agenda item: 7

Share the Vision

OCLC and FAB Libraries - improving access to accessible formats through a national public library catalogue.

1. Background

1.1. After the Revealweb project came to a close, it was agreed that RNIB National Library Service would continue to host book data from RNIB, Calibre, ClearVision, National Blind Children's Society and Torch Trust on the RNIB catalogue for three years, so that readers would continue to have access to an online catalogue for these services.

1.2. In addition, it was agreed that the information would be made available on the national UnityUK service managed by Online Computer Library Center, Inc.(OCLC), which enables libraries to search each other's data, largely for interlibrary lending purposes. This would continue to fulfil Revealweb's function as a notification of production of accessible formats for copyright exemption purposes, as well as continuing to allow interlibrary loans. As UnityUK is a subscription service, however,it is not available for public use except from computers within some public library buildings. In addition, it is not subscribed to by all local authorities.

2. Current situation

2.1. RNIB has subscribed to UnityUK since 2007, and makes a monthly upload of bibliographic data to the UnityUK database.

2.2. OCLC is currently working on a new catalogue for UK public library books and materials, FAB Libraries (Find A Book in Libraries). This will be based on OCLC's existing WorldCat service, which contains records from libraries worldwide. FAB Libraries will be branded differently and will display records from UK Public Libraries only.OCLC aims to complete work on a proof of concept for an initial launch by the end of 2011, followed by a full working version in Spring 2012.

2.3. OCLC aims to ultimately include all UK public libraries within the catalogue. Initially, the project will provide a view of holdings contributed toWorldCatby the 149 local authorities with a current full package subscription toUnityUK. (For further details, see

2.4. As a further point of information, in the first quarter of 2012 RNIB intends to replace its existing library systems with a new Axiell OpenGalaxy system. This will give readers a new library catalogue with more opportunities to find out about books and more control over their own preferences and book lists. It will however mean that we need to make a mass migration of our existing data during 2011.

3. Opportunities and progress

3.1. Including the former Revealweb data held by RNIB into the FAB Libraries catalogue would mean that accessible formats available for loan in the UK could befound in the same catalogue as all other UK library loan materials for the first time, and ensure that from the launch blind and partially sighted readers have access to information about the full range of materials available to them of the service. It would also greatly increase visibility of these materials to mainstream libraries. Through public libraries,it could also benefit those readers with sight problems who are unaware of - or unwilling to approach - specialist reading services for people with sight loss.

3.2. On 13 April 2011, OCLC demonstrated progress on the FAB Libraries catalogue at RNIB Stockport.

3.3. We looked at the interface and how it is currently possible to search for items in accessible formats. We identified some areas of work to make it usable by blind and partially sighted readers, including:

  • Investigate accessibility of the interface in detail
  • Improve the format searching capabilities (although you can currently search for e.g. Braille items, these cannot be refined to contracted and uncontracted. Similarly, there are currently inconsistencies in the terminology used for various types of audio books.)
  • Ensure that searches can be limited to only display a particular format (the system currently defaults to showing the titles that are geographically nearest to you, no matter what format they are in)

4. Next steps

4.1. OCLC are keen to work on these improvements with RNIB on behalf of the sector. As RNIB data is not currently included in WorldCat, we have upgraded RNIB's UnityUK subscription to allow us to load our data onto WorldCat and we will work with OCLC to identify how the necessary improvements to the interface can be made with the data in place.

4.2. We also need to consider:

  • Any changes to our data, and upload procedures, that may occur as a result of RNIB's migration to its new library system
  • Opportunities to improve and extend the way Calibre,ClearVision, National Blind Children's Society,Torch Trust and potentially other organisationscan manage their data on this system - either by changes to the way it is inputted into the new RNIB Library system, or by finding means to directly upload this data into FAB Libraries
  • User testing of the new service with access technology
  • Marketing of FAB Libraries to ensure blind and partially sighted readers are aware it is relevant to them

4.3. Feedback from the Share the Vision Board would be extremely welcome.

Jon Hardisty

Senior Librarian, Digital Services

16 May 2011