Category 2 (over £500 but less than £10k)

Application Form

You are invited to apply for funding greater than £500 but less than £10k. Applications for funding in this category could include, for example:

  1. Contributions towards funding for postgraduate courses
  2. Other non-credit bearing courses
  3. Learning activities related to service and quality improvement.

You must be able to demonstrate that the impact of your learning activity is aligned to national policies for health and social care.

NB: For funding up to (and including) £500, please use the Category 1 small grants application form. For funding of £10k and over, please use the Category 3 application form.


  1. Funding is provided for learning activities that are aimed at enhancing the capacity and capability of the allied health professional (AHP) workforce across health and social care. This includes AHPs, AHP healthcare support workers (HCSW) and AHP assistant practitioners.
  2. Applications are particularly welcomed from AHP HCSW and AHP assistant practitioners.
  3. Group applicants are encouraged to consider whether learning opportunities can be maximised to include staff from across the Career Framework.
  4. Contributions to funding for postgraduate courses (i.e. postgraduate diplomas, MSc or doctoral) will be limited to a maximum of £1,500 per person.
  5. All applicants must be able to identify their intended learning outcomes and the learning of other people included in this application.
  6. Funding for attendance at conferences will be subject to a maximum of £500 per person.
  7. There are a number of courses for which funding is frequently requested. It has become apparent that a more sustainable solution is required. We are, therefore, unable to support applications to these courses at this time. These courses include:
  8. AMPs (Assessment of Motor and Process Skills) training
  9. Sensory Integration modules.
  10. The scheme is not able to provide funding to support applications to pre-registration AHP programmes.
  11. The Fellowship scheme cannot provide capital funding, i.e. funding for equipment or licences.
  12. It is highly unusual for funding to be granted to support you to be released from 100% of your usual duties. Where this is required to support the learning, it is expected that additional sources of funding will be sought.
  13. You are encouraged to explore learning opportunities within Scotland. Only where you can demonstrate that no suitable learning opportunities are available in Scotland, will support for courses/travel out-with Scotland be granted.
  14. Where several members of the same team wish to apply for support for the same learning activities, an application will normally be submitted as a group.
  15. Applications from the AHP workforce within the third sector or local authority are welcomed where they are submitted in partnership with NHS AHP colleagues and where there is anticipated benefit to NHS service users and staff.
  16. In order to help the Panel make a decision on your application, you may be required to provide further detail and/or to attend an interview.


Your application must clearly state the learning objectives and the intended impact/ outcomes that it will achieve.Support from both your Line Manager and AHP Director/Lead is a pre-requisite requirement.

The application process is split into two forms:

Form A should be completed collaboratively by yourself and your line manager

Form B will be sent by the AHP Careers Fellowship administration team to the AHP Director/Lead with a completed Form A for review.

NB. Application is for AHP Careers Fellowship funding ONLY, if you are applying for funding to attend a course, you are also required to complete and submit an application form to the relevant learning provider.

Closing date for applications is 12.00pm (noon) on Friday 29 July 2016.

/ Data Protection: NES uses the personal data you provide for purposes associated with administering the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme. NES will add your details to our database and share your work contact details with other participants in the Scheme through our newsletter, Alumni network or other channels as deemed appropriate. If you would prefer us not to share your contact details, please contact For more information see Personal data will be retained in line with our records retention policies.

AHP Careers Fellowship

Summer 2016 opening timescales

  1. Applications open: Tuesday 14 June 2016.
  2. All applications will be collatedon close of the Fellowship scheme at12.00pm (noon) on Friday 29 July 2016.
  3. Applications willthen beforwarded to respective AHP Directorswith arequest toreview and support for return by 12.00pm (noon) onFriday 19 August 2016.
  4. The AHP Careers Fellowship Review Panel will be sent all supported applications on23 August 2016and will initiallymeet onThursday8 September 2016to allocate funding to successful applications. However, if the volume of applications is significantly higher than projected, there will be the need to organise a second Panel Review meeting.
  5. Communicationsdetailing theReview Panel's decision will be sentwithin14 days ofthe Review Panel meeting (by Friday 23 September 2016).


Form A should be completed collaboratively by you and your line manager and then submitted to NES by the closing date stated above. Applications received beyond the closing date will not be accepted.

SECTION A – to be completed by you

1. Applicant(s) details

First Name / Surname / HCPC number (if appropriate) / Job Title (if appropriate) / Employer / E-mail / Associated AHP Profession
Lead applicant

Add rows if necessary

2What is your core area(s) of practice?

Mental Health Outpatient *School

Learning Disability Acute Hospital *Social Work

Adult Health Health Centre *Voluntary Organisation

Child Health Community *Other, please specify

*NB please note if you are not an NHS employee your application must be submitted in partnership with NHS AHP colleagues and be supported by one of the NHS AHP Directors/Leads.

3.What best describes your work settings?

Remote Rural Urban

4.Indicate the career stage on the Career Framework for Health of all applicants.

Level 1 Support Worker Level 6 Senior Practitioner

Level 2 Support Worker Level 7 Advanced Practitioner

Level 3 Senior Support Worker Level 8 Consultant Practitioner

Level 4 Assistant Practitioner Level 9 More Senior Staff

Level 5Practitioner Not applicable

5.Please outline your intended learning activity(ies) giving as much detail including timescales as possible.

6.Please identify the intended learning outcomes for all applicants and any other relevant persons

Learning outcome / Who does this apply to?

7.How will you check you have achieved the intended outcomes, i.e. how will your learning outcomes be assessed?

8.If you are planning to undertake an organised course with a university, college or other training provider please provide name and contact details of the provider. Please also state the rationale for choosing this provider (especially if you have selected a provider outwith Scotland)

Course Name:

Course Provider:



Course start date:

Please outline why you have chosen this specific provider:

9.Please confirm that the learning opportunity has been identified and agreed by your Line Manager via KSF and your PDP or equivalent personal development scheme. (NB. Your line manager will be asked to supply details)

I confirm I do not confirm

10.Please indicate how your learning activity will support your development in one or more of the four career pillars (see website for guidance).

  1. Leadership
  1. Clinical Practice
  1. Research and Evaluation
  1. Facilitating Learning

11.Please be specific about how your learning will contribute to the implementation of national and/or local health and social care policies/strategies

12.Please indicate total costings required providing a breakdown and details of how costings will be used and who they should be paid to

  1. Total costings
  1. Breakdown of costings
  1. Finance department contact details



Email address:

Postal address:

13.Over what timescale will the costings be used?

14.Please indicate monies required for activities to be undertaken in this financial year, i.e. before 31 March 2017

15.Please provide details of any additional sources of funding contributing to the overall costs

16.Please note that if your application is successful, you will be required to provide a reflective learning report outlining your learning experience and outcomes, any barriers incurred and how these were overcome, and how you have or intend to share your learning.

We publish some of the best examples of learning reports to assist future participants. Do you agree to your learning report being published?

I agree

I do not agree

The next step is to discuss with your line manager and for them to complete the next form. Support from your Health Board AHP Director/Lead is also a pre-requisite and you are strongly encouraged to discuss with them before submitting.

SECTION B – to be completed by the applicant’s Line Manager

1. Line Manager’s details

First Name:
Job Title:
Tel No:
Allied Health profession you work within:

2.I confirm that the learning opportunity has been identified and agreed via the applicant’s KSF and PDP.

I confirm

3.Please include relevant extract from PDP or equivalent personal
development scheme.

4.Why do you support this application?

5.Please describe your commitment regarding how you willmake best use of the skills acquired over this learning opportunity.

6.Please describe your commitment regarding appropriate areas and tools for study, e.g. rooms and access to computer/equipment

7.a.The applicant has described their learning outcomes. Please describe the impact you expect on your service.

b. Please indicate how you intend to measure the impact and what data you could provide to demonstrate impact.

8.Please confirm that you will provide feedback (if requested) in relation to the applicant’s progress and maintenance of an appropriate skill mix within the clinical area.

I confirm

9.Have you ensured that there is equality of opportunity for this/these applicants to apply in the following areas:

Full and part-time staff





Sexual orientation

Religion and belief

10.If the application for funding is successful, you would be required to enter into an agreement and to its arrangements, undertakings and responsibilities as detailed in the answers to the criteria listed in this proforma

I confirm that I would be prepared to enter into an agreement as described above


Please save a copy of the completed application form for your own records.

E-mail the completed application form to

by the closing date of 12.00pm (noon) on Friday 29 July 2016.

Please be aware that applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Both you and your line manager will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the funding application. NES will contact the AHP Director/Lead directly for their supporting comments. Please note that you are advised to have discussed with the AHP Director/Lead and sought their support. If your application aims to be for Scotland-wide benefit, the AHP Director/Lead should be asked to raise this at an ADSG meeting.


AHP Careers Fellowship Category 2