
Sossaman Middle School Physical Education


Instructor: Susan Sorel


Course Descriptions

Team Sports is a class where team sport concepts are introduced and developed. As students advance their skills, they will continue to be challenged by strategies and complex play. Students will understand individual fitness levels and will obtain the skills to self-analyze through practical applications. A variety of world sport activities will be integrated into the program. Students will assess their current fitness level, identify areas for improvement and set goals for achievement.

Lifetime Sports is a course designed for all students interested in improving their overall personal fitness. Students will participate in individual activities designed to improve flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. Students will explore the different lifetime sports as well as some team sports. We will also participate in a variety of different fitness activities throughout the semester.

Class Expectations

- RESPECT: Be mindful of the equipment and those around you.

- Student must inform the teacher before class begins if they are ill or unable to participate. Please provide a note.

- Be on time.

- Have PE Interactive Notebook and iPad available daily.

- In order to earn full points, you must be dressed out properly and participate throughout the ENTIRE lesson.

- NO food or drink allowed during class (except water). Food brought to class may be shared with others. If you are not willing to share DON’T BRING ANY! NO GUM AT ANY TIME.

- NO cell phones or other electronics allowed (except when utilizing iPads)

-Students who are not prepared for class with materials and or proper clothes to dress out will receive an after school detention.

Classroom Management

1. If a behavior problem arises, the following consequence plan will be employed:

1st Offense – Verbal Warning

2nd Offense – Removal from class and Student/Teacher Conference, loss of behavior points

3rd Offense – Removal from class Parent Contact, loss of all points for the day/possible referral to office and administration

2. If a single behavioral interaction is a serious violation, a student can expect to be immediately referred to Administration and/or removed from class.

Locks and Lockers

1. Each student will have access to use a locker during class only. Items may not be stored in lockers when not in class. Students must bring PE clothes and shoes to class each day.

2. DO NOT bring any valuables to PE class. You are responsible for your own belongings. PE is not responsible for any stolen or lost items.

3. Locks and lockers will be issued to students for use during PE class only. If the student loses the lock, they will be charged a $7.00 replacement fee.

4. DO NOT SHARE your locker and/or combination with anyone else and NEVER leave your belongings in the locker/locker room outside of class.

Any locker room misconduct will result in a suspension from access to the locker room in the particular hour the misconduct occurred. All or select individuals will then participate in school attire rather than “dressing out”.



2.Students must wear socks!

3. Students must dress out every day. Spartan PE uniform is highly recommended. A plain light grey t-shirt with navy or black athletic shorts is an acceptable substitution.

4. NO tank tops, sleeveless shirts, short shorts or spandex type shorts are allowed. No leggings unless shorts are over them. NO undergarments may be visible at any time.


Students will earn 10 points daily. There will be five points given for behavior and five points for participation each day. Students will also be graded on their interactive notebooks, writing assignments, and unit quizzes.

SMS incorporates a modified 50% floor policy. Any assignment submitted by a student that is accepted by a teacher will receive a minimum grade of a 50%. A teacher has the discretion to not accept assignments from students that do not meet minimal standards of completion. On all assessments given by a teacher, there is no floor. Students will receive the mark/score they earned on the assessment. Any assignment that remains un-submitted at the end of the unit of study or two weeks after the original due date (teacher discretion) will remain/be entered as a zero in the grade book.

Letter grades are based on a percentage of total points possible.

A = 90%-100% B = 80%-89% C = 70%-79% D = 60%-69% F = 59% or below


1. Students with excused absences will be allowed as many days to make-up work as they were absent.

2. The student is responsible for any assignments missed. Alternative assignments or make-up tests may be given at the discretion of the teacher.

3. You are responsible for your grade. Therefore, it is your responsibility to check your grades.

4. If you are injured and unable to participate for an extended period you will be required to do a make-up assignment on Edmodo, or you may do a CLOSE reading assignment on a health article.

SMS encourages students to re-do/re-take assessments on which they performed below their desired level of mastery. In order to be eligible to schedule a re-do/re-take time with a teacher a student must complete the following tasks: (a) Ensure all assignments for the unit of study are turned in. (b) Meet with the teacher to establish criteria to complete the re-do/re-take form and associated tasks.

A student’s opportunity to re-do/re-take an assessment is always subject to teacher discretion.

Interactive Notebooks

1. Notebooks must be brought to class daily.

2. Students are responsible for maintaining notebooks, even when absent!

3. Literacy and Math standards will be incorporated into the Physical Education curriculum using the Interactive Notebooks.

4. Missing notes may be acquired either from the teacher or via the teacher’s web page.