ARTICLE I.Name and Location

This organization shall be called Lakewood Youth Football Athletic Association which also incorporates Cougar Elite Cheer. The location shall be the community of North Lakewood, Washington, 98259.

Article II.Purpose and objectives of the cooperation

Section 1.LYFAA shall operate as a non-stock, non-profit, non-political and non-sectarian corporation under the laws of the State of Washington.

Section 2.The purpose of LYFAA shall be to operate a high-quality youth football and cheer program as a member of North Cascade Youth Football League, which will provide the opportunity for such youth to:

  1. Build personal qualities of sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and leadership.
  2. Assure safety and competitiveness
  3. Build community pride and fellowship through parental and business involvement.

Section 3.LYFAA shall raise funds to achieve its above stated purpose and pay all legal debts.

Section 4.LYFAA is organized strictly to educate for athletic purposes.

Section 5.In the event of dissolution of the LYFAA organization, all assets acquired by the youth program will be donated to a similar non-profit organization that will be voted on and approved by a consensus.

ARTICLE III.Applicants in the football/cheer program

Section 1.Applicants in the football/cheer program operated by LYFAA, subject to the number of applications available and the limitations and rules set by LYFAA and those herein. This program shall be open and accorded to each parent or legal guardian of an eligible youth or youths who participate in the football program. Payment of appropriate application as described below. Applicants shall be limited to the number determined each year by the Executive Board.

Section 2.Eligible youths are those boys and girls who meet all medical and other qualification requirements set forth by the LYFAA. Returners will have a last date of return to register by, set forth by the Executive Board. “New Comers” that moved to the area and are not described as returners shall be accepted up to the date of Jamboree, to be given ample time to meet eligibility practice time.

Section 3.Players are those eligible youths who are participants in the football and cheer program operated by the LYFAA and have paid in full the appropriate registration fees. All registration balances are to be paid by the first regular season game. Failing to do so will result in the suspension of the player or cheerleader until debt has been paid.

Section 4.Team rosters are filled with players on a first come, first served basis based on attained age and grade level and prescribed by LYFAA. Registration shall have an opening time frame and a closing date for all players. Returners will have one date and new comers will have another. Those of 7th or 8th grade eligibility shall not be turned away due to expiration of middle school program from before LYFAA agreed to take over 6th grade and below, and will fall under closure date unless team needs to be filled out and agreed upon by Executive Board.

Section 5.LYFAA Executive Board has the right to refuse service to any individual as seen fit.

Section 6.Person hold team parent position will be at the Board’s discretion if applying to fulfill scholarship requirements.

Section 7.Scholarships are granted on a case by case basis. Persons interested in a scholarship must write a letter of hardship to present to the Executive Board. If granted, volunteer hours must be fulfilled. If granted 100% scholarship, 16 hours of volunteer work is mandatory; if granted 50% scholarship, 8 hours of volunteer work is mandatory. There will be no penalty for not fulfilling mandatory hours if spots are filled based on home field availability. Families on scholarship are required to volunteer at games. If they choose to not volunteer, and volunteer positions are available, their child may be ineligible to play the following week.

ARTICLE IV.Parent/Guardian Duties

Section 1.Parents/Guardians are to sign the Code of Conduct before Jamboree. They are to comply with the Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in a board decision as to the consequence, based on the severity of infraction. Parents/Guardians are to attend all weekly meetings. Parents/Guardians are to follow a 24 hour “cool down” time, before contacting anyone on the coaching staff to confront/complain.

Section 2. In the occurrence of a participant of the program being no longer able/willing to participate, an issued refund shall be granted upon the return of gear. If refund is requested before gear hand out, a full refund shall be issued. After gear has been issued, any refund after said date, will be subject to a $50 re-stocking fee. After first practice, yet before Jamboree, can result in 50% refund (minus restocking fee). After Jamboree, no refund will be issued.

ARTICLE V.Cougar Elite Cheer Policies

Section 1.It is our goal to provide a cheer squad for every LYFAA football team. Squads will split only if they can follow the following requirements:

  1. Minimum number of cheerleader to split squad: 20 or more will be a Coach’s decision, 24 or more will result in a mandatory split for Midgets, Juniors, and Seniors divisions (if that division in football splits). Pee Wee squad can split at 16 or more.
  2. Splitting procedures will be by coaches’ draft

Section 2.For cheer “play up” requests, a player must be turning the age of the age group the player is moving up to during the season and/or have two years of experience cheering at the current level with LYFAA. Requests to “play up” must be made each year and are subject to LYFAA Coach and Executive Board review. All requests must be submitted to the board in writing prior to the start of the season. LYFAA reserves the right to approve or deny a request. Should the board approve the initial request, the approval will not be complete until the end of the second week of season practice when the coach signs off on approval.

Section 3.There will be unison among cheer squad uniforms

  1. Skirt length for cheerleaders will be no shorter than fingertips. Failure to follow dress code will result in not participating.
  2. All cheerleaders are to have their hair in a standard ponytail or half up, if hair is too short. No long bangs, and hair must be out of face.
  3. Earrings are not to be worn during cheer practice, games, or competition
  4. Cheer uniform, including shoes, must be clean to participate, at Coach’s discretion.
  5. Parents will be at the field a minimum of 10 minutes before the end of practice or game. If late, a verbal warning will be issued. After second tardy, a written letter from the Executive Board. A third tardy will result in game suspension and eligible for termination from program.

Section 4.Coaches will lead girls at practice, games, and competitions.

  1. Cheerleaders must have participated in sideline cheer during the current season to participate in cheer competition.
  2. Cheerleaders must be at least 6 years old to participate in cheer competition.


Section 1.The regular meeting of LYFAA shall be held monthly. Date, time and location shall be determined by the Executive Board. Regular meetings shall be open to all members of the community.

Section 2.LYFAA will hold a year end meeting at the end of the fiscal year for the annual report.

Section 3.Executive Board may call special meetings whenever deemed necessary or in the best interests of LYFAA and its program.

Section 4.The Executive Board shall vote on a set date for opening and closing registration for both football and cheer programs.

Section 5.All head coaches must attend three board meetings during the off-season months and one board meeting during the season. They may send an assistant coach in their absence.

Article VII.Finances/Fiscal Year

Section 1.All funds shall be deposited in a bank or other depository approved by the Executive Board within 72 hours of collection.

Section 2.The Executive Board must approve all disbursements of funds and must be noted in meeting minutes.

Section 3.Requests for additional items by a coach will be voted on by the Executive Board. All items must be reusable and returned at the end of the season.

Section 4.All bills or expenses incurred by LYFAA will be paid by the corporation and paid in a timely manner.

Section 5. The only persons to handle money will be the chair persons, team moms, and Executive Board members; Before any of the above-mentioned individuals turns over money to the Treasurer, an email should be sent from that person to all Executive Board Members advising of monies being turned over.

Section 6.An annual financial statement is to be prepared and available upon request.

Section 7.If ever we have a monthly board meeting where bank statements, profit & loss statements and budget reports are not provided, there will be an emergency Executive Board meeting held within the following three days of that monthly meeting where everything required will be accounted for.

Section 8.LYFAA will perform an annual audit within the corporation.

Section 9.The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January and end on the last day of December.

ARTICLE VIII.Officers and Elections

Section 1.The officers of LYFAA Executive Board of Directors shall be, in the order of succession: President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 2.Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. The term of all posts on the Board of Directors shall be one year, commencing immediately in the year in which elections are held and expiring upon election of a successor.

Section 3. All officers can be re-elected to the same or other offices.

Section 4.All officers can be elected for unlimited consecutive terms.

Section 5. No two Executive Board members may reside in the same household.

Section 6.No officer may hold two positions within the board or simultaneously within the board and any chair position.

Section 7.Officer Vacancy- In the event of an officer vacancy, any member of the Executive Board shall call a meeting to hold elections for the office to be filled through the balance of the term.

ARTICLE IX.Office Duties

President: Gary Raymond

-Preside over all LYFAA meetings.

-Primary communication with league and coaches

-Conflict/Issue resolution with league, coaches, and parents


-Communications with school district

-Will update the web master with new information that needs to be posted.

-Will NOT vote on issues unless and until the event of a tie, will be deciding vote.

-Will be a signer on accounts and contracts

-All invoices that come in will be scanned to all members of the Executive Board before they are handed over to the Treasurer for payment; the President will keep a copy of each invoice until payment has been seen on the bank statement.

-Will check the post office box

-Oversee registration

Vice President(s)

-Attend all Executive Board meetings

-Vote on issues presented to and decided on by Board.

-In the event of the absence of the President, the Vice President will act on their behalf.

-Will not be a signer on bank accounts and will oversee the audit committee.

-Perform tasks delegated by the Executive Board

Co-Vice President duties as follows:

Scott Wilson

-Govern all committee chairs listed in the standing rules

-Vote on issues presented to and decided on by the Board

-Meet with the Treasurer and conduct a monthly internal audit comparing the bank statement, the emails that have been issued, any deposits and withdrawals that have been handled, etc.

Tyson Steen

-Communication with team moms

-Govern sponsorships responsibilities/volunteers

-Vote on issues presented to and decided on by the Board

-Attend NCYFL meetings in other co-vice president’s absence

(CHEER): Felicia Duran

-Schedule cheer events

-Register for parades and competitions

-Coordinate information with web designer

-Vote on issues presented to and decided on by the Board

-Ordering uniforms and supplies

-Send out emails

Treasurer: Morgan Jones

-Collection of funds from chair persons

-Hold all financial books and papers

-Co-sign all checks for the dispersing of funds.

-Financial report preparation and distribution upon request.

-Prepares budgets

-Accounts payable and accounts receivable

-Provide necessary paperwork for audit committee

-File annual taxes

-Send rosters and Insurance payment to NCYFL, send update as needed

-Vote on issues presented to and decided on by the Board

Secretary: Kim Capone

-Recording and distribution of meeting minutes

-Responsible for maintaining league records

-Assist with registration

-Schedule field usage with LWSD

-Oversee and run background checks for volunteers

-Prepare Coach binders, ensure necessary player information is complete per NCYFL rules and regulations

-Co-signer on all bank accounts

-Vote on issues presented to and decided by the Board.

Web Master: Derek Wickstrom

-Maintains website

Concessions Coordinator: POSITION OPEN

-Keep an inventory of items in trailer for concessions at home games

-Create a shopping list to be given to selected board member

-Manage concessions during all home games for all teams

-Non-voting position

-Attend all board meetings

-Coordination of scholarships

Fundraiser Coordinator: POSITION OPEN

-Oversee all voted upon league-wide fundraisers. This does not include the preseason cheer fundraiser to cover uniform costs.

-Non-voting position

-Attend all board meetings