May 21, 2016

The one hundredninthmeeting of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History was held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 21, 2016, at the Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martinsville, Virginia. Elevenof the fifteen trustees participated.

Trustees Present:James Severt, ChairmanLisa Wu, Vice-Chairman

Christine Baggerly, TreasurerJanet Scheid, Secretary Makunda Abdul-Mbacke Tom Benzing Jennifer Burnett Cord Cothren

Barry DorseyArthur Evans

Trustee Present Remotely: Tiffany Haworth, 64 S. Water Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602

Trustees Absent: Monica MondaySammy Redd

Gene SmithMary Voigt

Staff Present:Joe Keiper, Executive DirectorRyan Barber

Jim BeardDenny Casey Cindy Gray Gloria Niblett

Others Present:Smith Chaney, VMNH Foundation Board

Elizabeth Griffin, Virginia Attorney General’s Office

Call to Order and Approval of Minutes

James Severt, boardchairman,called the meeting to order at 10 am.

Dr. Evansmoved that the minutes of the March 5, 2016 meetingbe approved as submitted. Dr. Abdul-Mbackeseconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Treasurer’s Report

Christine Baggerly gave an overview of the quarterly financial report.

Dr. Keiper presented the museum’s proposed annual budget for approval.

Dr. Evans moved that the 2016-2017 Budget be adopted as presented. Dr. Dorsey seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Executive Director’s Report

Each Trustee received a copy of the Museum Without Walls (MWW) 2015-2020 Dashboard Progress Report. Dr. Keiper stated that he is pleased with the progress made. He reminded everyone that MMW is a 2 plus 3-year document. An off-site retreat is being planned for the board’s May 2017 meeting to look at and re-evaluate the plan if necessary.

Dr. Keiper, Dr. Beard and VMNH Outreach Educator Susan Walton, met with Delegate Marcia Price and Mayor McKinley Price of Newport News, opening the door to pursue placing a VMNH exhibit in a small visitor center there.

Dr. Alex Hastings is reinitiating the Wyoming Dinosaur Dig. A team will leave on 19 June for a 3-week dig to excavate a long-neck dinosaur of which we have some elements already in the Fossil Overlook.

VMNH Foundation hosted its annual Grapes & Grains fundraising event on Saturday, 9 April.Nearly 350 tickets were purchased (our largest crowd to date). The event grossed just over $23,000 in revenue and netted $15,967. Proceeds benefit the VMNH Discovery Fund.

A list of upcoming events was given. 51 events are scheduled between May 2016 and July 2017.

02 Revenue (admissions, café, store) is up 27% through March 31st over last year.

03 Revenue (unrestricted funds in the Foundation) is up 8% from last year.

18 VMNH Adventure camps are scheduled for the summer. Camp scholarships are being funded by VMNH Foundation, Kiwanis, ASTC grant and an individual master naturalist donation.

There has been a tremendous increase in home school programming, with 91 students participating in 18 sessions.

VMNH partnered with Southwestern Piedmont STEM Education Collaborative to host the first regional Science/STEM Showcase on 30 April. 80 student projects were showcased.

Research and Collections Committee Report

Dr. Art Evans presented the Research and Collections Committee report. A quorum was not present at the meeting.

Dr. Evans moved that the board approve the renewal of Bryan Axsmith as a VMNH research associate. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Dr. Jim Beard, in collaboration with scientists from around the state, announced the publication of “The Geology of Virginia”. The book is a snapshot of our current understanding of the regional geology, economic geology, and geologic hazards of the Commonwealth. It is the first comprehensive volume published on Virginia’s geology in over 100 years. A $20,000 donation was made to cover publication cost. The book will be available for purchase in July. Pre-orders are being accepted on the museum’s website.

Development Committee Report

Christine Baggerlypresented theDevelopment Committee report.

The following items were discussed at the Committee’s 19 April 2016 meeting:

  • Role of the Committee.
  • Endowment growth via planned giving, possibly establishing a planned giving society.
  • Development of giving levels in the Discovery Fund, emphasizing public recognition of donors.
  • Big picture goal of focusing on state-wide funding.
  • Strengthening relationship with the Foundation.

Facilities Committee Report

Dr. Barry Dorsey presented the Facilities Committee report.

The Starling Avenue facility is showing signs of normal wearandtear. Maintenance items being addressed include the recarpeting of all areas and replacing doors and failing hinges. The total cost will be $150,000 which will be taken from maintenance reserve.

The Committee voted unanimously for the Director to bring forward the concept of an Outdoor Education Pavilion to the full Board for discussion.

  • Dr. Keiper presented the concept, which would be located at the rear of the Starling Avenue facility. He stated that he has interacted with an architect from Jim Burton and Associates and provided a rough sample diagram for review. The purpose of the pavilion would be to provide additional usable square footage, rental opportunities, and additional education space. Durable exhibits could also be placed on the pavilion. The project will run approximately $125,000.
  • Dr. Keiper also presented a possible second phase of the pavilion concept. A 1000 foot canopy walk could be built to bring people from the pavilion straight into a raised walkway at canopy height, connecting the main building to Wilson Park.
  • Mr. Severt moved that the Board authorize the staff to work with the architect to get several options on the table and, with the cooperation of the Foundation Board, to come up with a strategic direction to move forward. Dr. Evans seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Nominating Committee

A slate of nominees for the 2016-2017Executive Committee was presented. Nominees were: James Severt II, Chairman; Barry Dorsey, Vice-Chairman; Christine Baggerly, Treasurer; Janet Scheid, Secretary. Mrs. Wu asked for nominations from the floor. Hearing none, Mrs. Wu moved that nominations be closed and that the officers be accepted by acclamation. Dr. Abdul-Mbacke seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

New Business

Resolutions were read honoring Lisa Wu (Attachment A) and Sammy Redd (Attachment B) for their years of service on the Board of Trustees. Mrs. Scheid moved to accept the resolutions as read. Dr. Evans seconded. The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Janet ScheidJames W. Severt, II


Attachment A

WHEREAS, Lisa Lyle Wu has demonstrated an abiding interest in education and natural history through the years,

WHEREAS, Mrs. Wu has served 13 years on the Board of Trustees,

WHEREAS, Mrs. Wu has spent endless hours and much effort in promoting VMNH,

WHEREAS, Mrs. Wu has diligently and conscientiously performed her duties as a member of the Board in the best interests of all the citizens of the Commonwealth,

WHEREAS, Mrs. Wu has played an important role in the development of VMNH and her services will be greatly missed,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History gratefully expresses to Lisa Lyle Wu its appreciation and the thanks of the citizens of the entire Commonwealth for the diligence and conscientious dedication with which she has served VMNH and wish her well in her future endeavors.

Done this 21st day of May 2016, in Martinsville, Virginia, by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History.


Joe. B. Keiper, Ph.D. James W. Severt, II

Executive Director Chairman of the Board

Attachment B

WHEREAS, Sammy Redd has demonstrated an abiding interest in education and natural history through the years,

WHEREAS, Mr. Redd has served 10 years on the Board of Trustees,

WHEREAS, Mr. Redd served two terms as Chairman of the Board of Trustees,

WHEREAS, Mr. Redd has spent endless hours and much effort in promoting VMNH,

WHEREAS, Mr. Redd has diligently and conscientiously performed his duties as a member of the Board in the best interests of all the citizens of the Commonwealth,

WHEREAS, Mr. Redd has played an important role in the development of VMNH and was recognized as a Jefferson Award recipient,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History gratefully expresses to Sammy Redd its appreciation and the thanks of the citizens of the entire Commonwealth for the diligence and conscientious dedication with which he has served VMNH and wish him well in his future endeavors.

Done this 21st day of May 2016, in Martinsville, Virginia, by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History.


Joe. B. Keiper, Ph.D. James W. Severt, II

Executive Director Chairman of the Board