Welcome to the Farm Room!

A Guide to your Toddler’s Day!

Dear Families of the Farm Room,

We are excited that you and your child are a part of all the fun in the Forest Room. We want to ensure that your child is as successful here as possible. Attached you will find some useful information to help make this time easier for you and your family.

The Farm Room Daily Schedule

7:00-8:00 -Arrival/Good Morning Activities

8:00 -8:30 -Breakfast Time

8:30-8:45 -Free Play/Diapers/Potty

8:45-9:00 -Circle Time (Music and Reading)

9:00-10:00 -Gym

10:00-10:15 -Snack

10:15-10:30 -Free Play/Diapers/Potty

10:30-11:00 -Outdoor Play/Messy Art Play (Dependent Upon Weather)

11:00-11:30 -Lunch

11:30-11:45 -Brush Teeth/Diapers/Potty

11:45-2:30 -Nap/Rest Time (Some Variation Depending Upon Sleep Pattern of Individual Child)

2:30-2:45 -Snack

2:45-3:00 -Afternoon Circle Time (Music and Reading) Diapers/Potty

3:00-3:15 -Preparation for Outdoor Play/Messy Art Play (Dependent Upon Weather)

3:15-4:30 –Outdoor Play/Gym/Art Play (Dependent Upon Weather)

4:30-5:00 –Free Play/Diapers/Potty (Pick-Up Time)

Sign In/ Daily Sheet:

Located to the right of our classroom you will find our daily sign in/out sheet. Please make sure that you sign your child in/out daily. Each child will have a “Daily Sheet” labeled with his/her name at the top. This sheet is a quick guide to your child’s day here at The Academy. Please remember to take this sheet home with you every day, as it may contain an important message, such as being low on diapers.


In the Forest Room we provide breakfast and morning/afternoon snacks for each child. If your child has any dietary restrictions, food/skin allergies/sensitivities please let us know immediately (even if your child is transitioning from one classroom to another, it is always important to make your child’s new teachers aware of these circumstances). If you are interested in enrolling in The Academy’s meal plan for lunchtime, please see the last page of this letter. In the Forest Room we are encouraging all of our children to use a sippie cup appropriate for your child’s age (typically 12 months and up). You may bring a bottle to leave with your child for the week, but please be sure to label with their name or initials. We are also encouraging the use of utensils during breakfast and lunchtime. By introducing your child to these items early we are able to increase their fine motor skills and also help make their future transition into the Jungle Room that much easier. We urge parents/guardians to try these utensils during dinner at home!

Things to Bring:

Please look over the following list to make sure that your child has everything that he/she needs to have a successful day at the Academy! *PLEASE BE SURE TO LABEL ALL ITEMS LEFT FOR YOUR CHILD!

•Bedding Bag (Crib Sheet, Lovie, and Blanket)

•Weather appropriate extra clothing

•Bathing Suit, Water Shoes (Summer)

•Snow pants, Hat, Mittens (Winter)

•Diapers, Wipes, Rash Ointment

•Pacifier, Bottles (Only If Needed by Individual Child)

•Tylenol (Only If Needed By Individual Child) *Parent/Guardian Must Sign Waiver for Tylenol Administration

We want our families to know they can always openly discuss any questions or concerns they may have about their child, their development or the overall classroom. Communication between our families and our teachers is a key component to everyone’s success and development here at The Academy, and please feel free to give us a call during the day if you would like to check in on your child!

Thank you,

Miss Kathryn and Miss Lydia

Contact Information:
Farm Room phone: (207) 854-4000 (ext. 2)


In order to provide your child with the best care possible please take the time to fill out the Individual Care Plan on the following page and return to discuss with me. This will help me understand more about the most important routines in your child’s day and then help us provide better care. Individual Care Plan

