September 26, 2017

Dear NCCS Families,

This letter is a reminder that we have several students and staff members who have severe food allergies to peanuts/tree nuts. It is important that there is strict adherence to the policies regarding peanuts and tree nuts on campusin order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. Any exposure to peanuts/tree nuts may cause a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency medical treatment. To reduce the chance of this occurring, we are asking that you comply with the following procedures.

If your child has eaten peanuts/tree nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.

When volunteering in the cafeteria, please be aware of and follow all cleaning procedures to ensure that cross-contamination does not occur. Blue cloths and scissors are to be used on the Nut-Free Tables only. Confer with cafeteria and instructional staff if you have any questions.

When joining your child for their birthday lunch, please consult with the teacher in advance if you plan on inviting a classmate to join you, so that we can ensure individual guidelines are met. The classroom teacher will inform you of acceptable options for the Birthday luncheon.

Treats for special celebrations, such as Fall Festival and Last Splash, are to be peanut and tree nut free.

Designated nut free classrooms must remain nut free at all times. In these classrooms, should a lunch containing peanut butter, Nutella, nuts or other items consisting of nuts be brought to school, that lunch box must be stored in the front office until the students’ lunch begins. At this time, our nut free classrooms include;Ms. Williams, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Latham, Mr. Dowdell,Mrs. Reid, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Ellis, Ms. Lorance and Mr. McLellan

We are asking your help to provide our NCCS family safe in their school environment. Thank you for cooperation and support.

Dr. Jessica Keaton
