Minutes Exchange of Metered Data Project, April 15th and 16th 2009

Date: Wednesday 15th of April Thursday 16th of April

Time: 09.00 AM – 18.00 PM 09.00 AM – 15.00 PM

Place: TenneT

Utrechtseweg 310, meeting room Z01-01/02 (TenneT main office building)
6812 AR Arnhem, The Netherlands

Phone: +31 26 3731111 (reception)

Participants: Vlatka Cordes

Jörg Ferchow

Adrian Fuchs

Juraj Horvat

Joost de Geus

Preben Høj Larsen

Christian Odgaard

Kees Sparreboom

Documents: actions done by ebIX EMD

Updated version for ebIX EMD model for Measure, Determine Switch Stand 1.0.B + ABIE’s and QDT’s used in the model

1.  Opening

As a new participant representing the vendor group Jörg Ferchow (SAP) was introduced. Jörg replaces Jörg Flügge (SAP).

2.  Approval of agenda

Swissgrid sent a document containing two issues. These were added to the agenda under item 10.

ebIX CuS decided not to use the Processability Error Report anymore, because this report is regarded as not to be in line with the UMM-patterns. Will ebIX EMD follow this approach? Added to item 10.

Kees prepared an overview over tags used now in the EMD models. Discussing the document was also added to item 10.

3.  Approval of the minutes

The minutes were approved.

4.  Action list

The action list was updated.

5.  Report from:

5.1.  ebIX ETC model group

Kees presented the status of the work done by the model group sofar.

5.2.  ebIX CuS

ebIX CuS decided to ask the ebIX Forum whether ebIX adopts the supplier centric best practices as published by ERGEG as starting point for our models. Since these documents are not clear about all the consequences for ebIX models, the Forum is asked to contact the European organizations if the answer is yes in order to clarify the consequences for ebIX modelling.

ebIX EMD will as a consequence include the supplier in the business requirements for the change of metering responsible. But we object to the mapping of this supplier to the harmonized role balance supplier (see further item 8)

ebIX CuS decided not to use the Processability Error Report anymore (see further item 10).

5.3.  E-Entso

In the new proposal for terms of reference for ENTSO the present TF EDI is placed under ENTSO market group. Membership, tasks and responsibilities have still to be decided. Maurizio Monti (RTE) is appointed as convenor.

Christian expressed his worries about the present proposals, since he learned, that also in the regional groups subgroups for the specification of information exchange could be established. An example would be the information subgroup for the retail market in the regional group North (or the Nordic group?).

Lucy proposed to ask the respective country’s ETSO SC member: what do we want from now? Do we need a TF EDI somewhere within E-ENTSO next to ebIX and next to a TF EDI in the ENTSO Operations Group? A second line of approach could be to try to influence the decisions on the terms of reference for the EDI-group(s) within ENTSO and limit their work to designing the business requirements in combination with one technical group for the European sector.

5.4.  IEC

We have not heard anything from IEC wg16 nor from wg14.

5.5.  National developments


·  according to new proposals for the business rules for the change of supplier this change will have to be completed within 14 days;

·  new business rules for a supplier centric move (like NO) are being discussed;

·  according to these new rules also the cancellation will have be completed within 14 days;

·  the use of smart meters for an in-between group Metering Points (non-profiled on hourly basis instead of 15 minutes) is being discussed;

·  the introduction of pre-switching information (master data and maybe historical metered data for new supplier) is being discussed;

·  the migration from MSCONS to UTILTS or even XML is being discussed;

·  reducing the deadline for metered data (shorter at least than the present 5 weeks) is being discussed.

It is intended to decide on these issues before the end of 2009 and then to implement before the end of 2010.


·  the new processes for the liberalised market work well (since 1rst of February);

·  metered data quality is an issue;

·  first settlements have been done and invoiced (and paid for);

·  within Switzerland 6 or 7 big BRP’s act for many small BS’s. Here Swissgrid needs some clarification about the role model (see item 10)


·  new market rules are planned to be adopted during the first half of 2009 for later implementation; the actual content is not yet clear;

·  as a consequence there will be new processes defined between suppliers and grid;

·  a discussion started regarding the exchange of metered data. ebIX suggests to adopt the ebIX EMD documents.


·  a decision is expected end of April 2009 regarding the market rules for liberalised metering market, to be implemented before 1rst of October 2010;

·  imbalance settlement market rules are still being discussed. BS’s are left out of the process, but then a serious issue will be who will take over the responsibility for consequences of poor data quality;

·  Vlatka proposed to adopt the harmonized role model for the German market rules. This triggered a still ongoing discussion;

·  a new group has been founded for DSO’s and TSO’s in regions where TSO borders transcend national borders.


·  a recent political decision has made a forced introduction of smart metering impossible. The consequences for the whole project for smart metering have now to be reviewed.

6.  Roadmap 2009

6.1.  Converge EMD and CuS models before end of 2009

·  First priority for ebIX EMD will be the creation of the UMM-2 version of the present model plus the completion of Business Requirements for Change MDR + MD MP.

·  Second priority will be the requirements for smart grid control incl. MD Meter.

·  The planned ebIX EMD meeting in June will be skipped.

7.  Metering Europe October 2009

Participation will be decided by ebIX Forum (because of budget problem).

8.  Business Requirements Specification (BRS) for master data required by EMD models

8.1.  Change of Metered Data Responsible

In view of the intended supplier centric approach, the supplier is regarded as the customer’s agent. This Customer Agent will be proposed as a new harmonised role (action: Kees and Vlatka). The model (and document) were updated accordingly.

8.2.  Master Data MP

8.3.  Questions from ebIX CuS were reviewed:

·  Use of balance Groups is not recommended

Decision by ebIX EMD: Balance Group is kept in the business requirements, but with the addition of a remark, that the use is not recommended by ebIX;

·  Remove Balance Group from model since Austria does not need it anymore (combination of Balance Supplier and Balance responsible is enough)

Decision by ebIX EMD: see above

·  Can we rename reconciliation information into allocation information? Should its cardinality be 0..* (both directions)??

Decision by ebIX EMD: name is not changed; cardinality is not changed since we do not know of any situation with profiles for production.

·  Can direction then be optional

Decision by ebIX EMD: direction is removed

·  Can standard load profile be optional

Decision by ebIX EMD: standard load profile is made optional.

8.4.  Master Data Meter/Register

·  UseCase Diagram:

183.1.  Balance Supplier and Grid Access Provider were added as linked roles;

·  Class Diagram:

183.1.  Name and definition/specification for “Meetveld” remain an issue;

183.2.  Balance Supplier and Grid Access Provider were added as receiving linked roles;

183.3.  MP-type is changed into Direction with literals “in” and “out”;

183.4.  Control MP is removed together with the accompanying enumeration;

183.5.  Communication with meter is specified in more detail; everyone is asked to check the national requirements with respect to the electronic medium and electronic protocol (action: all);

183.6.  Address-Location is for the time kept as it is, but everyone is asked to check the national requirements (both attributes and types of address) (action: all);

183.7.  Everyone is asked to check on available meter types (a list mainly defined by regulated/standard types?) (action: all)

9.  Identification scheme for Meter/Register: ebIX proposal?

After a brief discussion, we concluded that we will need a standard identification scheme for registers, meters and probably “smart boxes”. But we also concluded, that ebIX may not be the most likely organization to come up with a proposal.

Preben and Christian mentioned a national Danish standards initiative as a response to a request from CEN/Cenelec and ETSI. Dansk Standards replied positively to their request to start the work on standardizing the identification scheme. The CEN/Cenelec-ETSI request was triggered by a European Commission document with identification M/441 EN. We concluded that for the moment the best way to proceed is, that everyone will check the response from the respective national standards organization to this request (action: all).

10.  Remaining questions/issues regarding BRS/RSM documents resulting from EMD so far:

10.1.  BRS Measure Determine Switch Stand 1.0.B

The model document was reviewed. There were no questions regarding the class diagrams or the mapping in RSM. However, some questions arose with respect to the processes in the business requirements. Mainly about the UseCases. Kees will check and if necessary update this. (action: Kees)

Remark: Processes (UseCases and Activity Diagrams) have been checked and where necessary been updated. Resulting version 1.0.B.

10.2.  Tagged values

Kees presented the way tagged values for indicating versions for RSM Class Diagrams and for Core Components were added to the UML-model. These tagged values are mainly used for deriving the XML-schema’s from the UML-model and for mapping to Edifact.

Decision by ebIX EMD: As a consequence of the discussion, the UML-package (to which the tagged values are added) that enclose the Class Diagrams for RSM and for Core Components will be shown in the Class Diagrams. In this way this information is not only available in the UML-model, but also visible for the human eye.

10.3.  Do we need Processability Error Reports for metered data?

Yes at least for the time being ebIX EMD will model Processability Error Reports. Although we see, that a Processability Error Report is not really in line with UMM transaction pattern “Notification” for the exchange of metered data. However in due time the error report might be replaced by a kind of request for alternative data.

10.4.  Swissgrid issue

Cannot we combine metered data for different purposes into more generic exchanges without specific reason for transaction?

Conclusion by ebIX EMD:

1.  We assume that the present documents represent properly the business requirements;

2.  There may be reason to look at specifying actual exchange as a separate step in order to at least reduce redundancy in exchange:

a.  Combine requirements in order to come to combined exchange after these requirements have been established

b.  Map the requirements to one more generic exchange structure ( a kind of intermediate UNSM) and in this way reduce redundancy in data exchange.

3.  We reaffirm, that not only the specification of the requirements, but also the actual exchange of data will follow the role model (exchange will also remain role specific and will not be combined in sets per company).

4.  Since we don’t know yet which arguments or principles to use in mapping the results of the business requirements to efficient exchange we will look at some “prototypes” and try to deduce arguments/principles from practical examples. Adrian will try to work out an example (per mail). (action: Adrian)

5.  We will have a look at the role model and more specifically to the grid roles in order to see what level of differentiation is necessary. (action: all, next meeting)

11.  Work plan for next meetings

·  Meetings till next ebIX Forum

o  EMD 34: 23rd and 24th of September in Stockholm (Sweden)

·  Topics: yet to be decided in view of the decisions made during the spring Forum meeting (end of April)

12.  Any other business


Appendix A  Participants in ebIX metered data project


Name / Company / Telephone / Mobile / E-mail
Vlatka Cordes / RWE / +49 234 515-1638 / +49 162 2519714 /
Filip Drijkoningen / UMIX / +32 11 722436 / +32 495 586471 /
Adrian Fuchs / Swissgrid / +41585802328 / +41764053179 /
Joost de Geus / TenneT / +31263732605 / +3164138700 /
Gerard Hoogenraad / Swissgrid / +41585802329 /
Oscar Ludwigs / SvK / +4687397784 / +46705397784 /
Lars Munter / SvK / +4687397850 / +46705397850 /
Christian Odgaard / Energinet.dk / +45 76 224463 / +45 23 338555 /
Preben Høj Larsen / Energinet.dk / +45 76 22 42 47 / +45 23 33 88 66 /
Lucy Sarkisian / TenneT / +31263731631 /
Kees Sparreboom / ebIX / +31 6 22667911 /


Peter Bauhofer / A&B / +435125708830 / +4369912572511 /
Jörg Alexander Ferchow / SAP /
Ardo Ott / Eesti Energia / +372 511 7637 /
Mare Tammisto / Eesti Energia / +372 511 8252 /
Anne-Gaelle Le-Saout / EDF /
Juraj Horvat / VSE / +421(0) 55 610 29 51 / +421 (0) 915 932 285 /

Information to:

Name / Company / Telephone / Mobile / E-mail
Ove Nesvik / ebIX / +4722421380 / +4792822908 /

Appendix B  Open actions

Action / Name / Planned end date / End date
31.3 / Look at the elements that constitute the OBIS-code / All / 15th December 2008
31.4 / Take stock of national needs with respect to metering methods, meter types etc. and report before 15th of December to Kees / All / 15th December 2008
31.5 / Derive overview from national needs for codes for metering method, type … / Kees / 32
31.6 / Proposal code lists for metering method, type … / Kees / 32
31.7 / Proposal to address need for harmonized coding scheme for meters and registers / Vlatka/Kees / 32
33.1 / Propose new role Customers Agent to be included in the harmonized role model / Vlatka/Kees / 34
33.2 / Check requirements for attributes electronic medium and electronic protocol (MD Meter/register) / All / 34
33.3 / Check requirements for attributes in meter address and for types of meter addresses (MD Meter/register) / All / 34
33.4 / Check requirements for attribute available meter types (MD Meter/register) / All / 34
33.5 / Check status activities national standards organization with respect to harmonized European identification scheme for meter/register / All / 34
33.6 / Check UseCases in model for Measure, Determine Switch Stand / Kees / 34 / 34
33.7 / Work out example for more integrated message for metered data / Adrian / 34
33.8 / Prepare for a decision on level of required differentiation for metered data roles in the role model / All / 34

Appendix C  actions moved to list “done”