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Table of Contents (outline)
Editor's Preface 3
fndOsjf..d mGfud 5
uqp,sJojf..d È;sfhd 17
kJojf..d ;;sfhd 31
fu>shjf..d p;2fF:d 48
fidKjf..d m[pfud 65
cppJOjf..d PfgGd' 84
pq,,jf..d i;;fud' 107
mdg,s.dushjf..d wgGfud' 115
mdodkqlluKsld *Rq;;X;d( 135
mdodkqlluKsld *nq' c' msgGX;d( 244
Wodk.d:dkqluuKSld 354
Table of Contents (detailed)
Editor's Preface 3
fndOsjf..d mGfud 5
3+3_ mGufndOsiq;;x 5
3+4_ È;shfndOsiq;;x 6
3+5_ ;;shfndOsiq;;x 7
3+6_ ksgfrdOiq;;x' 9
3+7_ f:riq;;x 10
3+8_ liimiq;;x' 11
3+9_ mdjdiq;;x' 11
3+0_ iX.ducsiq;;x' 12
3+-_ cgs,iq;;x 13
3+3=_ ndyshiq;;x 14
uqp,sJojf..d È;sfhd 17
4+3_ uqp,sJoiq;;x' 17
4+4_ rdciq;;x' 19
4+5_ oKviq;;x' 20
4+6_ illdriq;;x 20
4+7_ Wmdiliq;;x 22
4+8_ .NskSiq;;x 22
4+9_ tlmq;;iq;;x' 24
4+0_ iqmmjdidiq;;x' 25
4+-_ jsidLdiq;;x 28
4+3=_ Noshiq;;x 29
kJojf..d ;;sfhd 31
5+3_ luuiq;;x' 31
5+4_ kJoiq;;x' 32
5+5_ hfidciq;;x 35
5+6_ idrsmq;;iq;;x' 39
5+7_ fld,s;iq;;x' 39
5+8_ ms,sJosjpPiq;;x' 40
5+9_ liimiq;;x' 41
5+0_ msKvmd;sliq;;x' 43
5+-_ ismmiq;;x' 45
5+3=_ f,dlfjdf,dlkiq;;x' 46
fu>shjf..d p;2fF:d 48
6+3_ fu>shiq;;x' 48
6+4_ WoO;iq;;x' 53
6+5_ f.dmd,iq;;x 54
6+6_ cqKyiq;;x 55
6+7_ kd.iq;;x 57
6+8_ msfKvd,iq;;x 59
6+9_ idrsmq;;iq;;x 59
6+0_ iqJorSiq;;x' 60
6+-_ Wmfikiq;;x' 63
6+3=_ idrsmq;;iq;;x' 64
fidKjf..d m[pfud 65
7+3_ rdciq;;x' 65
7+4_ wmmdhqliq;;x' 66
7+5_ iqmmnqoOl2gGsiq;;x' 67
7+6_ l2udrliq;;x' 70
7+7_ Wfmdi:iq;;x 70
7+8_ fidKiq;;x 77
7+9_ frj;iq;;x 81
7+0_ wdkJoiq;;x' 82
7+-_ ioOdhudkiq;;x' 82
7+3=_ mJ:liq;;x' 83
cppJOjf..d PfgGd' 84
8+3_ wdhqiXLdrfjdiickiq;;x' 84
8+4_ cgs,iq;;x' 88
8+5_ mppfjlLkiq;;x 91
8+6_ mGukdkd;sF:shiq;;x 91
8+7_ È;shkdkd;sF:shiq;;x 95
8+8_ ;;shkdkd;sF:shiq;;x' 99
8+9_ iqN@;siq;;x 103
8+0_ .Ksldiq;;x 103
8+-_ Wmd;siq;;x 104
8+3=_ ;:d.;2mmdoiq;;x' 105
pq,,jf..d i;;fud' 107
9+3_ mGuNooshiq;;x' 107
9+4_ È;shNooshiq;;x 108
9+5_ i;;iq;;x' 109
9+6_ È;shi;;iq;;x' 109
9+7_ ,l2KglNooshiq;;x 110
9+8_ ;KydlLhiq;;x 111
9+9_ mm[plLhiq;;x 111
9+0_ lppdkiq;;x 112
9+-_ Womdkiq;;x 113
9+3=_ Wfokiq;;d 114
mdg,s.dushjf..d wgGfud' 115
0+3_ mGuksnndkiq;;x' 115
0+4_ È;shksnndkiq;;x' 116
0+5_ ;;shksnndkiq;;x' 116
0+6_ p;2F:ksnndkiq;;x' 117
0+7_ pqJoiq;;x' 117
0+8_ mdg,s.dushiq;;x' 123
0+9_ ojsOdm:iq;;x' 129
0+0_ jsidLdiq;;x' 130
0+-_ mGuonniq;;x' 132
0+3=_ È;shonniq;;x' 133
mdodkqlluKsld *Rq;;X;d( 135
mdodkqlluKsld *nq' c' msgGX;d( 244
Wodk.d:dkqluuKSld 354
Editor's Preface
The text of Udànapàëi presented here is substantially a reproduction of the Sinhala version of the text as printed in the Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series, Volume XXIV. In preparing this edition the corrigenda (÷uddhi patraya) as printed on page xxvi of that volume have been taken into account. Other corrections, made by the present editor while preparing this edition of the text, have been noted in the appropriate place.
In the original edition there were many cases where BJT was inconsistent in its use of punctuation, layout, and entering of notes. Here an attempt has been made to present a more standardized version of the text in this regard, but as the matter is trivial on the one hand, and extremely numerous on the other, these sort of changes have not been noted.
In the Word document version the repetitions that occur in the text, and that are abbreviated in the text by peyyàla have been filled in, and are displayed in violet for easy identification. All parts of the text have been identified and are displayed in the Style box on the normal Word Formatting toolbar. This means that Headings, Prose, Verse, End Title, and so on are all identified as such.
For this edition the abbreviations in BJT have been interpreted as follows:[i]
Sã = Palm leaf book
Mu = Printed book
Mudditapàëã = Printed edition of the text
Mudditaññhakathà = Printed edition of the commentary
Aññhakathà = Commentary
Machasa = ChS (i.e. the Burmese Chaññha Saïgàyana edition)
Syà = Thai (i.e. the Royal Thai edition)
Saõgãtikàrakatherànaü gàthayo = Verses recited by the elders at the 1st council
Kesuci potthakesu = In some books
Katthaci = Seen somewhere
Sabbattha = Everywhere else
Iti pi pàñho = Is another reading
Pà = Reading noted in the commentary
As can be seen a number of the abbreviations are rather vague, no indication is given as to which palm leaf books have been consulted, for instance, or exactly which edition of the commentary (though here we may assume it to be the Simon Hewavitarne Bequest Series edition).
I have put in the metrical markings above the verses, and provided a short commentary on the metre for those who are interested in such matters, and as a guide for editors who may wish to establish a better version of the text later on. The metre and variations are normally noted alongside the verse, but the normal form of the Vatta metre, being so numerous, has to be presumed when no further identification has been provided.
The Word document version of this text is being sent out as a Read Only file, if it is passed on to others it should be passed on as a Read Only file also, this is to ensure that the original document is preserved. This work has been produced in order to assist in making known the teachings of the Buddha, please remember that many people have contributed their time and energy to this gift of the Dhamma. Anyone with similar aims who wishes to use the document or its database is welcome to do so, but it would be appreciated if they would make an acknowledgement to the Sinhala Tipitaka Project.
The original edition of this document was made in Roman script, and converted to Sinhala script afterwards. Unfortunately, as the footnotes are written in both English & Pàëi, it has not been found possible up till now to take them over into Sinhala, so they appear in this document in Roman. It is hoped to rectify this problem in a later version.
ânandajoti Bhikkhu
June 2001
[CPD Classification 2.5.3]
[PTS Vol Ud - ] [\z Ud /] [\f I /]
[PTS Page 001] [\q 1/]
[BJT Vol Ud - ] [\z Ud /] [\w I /]
[BJT Page 130] [\x 130/]
*;;sfhd .fJ:d(
fndOsjf..d mGfud
kfud ;ii N.jf;d wryf;d iuudiunqoOii
3+3_ mGufndOsiq;;x
tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd Wrefj,dhx jsyr;s kccd fkr[crdh ;Sfr fndOsrelLuQf, mGudNsiunqfoOd' f;k fLd mk iufhk[ii] N.jd i;;dyx tlm,,fXlk ksisfkkd fyd;s jsuq;;siqLmgsixfjoS'
w: fLd N.jd ;ii i;;dyii wppfhk ;uyd iudOsuyd jqgGysFjd r;;shd mGux hdux mgsppiuqmmdox wkqf,dux idOqlx ukidldis_
b;s buiusx i;s box fyd;s' buiiqmmdod box Wmmcc;s'
hosox wjsccdmpphd iXLdrd'
iXLdrmpphd js[[dKx'
js[[dKmpphd kdurEmx'
kdurEmmpphd i<dh;kx'
i<dh;kmpphd Mfiid'
Miimpphd fjokd'
fjokdmpphd ;Kyd'
;Kydmpphd Wmdodkx'
Wmdodkmpphd Nfjd'
Njmpphd cd;s'
cd;smpphd crdurKx fidlmrsfojÈlLfodukiiqmdhdid iuNjk;s' tjfu;ii flj,ii ÈlLlLJOii iuqofhd fyd;S;s'
w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
hod yfj md;2Njk;s Ouud[iii]
wd;dmsfkd COdhf;d n1dyuKii'
w:ii lXLd jmhk;s innd
hf;d mcdkd;s ify;2Ouuk;s'
[BJT Page 132] [\x 132/]
[PTS Page 002] [\q 2/]
3+4_ È;shfndOsiq;;x
tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd Wrefj,dhx jsyr;s kccd fkr[crdh ;Sfr fndOsrelLuQf, mGudNsiunqfoOd' f;k fLd mk iufhk N.jd i;;dyx tlm,,fXlk ksisfkkd fyd;s jsuq;;siqLmgsixfjoS'
w: fLd N.jd ;ii i;;dyii wppfhk ;uyd iudOsuyd jqgGysFjd r;;shd ucCOsux hdux mgsppiuqmmdox mgsf,dux idOqlx ukidldis_
b;s buiusx wi;s box k fyd;s' buii ksfrdOd box ksrecCO;s'
hosox wjsccdksfrdOd iXLdrksfrdfOd'
iXLdrksfrdOd js[[dKksfrdfOd'
js[[dKksfrdOd kdurEmksfrdfOd'
kdurEmksfrdOd i<dh;kksfrdfOd'
i<dh;kksfrdOd MiiksfrdfOd'
MiiksfrdOd fjokdksfrdfOd'
fjokdksfrdOd ;KydksfrdfOd'
;KydksfrdOd WmdodkksfrdfOd'
WmdodkksfrdOd NjksfrdfOd'
NjksfrdOd cd;sksfrdfOd'
cd;sksfrdOd crdurKx fidlmrsfojÈlLfodukiiqmdhdid ksrecCOk;s' tjfu;ii flj,ii ÈlLlLJOii [PTS Page 003] [\q 3/] ksfrdfOd fyd;S;s'
w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
hod yfj md;2Njk;s Ouud[iv]
wd;dmsfkd COdhf;d n1dyuKii'
w:ii lXLd jmhk;s innd
hf;d Lhx mpphdkx wfjoS;s'
3+5_ ;;shfndOsiq;;x
tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd Wrefj,dhx jsyr;s kccd fkr[crdh ;Sfr fndOsrelLuQf, mGudNsiunqfoOd' f;k fLd mk iufhk[v] N.jd i;;dyx tlm,,fXlk ksisfkkd fyd;s jsuq;;siqLmgsixfjoS'
w: fLd N.jd ;ii i;;dyii wppfhk ;uyd iudOsuyd jqgGysFjd r;;shd mpPsux hdux mgsppiuqmmdox wkqf,dumgsf,dux idOqlx ukidldis_
b;s buiusx i;s box fyd;s' buiiqmmdod box Wmmcc;s'
buiusx wi;s box k fyd;s' buii ksfrdOd box ksrecCO;s'
hosox wjsccdmpphd iXLdrd'
iXLdrmpphd js[[dKx'
js[[dKmpphd kdurEmx'
kdurEmmpphd i<dh;kx'
i<dh;kmpphd Mfiid'
Miimpphd fjokd'
fjokdmpphd ;Kyd'
;Kydmpphd Wmdodkx'
Wmdodkmpphd Nfjd'
Njmpphd cd;s'
cd;smpphd crdurKx fidlmrsfojÈlLfodukiiqmdhdid iuNjk;s' tjfu;ii flj,ii ÈlLlLJOii iuqofhd fyd;s'
[BJT Page 134] [\x 134/]
wjsccdh fFjj wfiijsrd.ksfrdOd iXLdrksfrdfOd'
iXLdrksfrdOd js[[dKksfrdfOd'
js[[dKksfrdOd kdurEmksfrdfOd'
kdurEmksfrdOd i<dh;kksfrdfOd'
i<dh;kksfrdOd MiiksfrdfOd'
MiiksfrdOd fjokdksfrdfOd'
fjokdksfrdOd ;KydksfrdfOd'
;KydksfrdOd WmdodkksfrdfOd'
WmdodkksfrdOd NjksfrdfOd'
NjksfrdOd cd;sksfrdfOd'
cd;sksfrdOd crdurKx fidlmrsfojÈlLfodukiiqmdhdid ksrecCOk;s' tjfu;ii flj,ii ÈlLlLJOii ksfrdfOd fyd;S;s'
w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
hod yfj md;2Njk;s Ouud[vi]
wd;dmsfkd COdhf;d n1dyuKii'
jsOQmhx ;sgG;s udrfikx
iqrsfhd j TNdihuk;<slLk;s'
3+6_ ksgfrdOiq;;x'
tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd Wrefj,dhx jsyr;s kccd fkr[crdh ;Sfr wcmd,ksgfrdOuQf,[vii] mGudNsiunqfoOd' f;k fLd mk iufhk N.jd i;;dyx tlm,,fXlk ksisfkkd fyd;s jsuq;;siqLmgsixfjoS'
w: fLd N.jd ;ii i;;dyii wppfhk ;uyd iudOsuyd jqgGdis' w: fLd w[[;frd yqyqXlcd;sfld[viii] n1dyufKd fhk N.jd f;kqmiXlus' WmiXlusFjd N.j;d ioOsx ifuudos' ifuudokShx l:x idrdKShx jS;sidfrFjd tluk;x wgGdis' tluk;x Gsf;d fLd fid n1dyufKd N.jk;x t;ofjdp_
ls;;dj;d kq fLd fNd f.d;u n1dyufKd fyd;s$ l;fu p mk n1dyuKlrKd Ouud$;s[ix]
w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
fhd n1dyufKd ndys;mdmOfuud[x]
ksyqyqfXld[xi] ksllidfjd h;f;;d
fjok;.@ jqis;n1yuprsfhd
Ofuuk fid n1yujdox jfohH
hiiqiiod kF:s l2ys[ps f,dfl;s'
[BJT Page 136] [\x 136/]
3+7_ f:riq;;x
tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd idjF:shx jsyr;s fc;jfk wkd:msKvslii wdrdfu' f;k fLd mk iufhk wdhiud p idrsmqf;;d wdhiud p uydfud..,,dfkd wdhiud p uydliifmd wdhiud p uydlppdhfkd wdhiud p uydfldgGsf;d wdhiud p uydlmmsfkd wdhiud p uydpqfJod wdhiud p wkqrefoOd wdhiud p frjf;d wdhiud p wdkfJod[xii] fhk N.jd f;kqmiXlusxiq' [PTS Page 004] [\q 4/] wooid fLd N.jd f; wdhiufk; Érf;d j wd.pPfk;' osijdk NslLQ wdufk;is' tf; NslLfj n1dyuKd wd.pPk;s' tf; NslLfj n1dyuKd wd.pPk;S;s'
tjx jqf;; w[[;frd n1dyuKcd;sfld NslLq N.jk;x t;ofjdp_ ls;;dj;d kq fLd Nfk; n1dyufKd fyd;s$ l;fu p mk n1dyuKlrKd Ouud$ ;s'
w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
ndysFjd mdmfl Ofuu ã fh prk;s iod i;d'[xiii]
LSKixfhdckd nqoOd ã f; fj[xiv] f,dliusx n1dyuKd ;s'
3+8_ liimiq;;x'
tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd rdc.fy jsyr;s fjZMjfk l,Jolksjdfm' f;k fLd mk iufhk wdhiud uydliifmd msmM,s.2ydhx[xv] jsyr;s wdndOsfld ÈlLsf;d ndy.s,dfkd' w: fLd wdhiud uydliifmd wmfrk iufhk ;uyd wdndOd jqgGdis'
w: fLd wdhiuf;d uydliimii ;uyd wdndOd jqgGs;ii t;ofydis' hkkQkdyx rdc.yx msKvdh mjsfihHk;s'
f;k fLd mk iufhk m[pu;;dks foj;di;dks Wiiqllx wdmkkdks fydk;s wdhiuf;d uydliimii msKvmd;mgs,dNdh'
w: fLd wdhiud uydliifmd ;dks m[pu;;dks foj;di;dks mgslLsmsFjd mqnnkyiuhx ksjdfiFjd m;;pSjrudodh rdc.yx msKvdh mdjsis' fhk o<soojsisLd lmKjsisLd fmildrjsisLd'
wooid fLd N.jd wdhiuk;x uydliimx rdc.fy msKvdh prk;x' fhk o<soojsisLd lmKjsisLd fmildrjsisLd' w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
wk[[fmdisx w[[d;x[xvi] ã ok;x idfr m;sgGs;x'[xvii]
LSKdijx jk;fodix ã ;uyx n1Eus n1dyuKk;s'
3+9_ mdjdiq;;x'
3' tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd mdjdhx[xviii] jsyr;s wcl,dmfl fp;sfh wcl,dmlii hlLii Njfk' f;k fLd mk iufhk N.jd r;;JOldr;susidhx [PTS Page 005] [\q 5/] wfnNdldfi ksisfkkd fyd;s' fofjd p tlfulx Mqidh;s' w: fLd wcl,dmfld hflLd N.j;d Nhx PuNs;;;x f,duyxix Wmmdfo;2ldfud fhk N.jd f;kqmiXlus' WmiXlusFjd N.jf;d wjsÉfr ;slL;;22x wll2f,d mll2f,d ;s wll2,mll2,slx wldis' tfid f; iuK msidfpd ;s'
4' w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
hod ifliq Ofuuiq ã mdr.2 fyd;s n1yufKd'[xix]
w: t;x msidp[p ã mll2,[pd;sj;;;S;s'
3+0_ iX.ducsiq;;x'
3' tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd idjF:shx jsyr;s fc;jfk wkd:msKvslii wdrdfu' f;k fLd mk iufhk wdhiud iX.ducS idjF:sx wkqmmf;;d fyd;s N.jk;x oiikdh' wfiidis fLd wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsld wfhHd lsr iX.ducS idjF:sx wkqmmf;;d ;s' id odrlx wdodh fc;jkx w.udis'
f;k fLd mk iufhk wdhiud iX.ducS w[[;riusx relLuQf, osjd jsydrx ksisfkkd fyd;s' w: fLd wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsld fhkdhiud iX.ducS f;kqmiXlus' WmiXlusFjd wdhiuk;x iX.ducsx t;ofjdp_ Lqoomq;;duys iuK fmdi uk ;s' tjx jqf;; wdhiud iX.ducS ;2KyS wfydis' È;shums fLd wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsld wdhiuk;x iX.ducsx t;ofjdp_ Lqoomq;;duys iuK fmdi uk;s' È;shums fLd wdhiud iX.ducS ;2KyS wfydis' ;;shums fLd wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsld wdhiuk;x iX.ducsx t;ofjdp_ Lqoomq;;duys iuK fmdi uk;s' ;;shums fLd wdhiud iX.ducS ;2KyS wfydis' w: fLd wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsld ;x odrlx wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrf;d kslLsmsFjd mlldus ti f; iuK mqf;;d fmdi uk[xx];s'
[BJT Page 140] [\x 140/]
4' w: fLd wdhiud iX.ducS ;x odrlx fkj Tf,dflis' k ms wd,ms' w: fLd wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsld [PTS Page 006] [\q 6/] wjsÉrx .kFjd wmf,dflk;S wooi wdhiuk;x iX.ducsx ;x odrlx fkj Tf,dflk;x k ms wd,mk;x' osijdkii[xxi] t;ofydis_ k pdhx iufKd mqf;;k ms wF:sfld ;s' ;f;d mgsksj;;sFjd odrlx wdodh mlldus' wooid fLd N.jd osfnnk plLqkd jsiqfoOk w;sllk;udkqiflk wdhiuf;d iX.ducsii mqrdKÈ;shsldh tjrEmx jsmmldrx'
5' w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
wdhk;sx kdNskJo;s ã mlluk;sx k fidp;s'[xxii]
iX.d iX.ducsx uq;;x ã ;uyx n1Eus n1dyuKk;s'
3+-_ cgs,iq;;x
3' tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd .hdhx jsyr;s .hdiSfi' f;k fLd mk iufhk iunyq,d cgs,d iS;diq fyuk;sldiq r;;Siq wk;rgGfl ysumd;iufh .hdhx Wuuqcck;s ms' ksuqcck;s ms' Wuuqccksuqccums lfrdk;s' Tis[pk;s ms' w..sums cqyk;s buskd iqoOS;s'
wooid fLd N.jd f; iunyqf, cgsf, iS;diq fyuk;sldiq r;;Siq wk;rgGfl ysumd;iufh .hdhx Wuuqccfk; ms ksuqccfk; ms Wuuqccksuqccx lfrdfk; ms Tis[pfk; ms w..sums cqyfk; buskd iqoOS;s'
4' w: fLd N.jd t;uF:x jsosFjd ;dhx fj,dhx bux Wodkx Wodfkis_
k Woflk iqps fyd;s ã nfjyF: kydh;S[xxiii] cfkd[xxiv]
huys ipp[p Ofuud p ã fid iqpS fid p n1dyufKd ;s'
[BJT Page 142] [\x 142/]
3+3=_ ndyshiq;;x
3' tjx fu iq;x_ tlx iuhx N.jd idjF:shx jsyr;s fc;jfk wkd:msKvslii wdrdfu' f;k fLd mk iufhk ndysfhd odrepSrsfhd iqmmdrfl mgsji;s iuqoo;Sfr illf;d .relf;d udksf;d mQcsf;d wmpsf;d' ,dNS pSjrmsKvmd;fikdik.s,dkmmpphfNiccmrslLdrdkx' w: fLd ndyshii odrepSrshii rfyd.;ii mgsi,,Skii tjx fp;fid mrsjs;flld Womdos_ fh p fLd flps[xxv] f,dfl wryfk;d jd wry;;u..x jd iudmkkd' wyx f;iu[[;frd ;s'
[PTS Page 007] [\q 7/]
w: fLd ndyshii odrepSrshii mqrdKidf,dys;d foj;d wkqlumsld wF:ldud ndyshii odrepSrshii fp;id fpf;dmrsjs;llu[[dh' fhk ndysfhd odrepSrsfh f;kqmiXlus' WmiXlusFjd ndyshx odrepSrshx t;ofjdp_ fkj fLd Fjx ndysh wryd' kdms wry;;u..x jd iudmfkkd' idms f; mgsmod kF:s hdh jd Fjx wryd wii'[xxvi] wry;;u..x jd iudmfkkd ;s' w: fld prys ifojfl f,dfl wryfk;d jd' wry;;u..x jd iudmfkkd$ ;s' wF:s ndysh W;;friq ckmfoiq idjF:S[xxvii] kdu k.rx' ;F: fid N.jd t;rys jsyr;s wryx iuudiunqfoOd' fid ys ndysh N.jd wryd fpj' wry;;dh p Ouux fofi;S;s'
w: fLd ndysfhd odrepSrsfhd ;dh foj;dh ixfjcsf;d ;djfoj iqmmdrld[xxviii] mlldus innF: tlr;;smrsjdfik' fhk idjF:sx[xxix] fc;jkx wkd:msKvslii wdrdfud[xxx] f;kqmiXlus' f;k fLd mk iufhk iunyq,d NslLQ wfnNdldfi pXluk;s' w: fLd ndysfhd odrepSrsfhd fhk f; NslLQ f;kqmiXlus' WmiXlusFjd f; NslLQ t;ofjdp_ lykkq fLd Nfk; t;rys fid N.jd jsyr;s wryx iuudiunqfoOd$ oiiklduuyd uhx ;x N.jk;x[xxxi] wryk;x iuudiunqoOk;s' wk;r>rx mjsfgGd fLd ndysh N.jd msKvdhd;s'