Minutes of AGM – Thursday 14th July 2016 – 8pm
The Chairwoman opened the meeting and welcomed members to the meeting. She asked for a proposal that the Minutes of the 2016 meeting were a true and accurate record of the proceedings. Mr. R. Fitzhugh proposed that they were. Mrs. S. Green seconded the proposal and a majority vote was taken.
Chairman’s Report:
The Chairwoman welcomed everyone to the meeting. She thanked all members for their continued support over the last year and went on to say that, like many businesses in the Town the Club was experiencing difficulties but, with the help and support of the member we could get through this period. The Club still attracts new members which, help with our solvency and, fortunately, we have no shortage of members wishing to hold special family events in the Club by hiring the hall which, help boosts our profitability. These events are very cost effective and, whilst it is not an ideal way to help with running costs etc, it was a way forward.
She advised the members that the Treasurer was standing down and she thanked him for his support and wished him well in the future. She also thanked Miss. Rachel Probert, who was also standing down from the Committee.
She went on to thank the Mrs. Goodman and the Stewardess, Sue, and all bar staff, for such a stalwart job in keeping all the members happy.
The Chairwoman advised the members that the Committee has had a difficult year with, very reduced numbers, thereby putting pressure on the few who remain. She said that if anyone felt that they could spare some time and would like to help on the Committee then to please do so.
The Chairwoman also extended thanks to the sub-committees who, as well as general committee duties, help to keep the Club going.
She went on to say, on a more positive note, to look forward to the coming year and hope attendance of members and enthusiasm for organised events increases so that we can enjoy many more good years.
The Chairwoman then handed the meeting over to the Treasurer for the Financial Report.
Financial Report:
The Treasurer went through each item in the accounts in detail and explained these to the members.
The Fruit Machines/Raffle were down. Lottery was up on the previous year, Subs were down, Juke Box was up slightly on previous year. Other income included income from parties.
Salaries had decreased and Machines/Licences were also down.
The Treasurer went through and explained the depreciation. On paper this showed a deficit of £21,000. He explained the Tax/Charitable donations and went through the remuneration to Committee Members.
He then went through the breakdown on each item. He explained that the Brewery had increased their prices to us.
He said that he had negotiated the Rates which were down slightly from the previous year. These have now been reduced and capped for a period of 2 years. General repairs were also down. General expenses and sundries had been reduced as had Entertainment, Insurance, Stocktaker fees, Legal/Professional and Bank Charges were also down.
The Treasurer then asked for any questions from the floor. Miss. Shepherd asked about advertising and the Treasurer advised he that this is done on the Website, in-house and on Facebook. Mr. Simpson said that the budget had reduced by £18,000 and he spoke to him about this. Mr. Simpson said that by cutting the entertainment and, in his words, not putting on descent bands, it was quiet on Saturday nights and he asked why this was. We spoke about the entertainment in general and in detail. Mr. P. Kedwards asked about the raffle on a Saturday night and he was advised that this was something that we would be looking at.
Ms. Shepherd said that she thought that Mrs. Moorey has done a sterling job bringing in new Bands and again this was spoken about at length. Mr. Simpson said that the hall used to be full when Mr. Lawrie used to book the bands.
Mr. A. Evans said that it is all over the news about Pubs/Clubs suffering and people were just not going out as much now. Mr. D. Mitchell said that there were 27 reported Pubs closing every week. The Club was still profitable. He said that the Club had a supportive Committee and the Club was doing well on the whole.
Miss. H. Richards said that when the last Boxing match was on there were a lot of people that did not come out because there was no music on in the hall.
We spoke about the entertainment in general over a period of time.
The Treasurer proposed the accounts be adopted, Mrs. D. Ward seconded the proposal and a vote was taken with a majority vote.
Mr. S. Collins said that perhaps we could think about members being able to sign in an extra guest to encourage people in. Mrs. Ward said that it was a privilege and members valued their membership. Miss. K. Porsche suggested opening up the Membership.
Election of Chairman/woman:
Mrs. Vivien Cottingham being the only nominee was duly elected.
Election of Vice-Chairman:
Mr. R. Fitzhugh being the only nominee was duly elected.
Election of Secretary:
Mrs. L. Goodman being the only nominee was duly elected.
Election of Treasurer:
Mrs. Karen Quinney, being the only nominee was duly elected.
Election of General Committee:
There were 7 nominations for general committee, Mr. G. Waddilove, Mr. R. Kent, Mr. A. Browning, Mr. S. Collins, Miss. T. Shepherd, Mr. D. Mitchell, & Mrs. J. Moorey. A vote was taken and the four candidates with the most votes would stand for a period of two years. The votes were counted and Mr. G. Waddilove, Mr. D. Mitchell, Mrs. J. Moorey & Mr. A. Browning were voted on for a period of 2 years.
Mr. M. Payne said that, on behalf of the members, he would like to thank the Committee and Mrs. Moorey for all their hard work.
Letters received in writing:
No letters were received.
There being no further matters to discuss the Chairwoman thanked everyone for their attendance and brought the meeting to a close.