Contract Reference:
Project Stage No [Insert Stage 1, 2 or 3 hereof a X stage project ? (i.e. stage 1 of a 3 stage project?]and delete prompt
Annex 1:Payment Schedule-Project Stage #Ref:CF/2010/XXX
Guidelines for Completing Annex 1:
- To facilitate seamless transition from one stage to the next, if applicable, the PI must agree the following with the Commercialisation Specialist as part of annex 2 and reflect what is agreed in annex 1:
- For Project Stage,End of Stage Review Meeting:Agree and capturethe date for this meetingin the annex, to occur a minimum of 2 months before the Project Stage end date after submission of the PI report. Agree one or more go/no go technical and/or commercial deliverables appropriate to the specific project stage.
- For the Project Stage, Interim Review Meeting where applicable: Agree number of and date for interim review meeting/s and agree milestones and deliverables to be linked to these reviews.
2. Complete table below inserting the amounts to be paid on each payment date:
a.Insert the go/no go technical and/or commercial deliverable/s number/s for the end of Stage payment.
b.Insert milestone/s and deliverable/s number/s for interim payment/s if the schedule for the Project includes interim payments.
Payment No.
/Amount in €
/% of total
/Payment Date
/ 01/mm/yyyy / On signing of contract2
/ 01/mm/yyyyInterim Payment / On achievement of the milestones and deliverables [insert numbers here]in annex 2and on receiptof a satisfactory PIReport
/ 01/mm/yyyyEnd of Stage Stage Payment / On achievement of the go/no deliverables [insert numbers here]in annex 2 and on receipt of a satisfactory end of Stage report
Note 1:All payments are subject to the achievement of milestones and deliverables as set out in Annex 2, and to the submission of a satisfactory and timely project report/s. Final payment is subject to receipt by EnterpriseIreland of the project’s Final Report.
Note 2:Project expenditure must reach at least 70% of interim payments made before further claims can be submitted.
Note 3:EnterpriseIreland reserves the right to alter the payment schedule over the course of this contract.
Note 4:For the purpose of this agreement, all required deliverables as set out in Annex 2 should be submitted to EnterpriseIreland by electronic format (e.g. as a Word document). Paper documents are not required.
The following Notes apply to Annexes for the Informatics/ICT contracts
Note 5: (i)Disclosure of Foreground IP through “open source” publication, without the prior written consent of EnterpriseIreland to such publication, shall constitute a breach of Clause 8.1 of this Agreement.
(ii) Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 9 of this Agreement the Designated Institution shall not use “open-source” software as part of the Project without first ensuring that such use shall not affect its right to full and unfettered ownership of all Foreground IP.
Note 6: Where a Project deliverable is a tangible object (such as, for example, a circuit board, a printout of a software program or a physical substance) the Designated Institution shall not forward the object itself to Enterprise Ireland, but shall submit to Enterprise Irelanda document containing a description of the object, and such further documents containing such clarifying details as Enterprise Ireland may require. In addition the Designated Institution shall retain the object for inspection by EnterpriseIreland’s assessors for the period of this Agreement.
Project costs-Stage #
This schedule incorporates any budget adjustments recommended during the assessment process and approved by the IRCCfor this Project Stage.
Category / Amount (€)Pay:
Non Pay:
Travel (Domestic)
Travel (Overseas)
Capital (Equipment)
Funding conditions:
1. Consultancy costs: Business consultant’s tasks and contract require prior agreement with your Technology Transfer Office or equivalent and the consent of EnterpriseIreland. Consultant’s output to be shared with EI. Technical Consultants, outsourcing of project technical work e.g. clinical trials require prior consent by EnterpriseIreland. Agreement/Consent should be sought2 months prior to the planned work.
2. Travel outside the EU:Travel outside the EU must be agreed 2 monthsprior of the intended travel date by completion of the relevant section of the “Project alteration Form” that can be downloaded from
3. Note:It is an explicit requirement of participation in the Commercialisation Fund that College authorities, Finance Officers and all Principal Investigators undertake to comply fully with ERDF Publicity, Audit and Reporting requirements as will be specified by EnterpriseIreland and/or its agents.
The following notes apply to financial claims and ledgers forwarded to EnterpriseIreland.
Financial Claims:
When submitting financial claims with respect to this project, please note as a guide that the following costs are ineligible:
This list is non-exhaustive.
- Any interests, or return on capital employed
- Provisions for possible future losses or charges
- Interest owed
- Provisions for doubtful debts
- Resources made available to a Grantee free of charge
- Unnecessary or ill-considered expenses
- Marketing, sales and distribution costs for products and services
- Entertainment and hospitality expenses except such reasonable expenses accepted as wholly and exclusively necessary for carrying out the work under the Standard Grand Agreement
- Fees and penalties (including prompt payment interest)
- Recruitment costs, work permits/ visas, accommodation etc
- Redundancy costs
- Relocation costs
- Interview expenses
- Subsistence payments to visiting personnel who are not on the payroll of the institute
- Protection of Intellectual property rights (separate support)
- Cost of courses (unless the course relates directly to the project)
- Membership fees (unless the membership relates directly to the project)
- Subscription costs (unless the subscription relates directly to the project)
- General stationary
- Office Equipment
- General phone charges
- Provision of work space
- Books (maximum of €1,500)
- Any items which are detailed as Miscellaneous or General
- Advertising
- Consultancy (EI have set a limit of €900/day inclusive of all travel and expenses)
- Petty Cash (Limit of €1,500 per project)
- Travel & Expenses (unless destination, duration and activity is appropriate)
Financial Ledgers:
The financial ledgers for this projectmust contain the following:
- Clear description
- Supplier name
- Category of expenditure
- Amount
- Invoice number
All travel or expense claims must include the persons name, destination and reason for travelling. A pay claim must in all cases include the person’s name.
Annex 2:
Administrative DetailsProject Title
Designated Institution
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator Tel
Principal Investigator email
Collaborating Institution
Total no of Stages in Project
Project Stage No.
Project Stage Start Date
Project Stage Completion Date
Duration (months)
Commercialisation Specialist
Annex 2:Financial Details:Project Stage #
Include employers PRSI contribution (@ current rate) and pension costs (where applicable up to 15%). /COST
Candidate & Position / Qualification currently held and point on salary scale (if applicable) or annual salary / % Time on Project / €Salary
PRSI (10.75%)
Pension (≤15%)
PRSI (10.75%)
Pension (≤15%)
PRSI (10.75%)
Pension (≤15%)
Justification (e.g. Postdoc 1 will carry out the work on XYZ etc.):
Non-pay: Materials
All items listed should be fully detailed.Include what materials are needed and estimates of quantities and costings. / €
Non-pay: Travel (Domestic)
Please list person travelling and reason for travel. / €Total
Non-pay: Travel (Overseas) Note funding condition on overseas travel, Page 4
Please list person travelling and reason for travel. / €Total
Justification for all travel (e.g. trade show X or conference Y or company visits Z will provide valuable information for work packages g, h, and k etc):
Non-pay: Subcontract
Detail any costs relating to sub-contracting, consultancy etc.Business Consultancy costs – consultant’s work plan and deliverables require TTO and EnterpriseIreland approval prior to engagement.
Technical Consultancy costs and sub-contracting of technical work for the project requires approval from EnterpriseIreland prior to engagement. / €
Non-pay: Other
Capital (Equipment)
All items listed should be fully detailed.Please include commercial quotation on items over €5000. / €
Justification (e.g. the ABC analyser will be used for tasks 3, 5, and 7 etc.):
Annex 2:Project Description-Stage #
Confidential not to be released
Project Summary:
Project Stage #Technical and Commercial Objectives:
Project Stage Deliverables: Briefly and specifically describe what the project stage aims to achieve.
Project Stage Description:
Guidelines for completion of the Project Stage Description:
The Project Stage Description is divided into 3 workplans, a Commercial Workplan, a Technical Workplan and a Project Management Workplan.
1. Please complete each workplan.
2.For the Commercial Workplan, a number of standard commercialisation tasks have been included in the workplan below. The PI must work with the Commercialisation Specialist to consider the commercial plan in the original project proposal and the standard commercial tasks suggested here in the workplan and agree what tasks are appropriate for the current project stage. It is expected that at the end of the project all of the standard commercial tasks or equivalent alternative commercial tasks as appropriate to the specific project will be achieved.
3. The PI must agree with the Commercialisation Specialist, milestones and deliverables for the commercial, technical and project management workplans. These should be realistic, clear, specific and quantifiable (where appropriate).
A milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and can signify some other work that has to be completed.
A deliverable is any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project.
4. The PI must agree with the Commercialisation Specialist go/no go commercial and/or technical deliverables that can be reviewed a minimum of 2 months before the end of the project stage and will be used to assess the performance of the project and to determine if funding will be provided for a subsequent project stage.
Go/No Go Deliverable defines a critical point in the project which determines the technical and/or commercial feasibility of the project.
- The PI must agree dates and reporting requirements with the Commercialisation Specialist for the project Kick-Off Meeting, Interim Review Meeting(if required), and End of Stage Review Meeting. The End of Stage Review Meeting must be set at a date a minimum of 2 months before the end of the Project Stage.
6. The PI must complete the following tables:
1) Summary of Deliverables
2) Summary of Go/No Go Commercial and Technical Deliverables
3) Review and Reporting Requirements
7. The PI must include a Gantt Chart as part of the project stagedescription.
Stage # / Commercial W/planStart Date / Insert start date / Finish Date / Insert finish date e.g. month 18
Manager / Insert the name of the person responsible for the commercial workplan for the project stage(include the time spent working on this stage if any) e.g. John Smith (2 person- months)
Contributors / Insert the names of the other people associated with the stage (include the time spent in person-monthsby each person on the tasks of this stage) and where collaborative list relevant institutes of each person contributing to the tasks of this stage:
e.g. John Smith, UCC, 2 person- months-Task 1
John Ryan, NUIG, 3 person-months-Task 1, 2 person-months-Task 2, etc
Description /
Activities / Insert a brief description of each task to be carried out in this stage (Please number each task)
Task 1: Product and Market Awareness
The Researcher will be expected to demonstrate how the technology will compare to others on the market.
The researcher needs to look at why someone would buy their technology. What benefit does it bring to the purchaser? What other options does a purchaser have, i.e. other technologies, performance criteria etc. What products/companies offer something similar (or an alternative) to a purchaser?
The PI should avail of consultancy, sourced with assistance of the Institute NameResearch Office and Technology Area, aimed at commercialising the work
Task 2: Industry Analysis:
The researcher has built up a profile of how their product/technology compares to the existing products/technologies. It is important to understand how the industry is structured and where will the research technology potentially fit. Questions which are required to be asked are –what industries, who are the users, who buys the technology, is it integrated within another product, is it stand-alone? What are the characteristics of the market in terms of growth, trends, drivers and barriers? Which market segments are relevant?
Product positioning should be understood in terms of customer requirements and industry needs through primary market engagement with users and buyers as relevant.
Product Description Example
The research team should draw up a document which addresses D1.1, and D2.1. The document is intended for posting in the public arena (that will not disclose IP sensitive information), web sites, exhibitions, posting to potential interested parties. The exact format may be prescribed by the Institute or take the form of a Technology Capsule.
Task 3: Market Engagement:
Active engagement with industry players – industrialists, investors, “showcase events”.
If the preferred commercialisation route is licensing to existing Irish industry, the PI and the Institute Name TTO Office, in consultation with EI Commercialisation Specialist, will develop a marketing strategy for the licensees identified in D2.2 (e.g. using the technology capsule and/or showcasing events). A 5 minute presentation or “Elevator Speech” outlining the commercial opportunity will be prepared. These interactions will only take place after appropriate IP protection (e.g., following engagement of patenting expertise) is in place.
If the company formation route is being investigated, then development of a business plan outlining route to market will take place with help/advice from internal experts (in EI andInstitute Name) and external consultants if required.
Logos below should be shown on all presentations, brochures, web pages etc. to acknowledge funding source
Ireland’s EU Structural Funds logo and the EU flag are available to download form the Managing Authorities websites:
Milestones / Insert a numbered list of quantified milestones
M1.1 Identification of product, market and initial relevant segments
M2.1:Desktop market survey of end-users, overall market size / value of market, expected market share for proposed technology
M2.2: Attendance at relevant industry trade show after IP review with Institute Name Research Office/Technology Area to prevent any IP disclosures
M2.3: Attend networking events, meetings with mentors, EI HPSU team
M2.4: Data from technical WP’s to show product has expected/desired effect
M3.1:Patent application filed
M3.2:Preparation of “Elevator Pitch” and presentations with Institute Name Research Office & EI Commercialisation Specialist
M3.3:Identification of key contacts / names of potential investors /industrial partners & potential licensees
M3.4: Meetings and interaction under NDA with people identified from M3.3
M3.5: Business plan identifying route to market strategy (start-up, licensing, joint venture, etc). / Month
Deliverables / Insert a numbered list of quantifiable deliverables:
D1.1: Statement of Product, Uniqueness, Market benefit
D1.2: List of potential licensees in Ireland, mentors, industry groups etc.
D1.3: Commercial intent of research group (start-up, licence, etc.)
D2.1: Overview of the industry sector - including market size, trends and drivers for the technology, where the product is positioned, e.g. relative to competitors, for targeting relevant segments of the market
D2.2 Product verification through customer/end user engagement
D2.3: Focused Market leads, - CEO, VC, licensees from Ireland (from Task 1:D1.2 above)
D3.1: Delivery of “Elevator Speech”
D 3.2: Business Plans and/or marketing strategy as in M3.5
D3.3: A presentation pack, where the technology can be presented to interested parties
D3.4 A demonstration of the technology, where appropriate
D3.5 Meetings with licensees/investors / Month
Go/No Go CommercialDeliverable/s / Please detail go/no go Commercial deliverable/s for this stage
e.g.:D1.2:Contact list for relevant industry contacts in Ireland compiled. / Month
Commercial risks / Describe the main Commercial risks associated with this stage and the contingency plan for them
Stage # / Technical Workplan
Start Date / Insert start date / Finish Date / Insert finish date e.g. month 24
Manager / Insert the name of the person responsible for the technical workplan for the project stage(include the time spent working on this stage if any) e.g. John Smith (2 person-months)
Contributors / Insert the names of the other people associated with the stage (include the time spent in person-monthsby each person on the tasks of this stage) and where collaborative list relevant institutes of each person contributing to the tasks of this stage:
e.g. John Smith, UCC, 2 person- months-Task 1
John Ryan, NUIG, 3 person-months –Task 1, 2 person-months-Task 2, etc
Description /
Activities / Insert a brief description of each task to be carried out in this stage (Please number each task)
Milestones / Insert a numbered list of quantified milestones
e.g. M4.1: DNA sequencing of target gene in 5 strains of each of 3 target species and 3 strains of 10 non-target species will be completed. / Month
Deliverables / Insert a numbered list of quantified deliverables
e.g. D4.1: Real-time PCR test developed for one target species. / Month
Go/No Go Technical Deliverable/s / Please detail go/no go technical deliverable/s for this stage
e.g. D4.2: Real-time PCR test for one target species developed with 100% specificity and a limit of detection for the test of 1-10 cells of target species per ml of biological sample. / Month
Technical risks / Describe the main technical risks associated with this stage and the contingency plan for them
Stage # / Project Management Workplan
Start Date / Month / Finish Date / Month
Manager / Insert the name of the person responsible for the project management workplan for the project stage
Contributors / Insert the names of the other people associated with the stage (include the time spent by each person on this stage) and where collaborative list relevant institutes of each person contributing to the Project Management tasks and the person-months they will contribute.
Description / The PI will have overall responsibility for co-ordinating and delivery of the project.The PI will prepare reports on the project. A meeting will be held every 6 months or as agreed with representatives from EnterpriseIreland to which the TTO will also be invited.
Progress with Technical & Commercialisation Work Packages will be considered by EnterpriseIreland and continuation of funding will be dependant on achieving the agreed milestones and deliverables.
Any substantive changes in WPs/deliverables must have prior approval of EI through the Commercialisation Specialist
Milestones / M5.1. Kick-off meeting
M5.2. Project Review Meeting
M5.3: Final Project Meeting / Month
Deliverables / D5.1. Interim report
D5.2. Project Stage Review Report
D5.3. Final Project Stage Review Report (Post-Stage Review Meeting) / Month
Summary of deliverables