MeldrumAcademy Parent Council

Session 2013-14, Meeting 7,AGM, 18 June2014

Parent Members: Jon Edwards, Elaine Rodgers, Heather Mullan, Carolyn Davidson, David Mutch, Alison Jaffery Audrey Massie, Lorna Reid, Pam Marr, Catriona Chisolm

Head Teacher:Andrew Travis

Co-opted Teacher Reps: Liz Prosser, Rebecca Jackson

Co-opted Members:

Pupil Representatives:


Rotary RepresentativeRay Walker

Apologies: Gary Wade, Alan Mann, Alistair Reid, John Malster, Paul Johnston

1. Welcome and Introductions

  • Elaine welcomed all present to the AGM of the 2013-14 session.

2. Previous Minutes

  • Proposed by HM, seconded by PM

3. Matters Arising

  • S3 Open Afternoon –This will be combined into a joint S1-S3 Open Afternoon in the 2014-15 school calendar.
  • Business Engagement Event -.This event will be repeated in 2014-15.Ray to ask the Rotary to meet in the Academy for their meeting again and stay on afterwards for the event.
  • Hoodies –Are available from DFS

4. Annual Report of the Parent Council

Elaine provided a review the 2014-15 session.

Membership remains healthy with a good attendance at meetings. Fundraising through the calendar and the Phil & Aly concert had raised over £2800. These events had also raised the profile of the school and the Parent Council. The Parent Council had financially supported an online safety event for pupils, parents, staff and other Meldrum Cluster schools. The highly successful Dragon’s Den saw the Parent Council provide £2500 to school clubs and committees. The Parent Council has been involved in discussions on changing the school day, new exam arrangements, Young Scot cards, school uniform. This was a very important year in which the school had been visited by HMe and the successful partnerships that the Parent Council has developed was recognised in the final report.

5. Approval of Accounts and appointment of auditor

Gary submitted the accounts which were approved. The closing balance was £4654.25.Dave agreed to get the accounts audited.

6. Report from Groups who received money from Dragon’s Den

Andy and Liz reported that the money allocated to groups had been very gratefully received and spent as per the bids. From the ECO group’s sensory garden to the hockey goal keepers kit the money had enabled all the groups to further develop.

7. Selection of the new Parent Council

The office bearers for 2014-15 are as follows

Chair: Pam Marr

Vice-chair: Jon Edwards

Treasurer: Dave Mutch

Pam thanked Elaine for her highly able chairing of the Parent Council and Gary for keeping our books in such good order. She thanked all the members of the Parent Council for their continuing support.

8. On-going Parent Council Activities – Phil & Aly Concert

Tea, coffee and shortbread is to be served and organised by Pam, Ray, Hazel and Liz. A donation plate will be used.

Heather said that ice cream had been organised for the night,

Pam would speak to Gary about his contact with Costco for water.

?? raffle prizes

Carolyn said that George and Stuart Davidson would be happy to assist on the night.

9. Head Teacher update

Andy said that following a very well organised and smoothly delivered exam diet the school had successfully moved to a new timetable. As has been discussed at the Parent Council the ‘old’ appeals system has gone and has been replaced by the SQA Results Service. Information on this has been issued to all candidates and will be in the summer newsletter. The school roll will probably hit an all-time high of 960 with an S1 intake of around 180. The school expects to start the year almost fully staffed with two vacancies being advertised over the summer break.

Dates for meetings in 2014-15

Wednesday 27 August 2014 7:15pm

Wednesday 1 October 2014 7:15pm

Wednesday 26 November 2014 7:45pm, Dragon’s Den 6-7:30pm

Wednesday 28 January 2015 7:15pm

Wednesday 4 March 20157:15pm

Wednesday 29 April 2015 7:15pm

Wednesday 17 June 2015 7:15pm AGM

Next Parent Council Meeting:

Wednesday 27 August 2014 7:15pm