The Common Council for the City of Faith, South Dakota met in regular session on July 5, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Room of the Community Center. Mayor Haines called the meeting to order, called roll call, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Council members present: Inghram, Walker, Clark, Murray and Selby.

Council members absent: Stocklin.

Others in attendance were: Debbie Brown, Arlen Frankfurth, Mike and Tammy Merriman, Donn Dupper, Mel Dutton, Shawn Peterson, Michelle Kilby, June Kilby, Ace Inghram, Fred Hulm, Tim and Koreen Hammel, Gene Ulrich, Ann Varland, Kerri Hartley, Scott Norberg, Eric Bogue, Jim Holloway, Arlen Hulm and Bill Hibner.

Walker made motion, seconded by Inghram to approve the agenda adding Fire Department under Approve Ambulance Attendants. Motion carried.

Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to correct June 7, 2005 meeting to read north of Fairgrounds and east of race track. Motion carried.

Inghram made motion, seconded by Clark to approve June 20, 2005 minutes with the following correction:


2nd paragraph also needs to state “Inghram didn’t think you could own the Fairgrounds jointly with the City.”

Motion carried.


The following claims were presented and read:

Missouri River Energy Services / Supplement Power & Member Dues / $ 8,223.96
Farmers State Bank / SS & Withholding / $ 9,450.34
Farmers State Bank / SS & Withholding / $ 307.56
Fiber Ring Revenue / Special Access / $ 2,254.00
LECA / Interim Settlement / $ 643.00
South DakotaState Treasurer / Sales Tax / $ 2,764.44
Debbie Brown, Finance Officer / Postage / $ 41.52
Dept of Revenue / Drivers Licensing / $ 62.00
M&D Food Shop / Gasoline / $ 1,497.04
Faith Chamber of Commerce / Fireworks / $ 1,000.00
Prairie Community Health / Donation / $ 5,000.00
SD Weights & Measures / TestAirport Pump / $ 5.00
American Medical Security / Dental Insurance / $ 396.00
Farmers State Bank / SS & Withholding / $ 972.43
DakotaCare / Health Insurance / $ 3,129.16
Combine Insurance / Supplemental Insurance / $ 177.93
Tooz Construction / CheyenneFaithCenter / $ 23,525.00
AFLAC / Cancer & Accident Insurance / $ 170.20
FaithSeniorCitizensCenter / Reimbursement for Expenses / $ 1,000.00
Architectural Concepts / Professional Services / $ 10,315.54
Architectural Concepts / Professional Services / $ 3,577.50
Architectural Concepts / Professional Services / $ 144.24
E.A. Sween Company / Misc / $ 71.60
Frito-Lay, Inc. / Misc / $ 64.08
Hettinger-Mobridge Candy & Tobacco / Supplies / $ 33.62
Jerome Beverage / Beer / $ 2,862.64
Johnson Western Wholesale / Liquor / $ 1,657.16
Midwest Coca Cola Bottling Co. / Misc / $ 91.45
Northwest Distributing / Beer / $ 13,650.40
Sodak / Liquor / $ 338.22
S&S Roadrunner / Misc / $ 110.75
Butler Insurance Company / 1995 Police Car / $ 249.00
Cellular One / Ambulance Phone / $ 67.83
Alanna Chapman / Swimming Lessons / $ 530.00
City of Faith / Utilities / $ 3,957.39
Dupree Oil Company / Aviation Fuel / $ 2,412.02
Express Communications et al / Legal Fees / $ 1,535.00
Faith Lumber Co / Supplies / $ 803.06
Heartland Waste Management, Inc. / Hauling Garbage, Dumpster / $ 2,255.00
MeadeCounty Treasurer / 911 Surcharge / $ 740.81
NBANC / NANPA Funding / $ 25.00
Roy's Pronto Auto Parts / MV Parts & Supplies / $ 380.27
S.D. Retirement System / Retirement Plan / $ 2,492.34
South Dakota Network, Inc / Call Name Delivery / $ 62.11
Tri CountyWater / Water / $ 5,999.40
Visa / Gas & Supplies / $ 200.62

Selby made motion, seconded by Clark to approve all claims as presented with holding out Architectural Concepts at $10,315.54. Motion carried.


Walker introduced the following resolution and moved for it’s adoption:

RESOLUTION NO. 07-05-05-01

Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Faith that the Plat of Lots A and B of Lot 9 of Outlot C to the City of Faith, South Dakota located in the S1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 17 East of the B.H.M., Meade County, South Dakota having been examined, is hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of SDCL Chapter 11-3 and any amendments thereof.

Seconded by Murray. All in favor. Motion carried.

Revision of Ordinance No. 279:

Arlen Frankfurth had some questions on the ordinance that he had addressed to Eric Bogue. Eric will have the changes for the next meeting.

Janitor Services Amount for the Community Center the FaithSchool Pays:

Mel Dutton, on behalf of the FaithSchool sent a letter to the Finance Office asking if the amount that is being charged for the janitor services is close to the amount the school is paying. Mr. Ayres asked if it could be looked at after the end of the year to get a full year of services. Mel Dutton sent another letter asking to check into the janitor services charges for 2004. The amount for 2004 is $8,125 and the school is being charged $9,500. Mayor Haines stated he felt it is was very close to the amount and different activities that were not in the contract hadn’t been charged to the school and felt it to be fair. After much discussion on different things that come up, the Council would like to look at it again in another year and see what the janitor services comes up to then.

Mel Dutton also asked the Council if the area to the west side of the modulars be designated as a no parking zone since children come out there after school and people may not see them in time as they are driving by there. The Council felt that would be a good idea, and would take care of that at a different meeting since it wasn’t on the agenda.

Faith Education Foundation – Phone-a-Thon:

Mel Dutton, on behalf of the Faith Education Foundation, stated that the Faith Education Foundation wanted to hold a Phone-a-Thon to ask for donations from alumni. They would like to ask the Council if they would be interested in possibly having four or five telephone lines and a reduction on long distance. The Council would like to look into what they could do and have the Faith Education Foundation come to another meeting.

Approve Ambulance Attendants and new EMT I:

Arlen Frankfurth has some new people to add to the ambulance. Murray made motion, seconded by Walker to add the following to the ambulance:Brian Teller – EMT, Calvin Chapman – Driver, Gretchen Radway – EMT. Motion carried. Frankfurth stated he has two more to add after they pass their tests. Michelle Kilby has received her EMT I license. Walker made motion, seconded by Murray to approve Michelle Kilby as a EMT I. Motion carried.

Approve Firemen:

Mayor Haines stated we have two people to add to the fire department. Walker made motion, seconded by Clark to approve Rusty Kilby and Brain Simondson to the fire department. Motion carried.

Poker Run – Chamber of Commerce:

June Kilby on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce would like to make the Council aware that the Chamber would like to hold a Poker Run July 23, 2005. Kilby also stated the Chamber of Commerce would like to hold a Casino Night in December in the FaithCommunity Center. Council will put it on the agenda at the next Council Meeting.

Daycare Donation:

Fred Hulm on behalf of the Daycare asked the Council if they would be interested in donating some money from the Economic Development Fund. Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to donate $1,850 from the Community Development Fund. Motion carried.

Bill Hibner – Use of Community Center:

Bill Hibner would like to hold the Dustin Evans concert and dance in the FaithCommunity Center again during Stock Show. He asked the City if they would be interested in selling the liquor. The Council felt it wasn’t worth it to sell the liquor again. Mayor Haines stated he talked with the contractors on the new PublicSafetyBuilding and they thought they would be done enough with the fire hall portion of the building and wouldn’t be against having the concert and dance there. Walker made motion, seconded by Clark to allow Bill Hibner to rent one of the buildings. Motion carried.

Use of Community Center:

Gene Ulrich would like to use the Community Center to hold a concert during Stock Show for Cheto Mestes and some others to play music. At this time Gene doesn’t know what day, but will get back to the Council on the details. The Council told Gene that there would be a fifty dollar charge for non-profit.

Surplus Property:

Inghram made motion, seconded by Walker to declare the following as surplus property:

Calculator in non working order

Motion carried.

Approve Fairgrounds Lease with Stock Show:

Eric Bogue pointed out some of the details he was unsure of what the Council wanted in the lease. Stock Show will take to their meeting and some of the Council will look at the lease at Eric’s office before the next meeting.

Dakota West Vet Service Use of Sewer:

Mayor Haines had discussed with Mike Merriman about the possibility of being annexed into the City Limits and not have to worry about getting it okayed to use the City Sewer. Walker made motion, seconded by Selby to extend the sewer to Merriman’s property as by annexing into the City Limits the City will gain from the business’ sales tax. Motion carried.

Committee for Nuisance Properties:

Mayor Haines appointed Larry Walker, Chris Murray, Mike Stocklin and Arlen Frankfurth to look at the properties in which nuisance letters were sent out to see if things are taken care of. The committee will also look at properties which need attention at this time.

Walker made motion, seconded by Murray to adjourn. Motion carried.


Debbie Brown, Finance OfficerGlen Haines, Mayor