Module 7

Lesson 1

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Solve word problemsin varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown.

I CAN: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket/Computer

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework: Lesson 1 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 2

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown.

I CAN: Solve word problems in varied contexts using a letter to represent the unknown.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Exit Ticket

Computer Center

Math Journal/Centers (Optional)

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 2 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 3

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.

I CAN: Share and critique peer solution strategies to varied word problems.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket/Computer Center

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 3 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 4

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Compare and classify quadrilaterals.

I can: Compare and classify quadrilaterals.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework: Lesson 4 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 5

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Compare and classify other polygons.

I can: Compare and classify other polygons.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework: Lesson 5 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 6

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Draw polygons with specified attributes to solve problems.

I CAN: Draw polygons with specified attributes to solve problems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 6 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 7

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using tetriminoes.

I CAN: Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using tetriminoes.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 7 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 8

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.

I CAN: Create a tangram puzzle and observe relationships among the shapes.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 8 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 9

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using tangrams.

I CAN: Reason about composing and decomposing polygons using tangrams.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 9 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 10

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Decompose quadrilaterals to understand perimeter as the boundary of a shape.

I CAN: Decompose quadrilaterals to understand perimeter as the boundary of a shape.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 10 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 11

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Tessellate to understand perimeter as the boundary of a shape.

I CAN: Tessellate to understand perimeter as the boundary of a shape.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 11 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 12

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the perimeter of polygons.

I CAN: Measure side lengths in whole number units to determine the perimeter of polygons.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 12 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 13

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Explore perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and solve problems.

I CAN: Explore perimeter as an attribute of a plane figures and solve problems.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 13 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 14

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when whole number measurements are missing.

I CAN: Determine the perimeter of regular polygons and rectangles when whole number measurements are missing.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 14 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 15

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.

I CAN: Solve word problems to determine perimeter with given side lengths.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing,, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework: Lesson 15 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 16

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest quarter inch.

I CAN: Use string to measure the perimeter of various circles to the nearest quarter inch.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing,, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework: Lesson 16 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 17

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and missing measurements.

I CAN: Use all four operations to solve problems involving perimeter and missing measurements.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing,, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework: Lesson 17 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 18

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Construct rectangles from a given number of units squares and determine the perimeters.

I CAN: Construct rectangles from a given number of unit squares and determine the perimeters.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 18 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 19

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a given number of unit squares.

I CAN: Use a line plot to record the number of rectangles constructed from a given number of unit squares.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 19 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 20

Objective and Standards: 3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and determine their areas.

I CAN: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and determine their areas.

Technology Standards: (Standard 1) Use input and output devices of technology systems.

ELL Standards: (Standard 1) English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting. (Standard 3) English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of MATHEMATICS.

Before: (talking, reading, listening)

Fluency Practice

Application Problem

During: (talking, writing, investigating, reading, listening)

Concept Development

Problem Set Activity

After: (talking, reading, listening)

Student Debrief

Math Journal/Computer Centers (Optional)

Exit Ticket

Comments: Teacher observation, student participation, Exit Ticket

Homework-Lesson 20 and Skip-Counting

Lesson 21

Objective and Standards:3.OA. 8, 3.MD.4, 3.MD.8, 3.G.1 Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and determine their areas.

I CAN: Construct rectangles with a given perimeter using unit squares and determine their areas.