North Molton Primary School Friday 10 November 2017

As the weather turns colder, please kindly bereminded about ourschool uniform policy, ensuring that your child always comes to school with a warm coat and suitable school shoes. Please see the full school uniform list below.

A reminder this week to all parents about attendance. Good attendance is essential for your child’s progress in their learning and is something that we take seriously. We have run the first attendance check ofthe school year with our Education Welfare Officer (EWO) to see how things are going. Please can I remind you that we are unable to authorise any holidays in term time and that absence can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. As a result of the Supreme Court judgement the situation in Devon is that legal action and fines by the County Council will be considered in some circumstances. More information regarding Devon’s Code of Conduct regarding the use of Penalty Notices can be viewed at:

Mrs Hawkins

Reception starters for September 2018: If your child’s birthday falls between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 then you will need to apply for their school place. The applications can be made between 15 November 2014 and 15 January 2018 online at or by calling 0345 155 1019.

Children In Need, Friday 17 November: The school council asked that we help to raise funds by holding a Spotty Non Uniform day. Staff and children can all come dressed in their favourite spotty outfits, with a suggested donation of £1. At lunchtime we will also be holding a penalty shoot-out competition run by the school councils. If your child would like to enter they will need to register with Mrs Marchant in class 1 by Wednesday. We are suggesting a donation of 20p per go.

Could the children in class 2 attending the Space Lab visit please bring their school sweatshirt so they can wear it to South Molton.

Sports Bibs: A MASSIVE thank you to Alan Boddington from the Poltimore Inn North Molton and Andy Milne – School Governor, for sponsoring the purchase of school bibs for the children to wear to sporting events.

Penguins Update

The Penguins have enjoyed another busy week. Wednesday saw us out and about on our Autumn walk. A very BIG thank you to the parents who were able to help. We were able to experience first-hand some of the many signs of Autumn. This week we also made fantastic firework pictures for our display board as well as poppies for a Remembrance display. Next week we will be exploring materials through collage so if anyone has any materials in Christmas colours, we would be very grateful.

Class 1 & 2: Please could parents check school jumpers over the weekend. Theo has lost all of his, they are named. We do try to match the children with their jumpers as best we can but please ensure they are name labelled to help us with this.

Trophies Neatness

Class 1 Theo for making his Mum so proud by reading to his Nan Archie

at home

Class 2 Maggie for being a superstar learner! Alana

Class 3 Lilly for being brilliant all week Jack

Class 4 Toby for a great piece of independent writing Aaron

Boys / Autumn / Spring Term / Summer Term
Grey or black trousers
(no jeans)
White polo shirt with collar
School sweatshirt
Plain dark school shoes / Grey or black trousers or shorts
(no jeans)
White polo shirt with collar
School sweatshirt
Plain dark school shoes
Girls / As above
Trousers or skirt (knee length) may be worn (grey, black or navy), no jeans. / As above
Blue/white checked school dress may be worn, (knee length).
Jewellery / Personal appearance / One small pair of stud earrings may be worn. These will need to be removed or covered for PE lessons. Pupils may wear a watch.
Long hair must be tied back (boys and girls). No extreme hair-styles. No hair dye. No nail polish or make-up.
PE Kit / Sky blue polo shirt, dark shorts and trainers in a marked PE bag that can be kept hung up in the cloakroom.
Lost Property / Please mark your child’s name in all clothing so it can be returned to them. Lost property items are put in a basket in the cloakrooms.

Diary Dates:

16 Nov Theatre Alibi performance (school aged children only)

17 Nov Children In Need. Spotty themed Non Uniform day

21 Nov Visit from local author Claire Barker

27 Nov Parent Consultations 3.20-5pm

28 Nov Parent Consultations 3.20-5pm

5 Dec Christmas Bazaar 5-6.30pm in school hall

11 Dec KS1 Nativity performance 2pm

12 Dec KS1 Nativity performance 2pm

13 Dec School Christmas Lunch (children, governors and PTA committee)

15 Dec Christingle service, 2pm at the All Saints Church

15 Dec Last day of autumn term

West Buckland School Foundation Bursary Scheme: These are offered to Year 7 students each year for local families.

One of our bursaries is specifically for children who live on Exmoor or North Devon District Council areas and whose family’s primary income comes from the rural economy. This is the Fortescue – Bristow Bursary. If this is something you are interested in and want to find out more please get in touch with Amanda Reynolds at West Buckland School

and phone number is 01598 760164 who would be more than happy to talk to parents about the scheme and the easy preliminary application process. The deadline for applications is 20th November 2017.

Public Consultation, School Admissions and Education Travel Arrangements: you are invited to consider the arrangements proposed by Devon County Council and by the academy, voluntary aided, foundation and free schools in Devon which are their own admissions authorities. Consultation is open from 1 November 2017 -5 January 2018, to view the proposal please visit or call My Devon on 0345 155 1019 for a paper version.