Proposed Amending Local Law (2015) - Local Law No. 2 Municipal Places (2012)
Sections 111, 119 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989
File Number:1120.02
Pursuant to its powers under section 111(1) of Local Government Act 1989 (“Act”) Council resolved to prepare an amendment to the Local Law No. 2 Municipal Places (2012) on 3 February 2015, following an approach from the Victoria Police as a result of poor behaviour and excessive alcohol consumption during the weekend of the annual Bright Iconic Rod Run event in 2014.
A copy of the proposed amending the local law is attached to this report.
The amending local law proposes to add a new clause 8(2) to the Local Law No. 2 Municipal Places (2012) that specifically extends the restriction on alcohol consumption in municipal places in Bright under clause 8(1), for the periods specified during the Bright Iconic Rod Run event.
In addition, a new infringement penalty is proposed to be added in the table at Schedule 2 of the Local Law No. 2 Municipal Places (2012), to apply to an offence under the new proposed clause 8(2).
Pursuant to section 119 of the Act, Council must provide notice of the proposed amending local law in the Government Gazette and a public notice stating the purpose and general purport of the proposed amending local law.
The notice must also provide that a copy of the proposed local law and any explanatory document can be obtained from the Council office and that any person affected by the proposed amending local law may make a submission relating to the proposed local law under section 223 of the Act.
Under section 223 of the Act the notice must specify that submissions must be submitted by a date specified that is not less than 28 days from the date of the notice.
Council will have regard to any submission it receives before determining to make the amending local law.
Pursuant to section 119 of the Act, Council may make the amending local law by of a resolution of the Council, having complied with the procedural requirements under the Act.
Once the amending local law is made, Council will give notice of the amending local law in accordance with the Act and will make a copy available at the Council office and on Council’s website www.alpineshire.vic.gov.au.
Nick Vlahandreas
Planning + Amenity