Thank you for your interest in Alliance of Business Lawyers (ABL). If your firm is considering application for ABL membership, please complete and return this Application Form to the ABL Network Coordinator at . The information provided will be kept confidential and aims at guiding the Executive Board to determine if there may be any mutual business opportunities.
Application Form completed by:
Firm Name:
Position in the Firm:
Address (Main Office):
Telephone: Fax:
Year the firm was established: N° of other offices: (excluding Main Office)
Primary contact to ABL through:
Date completing this Sheet:
I. Firm Organisation
List cities where you have offices, n° of lawyers/partners/administrative staff, office space in each office. Tick the box of the office you would like to be considered for ABL membership (only select one office).
MainOffice: / Consider for ABL membership: / City, Country: / #
Partners / Tot. #
Lawyers / # admini-
strative staff / m² office
In your particular jurisdiction, is your firm’s size considered:
Small Medium Large
II. Description of your legal work
What percentage of your work is:
· litigation or other proceedings (like arbitration)?
· non-litigation consultance?
What percentage of your work is:
· criminal law:
· public or administrative law:
· constitutional law:
· business law:
· other civil law:
Are you a full service firm?: Yes No
Are you a niche firm?: Yes No
If yes, which niches:
Name each lawyer of your firm, his specialisations if any and language abilities:
Name / Specialisations / Language abilitiesWhat new niches/specialisations do you plan to add in the near future if any:
How would you describe your standing in your marketplace?
III. Clients
Number of clients:
approx pending files
approx clients
Percentage of
a) publicly held corporations
b) privately held corporations
c) government or public authorities
d) owner managed firms
e) private persons
f) locally operating clients:
g) internationally operating clients:
Please specify with regard to
· countries:
· kind of business of clients in these countries:
· kind of legal work:
Please list your top 10 clients below
(if rules of professional conduct in your jurisdiction allow so)
IV. International Connections
Is your law firm a member of another international legal network?
Yes No
If yes, Which one(s)?
Since when?
When accepted into ABL, do you intend to withdraw from this network?
Withdraw Not Withdraw Not Sure
Does your law firm have formal ties with any other firms?
Yes No
If yes, Which jurisdiction?:
Name & URL of the Firm:
Name the ABL member firms you have worked with, if applicable:
List the countries to which your firm usually refers work:
List the countries from which your firm expects to receive work:
Would your firm be willing to propose its contacts with law firms in non-ABL-covered
territories to membership?
Yes No
Do you have any privileged contacts to c.p.a.´s, accountants, notaries, tax consultants or other consultants in your market place?
Yes No
V. Expectations from ABL Membership
Please rate the importance of the benefits below to your firm in seeking membership in ABL. (1 = Least Important --- 5 = Highly Important)
· Have clients/cases referred to your firm (= inbound referrals)
1 2 3 4 5
· Refer clients/cases to reliable law firms in other jurisdictions (= outbound referrals)
1 2 3 4 5
· Raise your firm’s profile
1 2 3 4 5
· Create cross-border business opportunities
1 2 3 4 5
· Keep informed by international legal developments
1 2 3 4 5
· Participate in Business Units / Workshops
1 2 3 4 5
Would your firm commit to attend meetings biannually? Yes No
Any further comments?
Please return the completed Application Form to . We will contact you at our earliest convenience.