Table of contents

1.General information

1.1. Basic information about the Company

1.2. Business activities of the Company

1.3. Management Board and Supervisory Board members

2.Basic of preparation, presentation currency and roundings applied

2.1. Basis of preparation of the condensed financial statements

2.2. Accounting policies

2.3. Application of International Financial Reporting Standards

2.4. Presentation currency and roundings applied

2.5. Period of the Company’s activities

2.6. Approval of financial statements

3.Financial statements of Apator S.A.

3.1. Statement of financial position

3.2. Statement of comprehensive income

3.3. Statement of changes in equity

3.4. Statement of cash flows

4.Use of estimates and judgements

5.Seasonality of operations

6.Notes to the financial statements

6.1. Operating segments

6.2. Property, plant and equipment

6.3. Other financial assets

6.4. Inventories

6.5. Trade receivables and other receivables

6.6. Loans granted

6.7. Share capital

6.8. Other capital

6.9. Loans and borrowings

6.10. Provisions

6.11. Income tax

6.12. Finance income and expenses

6.13. Explanatory notes to the statement of cash flows

6.14. Related parties

6.15. Contingent liabilities and other items not included in the statement of financial position

6.16. Personnel structure

6.17. Changes in accounting policies

6.18. Subsequent events


  1. General information
  2. Basic information about the Company

Apator S.A. is seatedin Toruńul. Gdańska 4a/C4. It was established by the employees of liquidated state-owned entity PomorskieZakładyAparaturyElektrycznejApatorin Toruń. Itwas registered in the District Court in Toruń, V Commercial Department on 14 January 1993 under the number RHB 1364. On 24 October 2001 the Company was registered in the District Court in Toruń, VII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000056456. The Companyoperatesin Poland under the regulations of Commercial Companies Code.

1.2.Business activities of the Company

According to the Company’s articles of association the Company is primarily involved in manufacturing of switchgear and control equipment for electricity as well as sale of metering devices and systems. The Company’s sharesare quoted on the basic market classified as electric machines sector of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

1.3.Management Board and Supervisory Board members

Management Board

  • AndrzejSzostak – President of the Management Board (from 25 June 2013)
  • JanuszNiedźwiecki – President of the Management Board (until 24 June 2013)
  • Tomasz Habryka – Member of the Management Board
  • Jerzy Kuś – Member of the Management Board

Supervisory Board

  • JanuszNiedźwiecki – Chairman of the Supervisory Board (from 25 June 2013)
  • MariuszLewicki – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • JanuszMarzygliński – Member of the Supervisory Board (Chairman of the Supervisory Board until 24 June 2013)
  • DanutaGuzowska – Member of the Supervisory Board
  • Krzysztof Kwiatkowski – Member of the Supervisory Board
  • MarcinMurawski – Member of the Supervisory Board (from 25 June 2013)
  • RyszardWojnowski – Member of the Supervisory Board (until 24 June 2013)
  • ErykKarski – Member of the Supervisory Board (until 24June 2013)
  1. Basic of preparation, presentation currency and roundings applied
  2. Basis of preparation of the condensed financial statements

The condensed interim financial statements of Apator S.A. as at and for the period ended 30 June 2013 have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”)adopted by the European Union. These condensed interim financial statements do not include all the information required for complete set of financial statements and should be read together with the financial statements of Apator S.A. as at and for the year ended31 December 2012.

The condensed interim financial statements of Apator S.A. cover the first half of the year 2013 and include comparative information for the year 2012 and the first half of the year 2012. The statement of comprehensive income includes information for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2013 and from 1 January to 30 June 2013. Moreover, the financial information for the year ended 31 December 2012is also presented in these financial statements.

2.2.Accounting policies

The condensed financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the valuation of certain non-current assets (investment property) and financial instruments (derivatives), which are measured at fair value. The accounting policiesapplied in the condensed financial statements are the same as those appliedin the financial statements as at and for the year ended31 December 2012, except for changes described in note 6.18.

2.3.Application of International Financial Reporting Standards


The following standards, amendments to standards and interpretations (adopted or being in the process of adoption by the European Union) are effective as at 1 January 2013:

– Amendments to IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: disclosures – offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities” – effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later;

– IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later;

– Amendments to IAS 1 „Presentation of financial statements: presentation of items of other comprehensive income” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 July 2012 or later;

– Amendments to IAS 12 “Income taxes – deferred tax: recovery of underlying assets” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later;

– Amendments to IAS 19 issued in year 2011 „Employee benefits” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later.

The adoption of the above standards and interpretations did not result in significant changes either in the Company’s accounting policies or in the presentation of the financial statements, except for IAS 19. Effects of changes in IAS 19 have been described in section 6.17.

STAndards and interpretations not yet adopted by the European Union

As of the publication date of these financial statements the following standards and interpretations are awaiting to be endorsed by the European Union:

- Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27 “Investment entities” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2015 or later;

- Amendments to IFRS 9 issued in 2009 and 2010 “Financial instruments” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2015 or later;

- Amendments to IFRS 9 “Financial instruments” and IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: disclosures” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2015 or later;

- Amendments to IAS 36 „Impairment of assets: recoverable amount disclosures for non-financial assets” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

- IFRIC 21 „Levies” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

- Amendments to IAS 39 “Financial instruments: recognition and measurement” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later.

The Management is currently evaluating consequences and impact of the new standards implementation on the financial statements. However, no significant impact is expected.


As of the date of these financial statements there are standards and interpretations which were adopted by the European Union but are not yet effective:

– IFRS 10 “Consolidated financial statements” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

– IFRS 11 “Joint arrangements” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

– IFRS 12 “Disclosure of interests in other entities” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

– Amendments to IAS 27 issued in 2011 „Separate financial statements” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

– Amendments to IAS 28 issued in 2011 „Investments in associates and joint ventures” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

– Amendments to IAS 32 „Financial instruments: presentation – offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later;

– Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12 “Consolidated financial statements”, „Joint arrangements” and „Disclosure of interests In other entities: transition guidance” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later.

The Management is currently evaluating consequences and impact of the above new standards implementation on the financial statements. However, no significant impact is expected.

2.4.Presentation currency and roundings applied

The presentation currency of these condensed financial statements is Polish zloty (PLN), and all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise).

2.5.Period of the Company’s activities

Apator S.A. was established for an indefinite period.

The condensed financial statements were prepared under the assumption that the Company will continue to operate as a going concern for the foreseeable future, i.e. in a period of not less than 12 months after the end of the reporting period.

2.6.Approval of financial statements

These condensed financial statements were approved and signed by the Company’s Management Board on 22 August 2013.

  1. Financial statements of Apator S.A.
  2. Statement of financial position

30.06.2013 / 31.12.2012
restated* / 30.06.2012
Non-current assets / 218 532 / 221 493 / 214 682
Intangible assets / 3 583 / 3 057 / 3 033
Property, plant and equipment / 2 / 69 812 / 69 272 / 63 027
Investment property / 1 300 / 1 303 / 1 405
Other long term financial assets / 3 / 124 475 / 126 380 / 125 889
- in related entities / 124 372 / 125 863 / 125 862
- in other entities / 103 / 517 / 27
Long term loans – to related entities / 6 / - / 83 / 206
Long term receivables – from related entities / 5 / 44 / 943 / 1 112
Deferred tax assets / 11 / 19 318 / 20 455 / 20 010
Current assets / 59 353 / 52 306 / 73 128
Inventories / 4 / 16 573 / 18 898 / 24 702
Trade receivables / 5 / 27 490 / 25 675 / 33 459
- from related entities / 4 435 / 1 946 / 3 790
- from other entities / 23 055 / 23 729 / 29 669
Current tax assets / 5 / 530 / - / -
Receivables due to other taxes (excluding income tax) and other similar charges / 5 / 301 / 1 666 / 1 254
Other short term receivables / 5 / 7 176 / 415 / 1 089
- from related entities / 5 683 / 12 / -
- from other entities / 1 493 / 403 / 1 089
Other short term financial assets – related entities / 3 / 130 / 131 / -
Short term loans – related entities / 6 / 3 222 / 214 / 210
Cash and cash equivalents / 2 677 / 4 566 / 2 483
Prepayments / 1 254 / 741 / 1 180
Assets held for sale / - / - / 8 751
TOTAL ASSETS / 277 885 / 273 799 / 287 810

* The restatement is presentedin note 17.

30.06.2013 / 31.12.2012
restated* / 30.06.2012
Equity / 204 642 / 199 082 / 190 887
Share capital / 7 / 3 311 / 3 311 / 3 511
Other capital / 8 / 162 305 / 138 311 / 138 111
Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefit plans / (169) / (49) / -
Hedging reserve / (414) / 359 / (704)
Retained earnings / 39 609 / 57 150 / 49 969
- undistributed profit from prior years / 49 / - / -
- profit of the current period / 39 560 / 70 393 / 49 969
- appropriation of the net profit during the current year / - / (13 243) / -
Liabilities / 73 243 / 74 717 / 96 923
Non-current liabilities and provisions / 6 887 / 5 609 / 21 733
Long term loans and borrowings – other entities / 9 / - / - / 15 000
Long term liabilities – other entities / 1 864 / 1 024 / 1 984
Long term liabilities due to employee benefits / 10 / 5 023 / 4 585 / 4 749
Current liabilities and provisions / 66 356 / 69 108 / 75 190
Short term loans and borrowings – other entities / 9 / 12 449 / 35 358 / 18 461
Trade liabilities / 12 119 / 13 092 / 18 820
- to related entities / 928 / 2 893 / 9 254
- to other entities / 11 191 / 10 199 / 9 566
Current tax liabilities / - / 4 009 / 371
Liabilities due to other taxes (excluding income tax) and other similar charges / 1 956 / 2 069 / 1 535
Other short term liabilities / 36 838 / 11 546 / 26 878
- to related entities / 9291 / 212 / 7559
- to other entities / 27547 / 11 334 / 19319
Short term liabilities due to employee benefits / 10 / 2 423 / 2 459 / 1 595
Other short term provisions / 10 / 571 / 575 / 530
Liabilities held for sale / - / - / 7 000
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES / 277 885 / 273 799 / 287 810

* The restatement is presented in note 17.

3.2.Statement of comprehensive income

DESCRIPTION / NOTE / for theperiod
from 01.04.2013 / from 01.01.2013 / from 01.01.2012 / from 01.04.2012 / from 01.01.2012
to 30.06.2013 / to 30.06.2013 / to 31.12.2012
restated* / to 30.06.2012
restated* / to 30.06.2012
Revenue / 1 / 41 395 / 80 903 / 183 411 / 45 143 / 96 299
Revenue from sales of finished products / 38 382 / 75 047 / 151 346 / 33 478 / 72 757
- to related entities / 7 726 / 11 749 / 28 206 / 7 493 / 17 888
- to other entities / 30 656 / 63 298 / 123 140 / 25 985 / 54 869
Revenue from sales of merchandise and raw materials / 3 013 / 5 856 / 32 065 / 11 665 / 23 542
- to related entities / 804 / 1 375 / 6 421 / 2 156 / 4 611
- to other entities / 2 209 / 4 481 / 25 644 / 9 509 / 18 931
Cost of sales / (28 351) / (58 442) / (140 438) / (35 114) / (73 657)
Cost of finished products sold / (25 717) / (53 353) / (112 164) / (24 708) / (52 726)
- to related entities / (5 615) / (8 705) / (23 029) / (5 967) / (13 923)
- to other entities / (20 102) / (44 648) / (89 135) / (18 741) / (38 803)
Cost of merchandise and raw materials sold / (2 634) / (5 089) / (28 274) / (10 406) / (20 931)
- to related entities / (760) / (1 299) / (5 761) / (1 901) / (4 043)
- to other entities / (1 874) / (3 790) / (22 513) / (8 505) / (16 888)
Gross profit on sales / 13 044 / 22 461 / 42 973 / 10 029 / 22 642
Selling and distribution expenses / (2 103) / (4 113) / (10 220) / (2 600) / (4 673)
General and administrative expenses / (5 458) / (10 914) / (24 163) / (6 747) / (12 227)
Profit on sales / 5 483 / 7 434 / 8 590 / 682 / 5 742
Other operating income (expenses), including: / 6 / 34 / 19 674 / (99) / (137)
Other operating income / 635 / 897 / 23 698 / 126 / 316
Other operating expenses / (629) / (863) / (4 024) / (225) / (453)
Result from operating activities / 5 489 / 7 468 / 28 264 / 583 / 5 605
Net finance income, including: / 12 / 33 223 / 33 605 / 26 116 / 20 995 / 24 950
Finance income / 33855 / 34 799 / 29 260 / 21394 / 26 509
Finance expenses / (632) / (1194) / (3 144) / (399) / (1 559)
Profit before tax / 38 712 / 41 073 / 54 380 / 21 578 / 30 555
Income tax expense / 11 / (141) / (167) / (4 829) / 57 / (744)
Deferred tax expense / 11 / (860) / (1 346) / 20 842 / 20 167 / 20 158
Net profit / 37 711 / 39 560 / 70 393 / 41 802 / 49 969

* The restatement is presented in note 17.

DESCRIPTION / NOTE / for the period
from 01.04.2013 / from 01.01.2013 / from 01.01.2012 / from 01.04.2012 / from 01.01.2012
to 30.06.2013 / to 30.06.2013 / to 31.12.2012
restated* / to 30.06.2012
restated* / to 30.06.2012
Other comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income, net / (304) / (893) / 1 770 / (553) / 756
Items that are be reclassified to profit or loss in the future
- Net result on hedging including tax effect / (184) / (773) / 1 819 / (553) / 756
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
- Net actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans including tax effect / (120) / (120) / (49) / - / -
Total comprehensive income / 37 407 / 38 667 / 72 163 / 41 249 / 50 725
Earnings per share:
- basic / 1,14 / 1,19 / 2,09 / 1,25 / 1,46
- diluted / 1,14 / 1,19 / 2,09 / 1,25 / 1,46
Weighted average number of shares / 33 107 028 / 33 107 028 / 33 669 870 / 33 370 764 / 34 238 896

* The restatement is presented in note 17.

3.3.Statement of changes in equity

DESCRIPTION / Share capital / Other capital / Reserve of remeasurements of defined benefits plans / Hedging reserve / Retained earnings / Total equity
Balance as at 01.01.2012 / 3 511 / 125 410 / - / (1 460) / 37 731 / 165 192
Changes in equity for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012
Cash flow hedges / - / - / - / 933 / - / 933
Tax related to positions presented in equity or transferred from equity / - / - / - / (177) / - / (177)
Net profit for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 / - / - / - / - / 49 969 / 49 969
Comprehensive income for theperiod from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 / - / - / - / 756 / 49 969 / 50 725
Dividends / - / - / - / - / (24 830) / (24 830)
Purchase of treasury shares / - / (200) / - / - / - / (200)
Distribution of the net profit to other capital / - / 12 901 / - / - / (12 901) / -
Balance as at 30.06.2012 / 3 511 / 138 111 / - / (704) / 49 969 / 190 887
Balance as at 01.01.2012 / 3 511 / 125 410 / - / (1 460) / 37 731 / 165 192
Changes in equity for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012
Profits/(losses) on rvaluation / - / - / (60) / - / - / (60)
Cash flow hedges / - / - / - / 2 246 / - / 2 246
Tax related to positions presented in equity or transferred from equity / - / - / 11 / (427) / - / (416)
Net profit for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 / - / - / - / - / 70 393 / 70 393
Comprehensive income for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 / - / - / (49) / 1 819 / 70 393 / 72 163
Dividends / - / - / - / - / (24 830) / (24 830)
Advances for dividend paid / - / - / - / - / (13 243) / (13 243)
Purchase of treasury shares / - / (200) / - / - / - / (200)
Redemption of treasury shares / (200) / 200 / - / - / - / -
Distribution of the net profit to other capital / - / 12 901 / - / - / (12 901) / -
Balance as at 31.12.2012 / 3 311 / 138 311 / (49) / 359 / 57 150 / 199 082
Balance as at 01.01.2013 / 3 311 / 138 311 / (49) / 359 / 57 150 / 199 082
Changes in equity for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013
Profits/(losses) on revaluation / - / - / (148) / - / - / (148)
Cash flow hedges / - / - / - / (954) / - / (954)
Tax related to positions presented in equity or transferred from equity / - / - / 28 / 181 / - / 209
Net profit for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 / - / - / - / - / 39 560 / 39 560
Comprehensive income for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 / - / - / (120) / (773) / 39 560 / 38 667
Dividends / - / - / - / - / (46 350) / (46 350)
Settlement of advance for dividend / - / - / - / - / 13 243 / 13 243
Distribution of the net profit to other capital / - / 23 994 / - / - / (23 994) / -
Balance as at 30.06.2013 / 3 311 / 162 305 / (169) / (414) / 39 609 / 204 642

3.4.Statement of cash flows

DESCRIPTION / NOTE / for the period
from 01.01.2013 / from 01.01.2012 / from 01.01.2012
to 30.06.2013 / to 31.12.2012 / to 30.06.2012
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax / 41 073 / 54 380 / 30 555
Adjustments for: / (28 906) / (42 180) / (22 025)
Amortisation of intangible assets / 594 / 1 029 / 456
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment / 3 790 / 6 163 / 2 769
Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets / (183) / (23 405) / (252)
Gain on sale of available-for-sale financial assets / (160) / - / -
(Gains) losses on revaluation of investment property to fair value / (140) / 102 / -
(Gains) losses on change in fair value of derivatives / 325 / (613) / (200)
Interest expense / 764 / 2 354 / 1 328
Interest income / (15) / (13) / (8)
Dividend income / (34 005) / (28 200) / (26 096)
Other adjustments / 124 / 403 / (22)
Cash generated from operating activities before changes in working capital / 12 167 / 12 200 / 8 530
Changes in inventory / 2 325 / 3 391 / (2 413)
Changes in receivables / 13 / (673) / 9 466 / 1 304
Changes in liabilities / 13 / (2 212) / 272 / 3 786
Changes in provisions and liabilities due to employee benefits / 13 / 250 / 933 / 248
Changes in prepayments / (513) / (350) / (789)
Cash generated from operating activities / 11 344 / 25 912 / 10 666
Income taxes paid / (4 706) / (449) / (1)
Net cash from operating activities / 6 638 / 25 463 / 10 665
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of intangible assets / (1 156) / (739) / (329)
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment / 13 / (7 152) / (17 546) / (15 184)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment / 561 / 27 177 / 191
Acquisition of available-for-sale financial assets / (1) / - / -
Proceeds from sale of investments in subsidiary / 4 897 / - / -
Acquisition of subsidiary / (3 247) / - / -
Loans granted / (3 000) / - / -
Repayments of loans granted / 105 / 222 / 115
Interest received / 4 / 14 / 9
Dividend received / 28 323 / 28 200 / 26 096
Other proceeds/(payments) / (3 739) / (2 986) / (1 125)
Net cash from investing activities / 15 595 / 34 342 / 9 773
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from loans and borrowings / - / 26 150 / 10 000
Repayment of loans and borrowings / (22 852) / (41 000) / (26 687)
Interests paid / (798) / (2 273) / (1 319)
Dividends paid / - / (38 059) / -
Payment of finance lease liabilities / (448) / (116) / (21)
Other proceeds/ (payments) / 13 / (24) / (21) / (8)
Net cash from financing activities / (24 122) / (55 319) / (18 035)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents / (1 889) / 4 486 / 2 403
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period / 4 566 / 80 / 80
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period / 2 677 / 4 566 / 2 483
  1. Use of estimates and judgements

Significant judgements and estimates made by the Management of Apator S.A. in applying accounting policies and the key sources of information used to determine the estimates are consistent with those applied in the complete set of annual financial statements of Apator S.A. as at and for the year ended31 December 2012, except for those described in note 17.

  1. Seasonality of operations

Due to manufacturing of investment goods, the revenues of the Company are subject to seasonal fluctuations. Demand for the products of Apator S.A. is at it’s highest level in the third and fourth quarter of each year.

  1. Notes to the financial statements
  2. Operating segments

The Company has two key reportable segments within electric machines sector: metering and switchgear. The Company provides comprehensive services in the field of metering and reading of power utilities and provides the equipment to safe connection and disconnection of electrical circuits.

In presenting information on the basis of geography, Apator S.A. identified three areas of activity (which are not geographic segments):

  • Home country – domestic sales;
  • Export – sales outside the European Union;
  • Union – sales to countries included in the European Union.

DESCRIPTION / Metering equipment / Switchgear equipment / Other / Unallocated amounts / Total
Financial results by operating segments for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013
Total revenue / 43 820 / 33 501 / 3 582 / - / 80 903
External revenues / 34 498 / 29 699 / 3 582 / - / 67 779
Sales to related parties / 9 322 / 3 802 / - / - / 13 124
Total expenses / (33 195) / (26 111) / (3 249) / - / (62 555)
External expenses / (26 188) / (23 114) / (3 249) / - / (52 551)
Expenses to related parties / (7 007) / (2 997) / - / - / (10 004)
Operating segment profit / 10 625 / 7 390 / 333 / - / 18 348
Unassigned expenses / - / - / - / (10 880) / (10 880)
Profit/(loss) from operating activities / 10 625 / 7 390 / 333 / (10 880) / 7 468
Finance income / - / - / - / 34 799 / 34 799
- interest revenue / - / - / - / 49 / 49
Finance expenses / - / - / - / (1 194) / (1 194)
- interest expense / - / - / - / (757) / (757)
Profit/(loss) before tax / 10 625 / 7 390 / 333 / 22 725 / 41 073
Income tax expense / - / - / - / (1 513) / (1 513)
Net profit / 10 625 / 7 390 / 333 / 21 212 / 39 560
Other segment information as at 30.06.2013
Total assets, including: / 44 235 / 29 632 / 1 217 / 208 801 / 277 885
Property, plant and equipment / 18 999 / 9 198 / - / - / 28 197
Intangible assets / 1 976 / 848 / - / - / 2 824
Inventories / 8 371 / 8 202 / - / - / 16 573
Trade receivables / 14 889 / 11 384 / 1 217 / - / 27 490
Unassigned assets / - / - / - / 208 801 / 208 885
Financial results by operating segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012
Total revenue / 106 109 / 69 505 / 7 797 / - / 183 411
External revenues / 78 356 / 62 802 / 7 626 / - / 148 784
Sales to related parties / 27 753 / 6 703 / 171 / - / 34 627
Total expenses / (90 265) / (55 123) / (5 270) / - / (150 658)
External expenses / (68 412) / (48 263) / (5 193) / - / (121 868)
Expenses to related parties / (21 853) / (6 860) / (77) / - / (28 790)
Operating segment profit / 15 844 / 14 382 / 2 527 / - / 32 753
Unallocated expenses / - / - / - / (4 489) / (4 489)
Profit/(loss) from operating activities / 15 844 / 14 382 / 2 527 / (4 489) / 28 264
Finance income / - / - / - / 29 260 / 29 260
- interest revenue / - / - / - / 207 / 207
Finance expenses / - / - / - / (3 144) / (3 144)
- interest expense / - / - / - / (1 666) / (1 666)
Profit/(loss) before tax / 15 844 / 14 382 / 2 527 / 21 627 / 54 380
Income tax expense / - / - / - / 16 013 / 16 013
Net profit / 15 844 / 14 382 / 2 527 / 37 640 / 70 393
Other segment information as at 31.12.2012
Total assets, including: / 44 832 / 28 136 / 1 091 / 199 740 / 273 799
Property, plant and equipment / 18 792 / 8 209 / - / - / 27 001
Intangible assets / 2 004 / 481 / - / - / 2 485
Inventories / 9 182 / 9 716 / - / - / 18 898
Trade receivables / 14 854 / 9 730 / 1 091 / - / 25 675
Unallocated assets / - / - / - / 199 740 / 199 740
Financial results by operating segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012
Total revenue / 57 073 / 34 147 / 5 079 / - / 96 299
External revenues / 39 227 / 29 502 / 5 071 / - / 73 800
Sales to related parties / 17 846 / 4 645 / 8 / - / 22 499
Total expenses / (48 496) / (26 781) / (3 053) / - / (78 330)
External expenses / (34 264) / (23 047) / (3 053) / - / (60 364)
Expenses to related parties / (14 232) / (3 734) / - / - / (17 966)
Operating segment profit / 8 577 / 7 366 / 2 026 / - / 17 969
Unallocated expenses / - / - / - / (12 364) / (12 364)
Profit/(loss) from operating activities / 8 577 / 7 366 / 2 026 / (12 364) / 5 605
Finance income / - / - / - / 26 509 / 26 509
- interest revenue / - / - / - / 71 / 71
Finance expenses / - / - / - / (1 559) / (1 559)
- interest expense / - / - / - / (668) / (668)
Profit/(loss) before tax / 8 577 / 7 366 / 2 026 / 12 586 / 30 555
Income tax expense / - / - / - / 19 414 / 19 414
Net profit / 8 577 / 7 366 / 2 026 / 32 000 / 49 969
Other segment information as at 30.06.2012
Total assets, including: / 47 336 / 32 193 / 1 765 / 206 516 / 287 810
Property, plant and equipment / 13 517 / 7 579 / - / - / 21 096
Intangible assets / 1 502 / 535 / - / - / 2 037
Inventories / 12 487 / 12 215 / - / - / 24 702
Trade receivables / 19 830 / 11 864 / 1 765 / - / 33 459
Unallocated assets / - / - / - / 206 516 / 206 516

Geographical information

DESCRIPTION / Domestic / Export / Union / Total
Sales revenue of geographical segments for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013
Total revenue / 58 048 / 14 237 / 8 618 / 80 903
External revenues / 48 218 / 12 555 / 7 006 / 67 779
Sales to related parties / 9 830 / 1 682 / 1 612 / 13 124
Sales revenue of geographical segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012
Total revenue / 138 005 / 20 769 / 24 637 / 183 411
External revenues / 114 775 / 15 577 / 18 432 / 148 784
Sales to related parties / 23 230 / 5 192 / 6 205 / 34 627
Sales revenue of geographical segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012
Total revenue / 71 403 / 10 331 / 14 565 / 96 299
External revenues / 55 585 / 6 813 / 11 402 / 73 800
Sales to related parties / 15 818 / 3 518 / 3 163 / 22 499

6.2.Property, plant and equipment

During the six-month period ended 30 June 2013 the most significant expenditure related to property, plant and equipment included investments in machinery and equipment.