2017-2019 CA State Plan for Independent Living
Data Collection and Reporting Tool – September 2017 Update
(includes 3rd Qtr CILR data June 30, 2017)
Note: in completing this update our team learned that this tool needs changes. We will work with DOR to optimize this tool.
Outcomes and Comments:
Title VII B funds for youth: Six Youth Transition Grants were awarded and are slated to run from 10/1/17 – 9/30/19. The California Youth Leadership Forum received financial support and in-kind support from the I.L. Network.
In FY 15-16 the IL Network served 2,197 youth ages 20-24 and 809 youth and children ages 5-19 for a total of 3,006 consumers served.
14 ILCs received transition funding grants and 6 centers used the mini-grants to serve 44 people.
For at least one year, DOR has required a standardized assessment for quality of life and ability to make informed choices from mini-grant recipients.
Currently, 85% of service recipients report that their independent living situation has improved as a result of services, 15% report it has stayed the same, 0% report it has worsened. 100% report feeling better equipped to make decisions about their living situation as a result of receiving services.
DOR ILATS team spent 12.75 hours providing technical assistance with regards to de-institutional transition. They spent 7 hours highlighting services to transition-aged youth.
February 6, 2017, they also published an “Independent Living Center Youth Programs Report & Resource Directory” for 2016-2017 that not only describes existing programs, but should help with establishing a baseline for pre-SPIL vs. post-SPIL youth transition resources.
The SILC completed no resource development activities.
A contractor has been funded to provide technical assistance around Community Organizing.
The last Systems Change Network report was provided to the SILC for its March 2017 meeting. However, that report contained no data for the current SPIL. The events reported in that document ended in September, 2016.
The Systems Change Network did sponsor a Healthcare Advocacy Summit on March 21, the Independent Living Conference June 12, 2017 and Disability Capitol Action Day June 13, 2017.
The SILC reached out to 65 service provider agencies in rural California to increase interest in Independent Living. SILC also used social media with postings chosen to appeal to people who are Blind (5), Deaf (5), live in rural underserved communities (4), youth (3), Asian-American, and identify as LGBTQI.
1. GOAL 1: The California Independent Living Network will enhance and expand existing transition services.
Objective 1: I.L. Network members will have access to more youth transition tools.
Yes __No __ Were Title VII B funds for youth awarded?
Yes __No __ Is/are the Title VIIB youth project(s) spending on schedule?
Yes __ No __ Did the California Youth Leadership Forum receive financial support?
Yes __ No __ Did the California Youth Leadership Forum receive in-kind support from the I.L. Network?
Please indicate, by placing an “X” in the blank provided, which features have been provided by funding recipients:
___Life-skill training (youth managing own IHSS, managing healthcare, transitioning managing healthcare from parent to youth. how to lead one’s own IEP)
___Confidence building
___Life and career assessment and planning
___Self-advocacy training
___Leadership development
___Training for ILC Managers and program staff
___Sharing experience/knowledge with I.L. Network partners
Baseline number of youth ages 14 to 24 with disabilities served reported in the FY 15-16 accumulative CILR as of 9/30/16_____
Number of youth ages 14 to 24 with disabilities served reported in the CILR as of (most recent quarter)_____
Objective 2: Californians with disabilities move from more restricted settings into the community setting of their choice.
How many ILCs received transition funding grants?
How many ILCs actually utilized transition funding to assist consumers?
How many consumers received mini-grants?
Number of persons with disabilities transitioned from institutional living reported in the CILR/tracked by DOR ILAT Section as of (most recent quarter)____
Objective 3: Individuals who transition are assessed on their quality of life and ability to make informed choices.
Has a standardized assessment for quality of life and ability to make informed choices been developed?
Has the above assessment been tested by stakeholders?
Has the above assessment been tested by SILC?
Has the above assessment been tested by DOR?
Brief analysis of the results of the assessments (anecdotal, DOR Training & Technical Assistance to IL Network Report):
Objective 4: Through existing state I.L. Network Technical Assistance structures, I.L. Network members access expanded resources and tools for providing Transition.
How many new transition resources and tools were created or added to California resource sites?
Brief analysis of transition-related technical assistance provided by ILATS staff. (anecdotal, DOR Training & Technical Assistance to IL Network Report):
Objective 5: SILC conducts resource development activities.
For the question below, please indicate the interval (i.e. daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly)
What was the number of resource development activities reported by the SILC as of interval, ______number ?
How many dollars (directed at the state level) were added to support the provision of independent living services by centers? $______
GOAL 2: Californians with disabilities continue to benefit from advocacy and community organizing.
Objective 1: The California I.L. Network receives effective and supportive coaching, mentoring, and training around Community Organizing and Systems Change.
Has a contractor been funded to provide technical assistance around Community Organizing and Systems Change? Yes No__
For the questions below, please indicate the interval (i.e. daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly)
Number of new I.L. Network members provided training and technical assistance? interval, ______number ?
Methods used to keep I.L. Network members interconnected regionally and statewide. interval, ______number ?
Educational information provided to I.L. Network members about legal changes and advocacy issues: interval, ______number ?
CILR Narratives about systems change results from center’s advocacy activities: interval, ______number ?
Objective 2: Through existing state I.L. Network Technical Assistance structures, I.L. Network members receive regulatory guidance on Community Organizing and Systems Change.
Please provide a brief analysis of community organizing and systems change technical assistance provided by ILATS staff (anecdotal, DOR Training & Technical Assistance to IL Network Report):
GOAL Outreach to Unserved, underserved, and under-represented.
Please indicate which populations received targeted outreach during (describe interval):
___Persons who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or hearing-impaired
___Persons with cognitive disabilities
___Persons who are Blind or have visual disabilities
___Youth ages 14 to 24 with disabilities
___Members of the LGBTQI community
___Speakers of Tagalog and Armenian
Outreach to increase I.L. services in the following communities:
___San Joaquin
Brief discussion of notable outreach activities during (describe interval), especially any internet outreach by DOR or SILC:______.
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