Name of Resource: Voter Registration Drive
Type of Resource
Literature (e.g. research, journal articles, newsletters)
Curriculum Materials or Program
School or District Demonstration Site
Support Provider (e.g. community-based organizations, resource experts, after-school groups, etc.)
Grade Level(s): K-3 4-5 6-8 9-12
Abstract : (Describe your resource in 25 words or less.)
A service learing project to promote voting Students are given a "present" on their 18th birithday. Delivered to their class, with appropriate fanfare, the present includes voter registration material and a "Be Heard" wrist band.
Promising Approaches: If applicable, please indicate the number(s) of the Promising Approach(es) that best address your resource:
Six Promising Approaches to Civic Education:#1: Classroom instruction in government, history, law, and democracy
#2: Discussion of current issues
#3: Service-learning linked to formal curriculum and classroom instruction
#4: Extracurricular activities
#5: Student voice in school governance
#6: Student simulations of democratic processes and procedures
Description of your resource, including expected outcomes and how the resource supports CMS goals and objectives. (125 words or less. Please spell out acronyms.):
The Civic Mission Aragon supported the voter registration program. This is a service learning project conceived and carried out by student participants in Sojourn to the Past. Sojourn to the Past is an educational project where students and educators travel across the South for 10 days, visiting important historic sites of the civil rights movement. Upon their return they are responsible for developing a service project. The group worked closely with our CMS group in the design and implementation of the project. Financial support was given to purchase bracelets. We are committed to supporting this project next year.
California Academic Content Standard(s) addressed, if applicable:
(For Example: California History-Social Science Standards 12.2, 12.4;CA English-Language Arts standards, persuasive writing and speaking/listening strategies in the elementary grades.) California standards: Compilation of national standards:
Measurable Evidence (to support the use of your resource)
Informal Surveys
Research-based w/outside evaluator
Anecdotal Evidence
Narrative Description of Evidence (75 words or less):
The project was begun in May and measurable evidence has not been collected. The project will continued next year and evidence will be collected to evaluate the it's effectiveness in promoting voter registration.
Organization/Agency Name: Aragon High School
School or LEA
Type of Organization/Agency:
Youth Serving
The mission statement/goals of your organization (50 words or less):
Mailing Address: 900 Alamdea San Mateo, CA 94402
Contact Person: Jim SmithTitle: Teacher
Fax Number: (650) 558-2952
Website Address:
Phone Number: (650) 558-2999E-mail address: