2018Fowlerville Family Fair Camping Rules & Regulations

  1. Upon arrival, campers must check in with the campgrounds supervisors for their sites location and camping permits. The Permits must be displayed in the camping unit. ALL PERMITS MUST FACE ROADSIDE.
  2. Site assignments will be given based on the size of the unit. Camping is on an assignment basis. No advance site confirmations will be given. No sites will be held without payment AND a camping application form.
  3. NO SWITCHING OF SIGHTS will be granted without request. Only necessary sight changes are made by the camping superintendents ONLY! Those who are found changing sights will be asked to leave and will not receive refund.
  4. Campers arriving early, before designated arrival time, will be charged $10.00per day early arrival fee. There will be no early release of campers prior to close of last day of fair. (11p.m.). This is for your safety and your fellow campers as well.
  5. Each campsite will be required to have a responsible adult staying in the camper at night and their name listed on the application form for supervising younger members of the camping group. The names of all the members of the camping group shall be listed on the application and the name and phone number of the person or persons to contact in case of an emergency. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
  6. Campers are to be quiet after 11:00pm – This will be strictly enforced!
  7. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drug will be allowed on the grounds.
  8. No dumping of wastewater on the grounds, please use the dumping station. Pumping will be offered at an additional charge. Sign up for pumping is in the Fair office during regular business hours. Payment for pumping will be required in advanced at time of registration. An adult MUST be in attendance of the camping unit during the pumping times. A schedule will be given in the packet picked up from office.
  9. All water hoses and trailer connections MUST not leak. If this becomes a problem they will be disconnected by the campgrounds supervisor.
  10. Electrical cords MUST be a 12 gauge or better with the proper ground. Noncompliance with rules will result in the detachment of electricity by the campgrounds supervisor or fair electrician.
  11. There will be NO parking of vehicles at the campsites. Fire lanes are to be kept clear at all times.
  12. NO PETS on fairgrounds. This includes campgrounds.
  13. Any camper or member of a camping group who violates any of these rules will have their camper permit revoked. They will be required to leave the fairgrounds and remove their camper from the grounds . Camping fees will be forfeited and no refunds will be made.
  14. Any rules not followed will result in a loss of privilege to camp in subsequent years.
  15. Superintendents will receive priority. Registration opens May 2, 2016 for Superintendents and May 16,2016 for general registration to all 4-H.

Camping Permits Application


Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City, State and Zip code: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Emergency contact name & number: ______

Individuals staying in the camper: (please list names) ______

Type of Camper: ______

Plate #: ______Overall Length of camper: ______(required Information)

Pumping: Grey [ ] Black [ ] Both [ ] sm/med $25ea tank or large $45ea tank.

~ Camping Fees~

[ ] $80.00 for Rustic [ ] $125.00 for 20amp Electric NO A/C [ ] $175.00 for 30amp with A/C ($50.00 for each additional air conditioner) ____ # addl A/C units $______

Payment Enclosed – Credit Card_____ Check______Cash______Money order_____

Credit Card Info – MC – Visa – Amex - Disc (circle one) Card # ______CVV2#______

Exp. Date ______Cardholder Signature ______

*I have read and understand the rules for camping at the Fowlerville Family Fairgrounds and agree to all the terms and conditions listed above.

Camper Signature______

Office use only

Dated received______Received by______Permit # ______

Amount paid ______Cash______Check ______Credit Card ______Money order______
