Crossroads CareRecruitment policy and procedure
Recruitment policy and procedure
This document is provided as part of a suite of policy and guidance documents to (name of scheme) (now referred to as a ‘scheme’) as a Network Partner of Carers Trust
1.1 This policy sets out the standards and procedure to be observed when recruiting staff. This policy applies to recruitment of all staff, permanent or temporary.
1.2 The additional screening required for posts that are subject to a criminal records checkis documented at the end of each section under the heading “posts subject to a criminal records check”. Volunteer roles that require a criminal records check are also subject to this additional screening.
2.1 Carers Trust is committed to following safer recruitment practices for all posts that involve working with vulnerable adults and/or children.
2.2 The aim of the recruitment process will be to appoint the best person for the role based on their skills, knowledge and experience.
2.3 The recruitment process will comply with the diversity and equality policy (E05a).
3.1 Recruitment procedures must be established and operated effectively to ensure that persons employed:
- are of good character (see appendix one)
- have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience which are necessary for the work to be performed
- are able by reasons of their health, after reasonable adjustments are made, of properly performing tasks which are intrinsic to the work for which they are employed.
3.2 A recruitment schedule should be drawn up to ensure there are no long delays between various stages of the recruitment process. It will state who will be involved, who has been assigned responsibility and the date:
- the advertisement will be in the various media
- on which application forms will be returned
- shortlisting will take place
- invitation to interview letters will go out
- interviews will take place
- candidates will be told the outcome of the interview.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
3.3 Where it is possible to do so people who use the service will be involved in the recruitment of staff.
4.1 A job description will be drawn up that will accurately describe the duties/responsibilities of the post.
4.2 All posts will have a person specification that sets out the essential skills, knowledge and experience required for the position. The person specification will be checked carefully to ensure it does not discriminate either directly or indirectly. The person specification will be used for shortlisting and selection in the interview process.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
4.3 Careful consideration will be given to whether the role is one where a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate is required. Carrying out a risk assessment will help the employer decide whether a DBS check is both proportionate and relevant to the position concerned. Guidance is available in: criminal records checks and the Disclosure and Barring Service ET.32a and on the DBS section of the website at criminal records checks guidance for employers.
4.4 The job description for posts that require a criminal records check will include one of the following statements: “Carers Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults and children and expects staff and volunteers to share this commitment” or, in a list of requirements: “To be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults and children.”
4.5 The job description will clearly state the extent of contact and degree of responsibility the employee will be expected to have for vulnerable adults and / or children.
4.6 The person specification will include specific reference to suitability to work with vulnerable adults and / or children. This will include demonstrating a caring and compassionate nature to required level for the role. (see appendix one).
4.7 Where specific skills and experience are a requirement of the role the scheme must have a means of confirming that applicants have these and staff maintain them.
5.1 All posts will be advertised internally and also externally where appropriate.
5.2 Where possible a number of methods of advertising will be used in order to attract the widest field of candidates.
5.3 Advertisement will include a statement of Carers Trust’s commitment to diversity and equality, such as, “Carers Trust is committed to valuing diversity”.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
5.4 Advertisements for posts that subject to a criminal records check will include the statement: “Applicants must be willing to undergo screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.”
6.1 Application packs will include:
- a job description and person specification
- an application form
- an equal opportunities form
- a leaflet about the scheme, with additional information for senior posts
- a covering letter.
6.2 Application packs will be provided in alternative formats where requested. The covering letter in the standard pack will include the following statement: “We accept applications in alternative formats. If you wish to receive an application in large print please contact us.” A covering letter is available at E.14a.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
6.3 The covering letter will include the following statement: “Carers Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of vulnerable adults and children and expects staff and volunteers to share that commitment. Applicants must be willing to undergo screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service. Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar you from working with us. This will depend upon the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of those offences.” A copy of the Carers Trust recruitment of ex offenders policy (E.06) will be included in the application pack for these posts.
7.1 Shortlisting will be carried out by a minimum of two staff.
7.2 Only completed application forms will be considered.
7.3 The criteria used for shortlisting will be the skills, knowledge and experience set out in the person specification. A shortlisting matrix will be used to ensure the criteria are consistently applied. A suitable format is provided, see shortlisting matrix (ET.02aiva).
7.4 Each member of the interview panel will complete their shortlisting form and then the results will be discussed and a final list of those to be interviewed agreed.
7.5 Only the information on the application form will be used as the basis for consideration as to whether the person meets the criteria on the person specification.
7.6 For those individuals who do not meet the criteria a note will be made on the form of the reason they were not shortlisted in order that feedback can be given if requested.
7.7 Application forms will be retained for the periods set out in the data protection and subject access procedure (A.3b).
Posts subject to a criminal records check
7.8 The application form must be checked to ensure the statement about criminal records has been completed.
8.1 The letter of invitation to short listed applicants about interview arrangements will include a sentence to ask candidates if they need any particular arrangements to be made to accommodate them on arrival or during the interview.
8.2 The letter will include details of any additional methods of selection to be used, such as completing an exercise, or test or giving a presentation.
8.3 Applicants will be asked to bring proof of their right to work in the UK and will be provided with the right to work in the UK documentation list ET.02ava.
8.4 Applicants will be asked to bring copies of certificates or other documentation verifying relevant training undertaken or qualifications held. These will be copied and those of the successful candidate retained.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
8.5 If the applicant had declared on the application form that they have a conviction, caution, reprimand or warning then they will be sent a declaration form, see Appendix I to guidance on recruitment of ex offenders ET.33.
8.6 The invitation to interview letter will say that the interview will include questions about the candidate’s suitability to work with vulnerable adults and / or children.
9.1 Interviews will be carried out by at least two people.
9.2 Identical questions will be asked of each candidate who attends the interviews. Follow up questions may be asked where appropriate.
9.3 The interview questions will cover the areas on the person specification that have not already been addressed in the application form or obtain additional information not given in the application form.
9.4 Each answer will be given a score by the interview panel and a record of what has been said made on the interview question form. An interview questions format ET.02avia is available.
9.5 Wherever possible candidates will be asked to complete an alternative method of testing their aptitude for the post. Depending on the nature of the post this might include:
- bringing with them a piece of written work such as a development plan, business plan or report
- a test of IT skills such as correcting the errors in a piece of text, designing and then entering information on a spreadsheet
- an in tray test
- giving a presentation.
9.6 The selection / interview process will assess the accuracy of the application and be designed to demonstrate candidates suitability for the role.
9.7 A full employment history must be provided. Any gaps in employment history, reasons for leaving other employment or any repeated changes in employment need to be explored and evidenced. This is essential for posts subject to a criminal records check.
9.8 A detailed record of the information provided at interview will be:
- retained permanently on the personnel files of staff who are appointed to posts that are subject to a criminal records check
- kept for three years for other staff
- kept for a year for candidates who have not been appointed.
9.9 The person carrying out the right to work in the UK documentation checks will be given the document that explains how the process is to be carried out, checks on right to work in the UK ET.02av and a copy of the right to work in the UK documentation list ET02ava. The documents candidates bring with them will be copied and those of the successful candidate retained in their personnel file.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
9.10 During interviews candidates will be asked questions:
- that examine their motivation, attitudes and behaviour towards vulnerable adults and children
- about safeguarding, maintaining appropriate relationships and personal boundaries
- to determine whether they are honest, reliable, trustworthy and will treat people using the service with respect.
9.11 A positive response to the criminal conviction section of the application form will be fully explored.
10.1 After the interviews the panel will discuss the information provided by each candidate. Only information provided in the application form and at interview will be considered when reaching a decision about the best candidate/s for the post/s.
11.1 The offer of employment will be made in writing and will be subject to two references and, where appropriate, a satisfactory criminal records check and satisfactory health clearance. A duplicate copy of the offer letter will be provided for the candidate to sign and return. A draft offer letter to successful candidates is available at ET.02eiii.
11.2 Two written references, one of which will normally be from the current or most recent employer will be taken up. Referees will be sent a copy of the job description and person specification for the role. Any discrepancies arising from references received from the current or previous employer will be explored. A number of reference request letters are available in the recruitment and forms folder.
Posts subject to a criminal records check
11.3 Reference requests:
- will include a question about the candidate’s suitability to work with vulnerable adults and / or children
- for applicants currently working with vulnerable adults and / or children will ask whether the candidate has been subject to any allegations or disciplinary procedures in relation to vulnerable adults and / or children including disciplinary procedures for which the time penalty is expired
- will be followed up upon receipt of the reference by a telephone call to check their authenticity prior to confirmation of employment.
11.4 Satisfactory evidence of conduct in previous employment concerned with the provision of services to vulnerable adults or children will be required and held on file. If the applicant is not currently working with vulnerable adults/children but has done so in the past it is good practice to obtain a reference from the last employer with whom the person was employed to work with vulnerable adults/children.
11.5 As far as reasonably practicable, the reason why the person’s employment in previous positions where the duties involved work with vulnerable adults or children ended, will be required and held on file.
11.6 Satisfactory information about any physical or mental health conditions which are relevant to the person’s ability to manage or work in a regulated activity will be required.
11.7 The successful applicant will not start work until a satisfactory criminal records check has been obtained.
11.8 The DBSadult first system will only be used to start staff working with adults prior to obtaining the results of the DBS check in exceptional circumstances. Where a member of staff does start work before a full DBS disclosure is obtained the procedure in the Care Quality Commission document guidance document on DBS checkswill be followed.
11.9 Under no circumstances will staff be permitted to work with children until a satisfactory criminal records check is obtained.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) Fundamental Standards, England
11.10 The scheme must have in place procedures to ensure:
- executive directors have notbeen responsible for, privy to, contributed to or facilitated any serious misconduct or mismanagement (whether unlawful or not) in the course of carrying on regulated activity or providing a service elsewhere which, if provided in England, would be a regulated activity
- none of the grounds of unfitness set out in Part 1 of Schedule 4 of the Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (see appendix one) apply to executive directors
- the information about executive directors specified in Schedule 3 of the Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 is available to be supplied to CQC (see appendix one).
National Minimum Standards, Wales
11.11 The following requirements apply for organisations operating in Wales.
- Where the person has worked at any time within the last five years before being employed by the organisation, two written references are required, including where the person has previously worked for more than three months in a position which involved work with children or vulnerable adults, a reference relating to the last such position held.
- Where a person has previously worked in a position which involved work with children or vulnerable adults, verification of the reason why the employment or position ended except where the National Assembly has determined that all reasonable steps have been taken to obtain such verification but it is not available.
- A statement by the registered provider, or the registered manager, as the case may be, that the person is physically and mentally fit for the purpose of the work which he or she is to perform.
12.1 The scheme’s board of trustees is required to formally adopt the recruitment policy and procedure and to ensure that a documented record is kept of their decision to do so.
12.2 Full details of the policy (including its title and reference number) and the date it was adopted will be documented in the minutes of the appropriate trustee board meeting as evidence of the decision taken. The minutes will be signed by the chair of the trustees on behalf of the board.
13.1 General learning and development requirements relating to the recruitment policy and procedure are contained in the learning and development policy, procedure and guidance (E.13a, E.13b and E.13c).
Appendix one
Regulation 19 of the Fundamental Standards: Fit and proper persons employed
19 (1)(b) persons employed “have the qualifications, competence skills and experience which are necessary for the work to be performed by them” CQC guidance includes:
“The provider has systems in place to assess the competence of individuals before they work unsupervised in the role and should provide appropriate supervision (direct or indirect) until deemed competent to carry out the role. This may include demonstrating a caring and compassionate nature to required level for the role.”
Skills for Care in partnership with the National Skills Academy for Social Care have produced a values based recruitment toolkit that will help employers meet the requirements of regulation 19. See in particular the examples of interview questions designed to demonstrate compassion at and example job advertisements.
SCHEDULE 4 Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
Good character and unfit person tests
This schedulenoteType=Explanatory Memorandum has no associated
Unfit person test
1.The person is an undischarged bankrupt or a person whose estate has had sequestration awarded in respect of it and who has not been discharged.
2.The person is the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or an interim bankruptcy restrictions order or an order to like effect made in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
3.The person is a person to whom a moratorium period under a debt relief order applies under Part VIIA (debt relief orders) of the Insolvency Act 1986(1).
4.The person has made a composition or arrangement with, or granted a trust deed for, creditors and not been discharged in respect of it.
5.The person is included in the children’s barred list or the adults’ barred list maintained under section 2 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, or in any corresponding list maintained under an equivalent enactment in force in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
6.The person is prohibited from holding the relevant office or position, or in the case of an individual from carrying on the regulated activity, by or under any enactment.