15th June 2015

Loughborough Carillon Mixed Hockey Club

Annual General Meeting –15th June 2015

Summary of Discussion

Venue: Sports and Social Club, Moor Lane, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 1ST


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15th June 2015

Clare Swift

Paul Burroughs

Jane Burroughs

Harry Burroughs

Pete Swift

Marion Godwin

Greg Godwin

George Godwin

Eleanor Godwin

Will Relf

Helen Relf

Pete Mitchell

Richard Elms

Dave Allen

Ed Allen

Georg Urban

Lizzie Simpson

Cathy Grobler

Nat Crewe

Pete Hubbard

Chris Reeve

David Short

Andy Borrie

Emma Borrie

Nat Walker

Emily Brind

Ben Murdoch

Ali Lewis

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15th June 2015


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15th June 2015

Adrian Dewick

Jen Dewick

Phil Dickinson

Ella Mae Hubbard

Amanda Murray

Georgia Howick

Jourdan Kenny

Ravi Matharu

Sally Braud

Pierre Braud

Nicola Murdoch

Neil Swift

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15th June 2015


The following is an overview of the main issues discussed during the meeting.

The meeting covered the following reports:


Clare Swift opened the meeting and called for apologies.

The minutes from the 2014 AGM meeting were reviewed.

The minutes were unanimously accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.

Proposed:Will RelfSeconded:Pete Swift

2.Chairman’s Report

The following report was provided by Clare Swift

This season has had many highlights particularly with it being the clubs 50th year.On the pitch we sadly saw relegations of the B team, Kestrels and Hawks. As a committee we feelthis is due to lack of consistency amongst the teams as players have had to move up and down the club to fill in and not lack of talent and ability in the club.

As a club we are looking to ways to develop and attract new players hopefully not leaving those teams there for long. We are desperately recruiting for players to keep the 6th team going.

My thanks must go to the committee who have supported me and shared my vision to try and push the club forward. Reluctant to take chair in the first place I still don’t want to remain a stagnant, just because we play mixed hockey doesn’t mean that we can’t move with the times and rival the likes of Loughborough Town.

Next season will see a new look club with our kit and hopefully a new location for our top four teams allowing us to hopefully attract some new players therefore easing the selection process across the teams. Selection this year has probably been one of the most challenging however Pete Mitchell along with the captains always managed to field teams and apart from one cup game we didn’t throw any games which based on the amount of players we had to pick from was no easy feat.Thank you to them for all their efforts and the evenings given up chasing players.

This year we also saw the fisherman every Sunday for breakfast and tea with commitment from certain members of the club it has allowed us to purchase our new kit with no extra cost to the members. I’m excited to see the start of the new season with Carillon looking smart.

A highlight of mine was the end of season dinner dance where it was lovely to see faces from past and present. A special evening we can be proud of, our special guest was hugely impressed with the type of club we were and I’m confident will continue to be in the next 50 years. My thanks to Greg, whoonce again organised a fantastic night.

It’s our 25th hockey tournament this year, Adrian is hoping for it to be bigger and better than ever. As always I ask all the members to give their support enabling us to keep that all important revenue stream for the club going.

We currently have vacant roles on the committee and it would be great to see new faces on this year with some fresh ideas, if you’re unsure there are plenty of people willing to help!

Once again thanks to the committee for their patience with me and my inexperience and I will endeavour to make this the shortest AGM I can.

There were no questions arising following this report.

3.Secretary’s Report

The following report was provided by Jane Burroughs

This season has, again, been generally uneventful from a secretarial perspective with most effort focused on registration. For the season we had 89 signatories on the MRL as the end of October and a further 33 members who subsequently completed the League Registration Form. Most of these completed the club registration forms as well. Both I and the team secretaries have done our best to ensure all players are registered with the League and the Club as that is crucial from an Insurance point of view.

One way to ensure you are properly registered is to attend the Club Registration Evening, which this year will be on Tuesday 18th August, 7pm-9pm at the clubhouse. There is an added incentive this year as your new club shirts and socks will be available for collection. Please come along and make the evening worthwhile.

From a disciplinary point of view we had no issues with or fines from the league, well none that couldn’t be headed-off with timely intervention from our Chairperson! However, this year’s LRHA AGM reiterated the decline in standards that was raised last year to the extent that 9 Reds were issued last year (all to men), of which 2 were in the Mixed Section. In addition, 129 Yellows were issued, which is also an all-time high! It is quite worrying to see the attitude and behavior of some players more akin to those seen on a football pitch rather than a hockey one.

Attention to discipline on the pitch will increase next year with the introduction of new rules, particularly the two-minute ban for receiving a green card. Umpires will be instructed to sue these early in the game going forward so please be aware. Finally, this was raised as a potential issue last year but, as far as I am aware there have been no issues for Carillon. This is the subject of Social Media, i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc. Please continue to be careful about what you say about whom on these sites as they can cause offence and will be picked up and dealt with severely by the league.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has helped me through my first year as Secretary. It’s not been quite as daunting as I thought I might be, which has probably now put a curse on next season!

The following proposal to change Rule 8.b of the LCMHC Constitution was put to the meeting:

Current Rule

“A quorum of an AGM shall be one third of the total club membership. If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the start time for which the meeting was convened, it shall be null and void.”


“A quorum of an AGM shall be one fifth of the total club membership. If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes after the start time for which the meeting was convened, it shall be null and void.”

Change of the amount of people who need to be at an AGM so that we don’t have to vote on the night to commence the meeting

Change to the time the meeting will have to be delayed if a quorum is not met

Proposed: Pete SwiftSeconded:Paul Burroughs

Proposal carried unanimously.

4.Treasurer’s report

The audited club accounts for the 2014/2015 season are circulated with this document.

The treasurer’s report was provided by Paul Burroughs.

Please find attached 5 pages containing the audited club accounts for the 2014/2015 season. These comprise:

Page 1 – Auditors Signature; Page 2 – Balance Sheet; Page 3 – Cash Flow Statement; Page 4 Revenue Account; Page 5 – Expenditure Account


I suspect most of you will be familiar with the presentation of the Club Accounts by now and they should be self explanatory. These accounts must be viewed as a snapshot in time and represent figures as at 30th April 2015. Given the nature of our season there will be payments and income, some significant, that are processed after this date and can distort some figures, especially the Income over Expenditure figure.

There are a few items I should like to highlight as they may need to be taken into consideration later in the meeting:

Page 2 – Balance Sheet

  • Net Deficit (loss) of £618.30 is shown for this financial year compared to a profit of £2,204.51 last year. Club remains healthy with balances of just over £14,200 in the bank

Page 3 – Cash Flow Statement

  • Net Deficit (loss) of £618.30 would look disappointing compared to last year’s return to profit; however, there has been significant investment in new kit this year and another fantastically successful summer tournament
  • Taking this into account, revenue and expenditure has been broadly similar to last year

Page 4 – Revenue Account

  • Club Subscriptions – This year’s income is a little down on previous years despite the small increase in subscriptions and is equivalent to 8/9 players not re-registering this year. Nonetheless, I do not propose to amend subscription rates for the forthcoming season.
  • Match Fees – match fees suffer the same fate as other income due to timing issues, however, the issues picked up in last year’s accounts have worked through and I am pleased to say that other than a few payments to be submitted, Secretaries have been more prompt this year. Allowing for this match fees are similar to previous year’s average. In anticipation of the prosed move to the Grammar School for our home fixtures there is a proposal to amend the cost of match day fees as below:

Proposal: Match day subscriptions to be £7 for adults and £5 for juniors/ concessions across all teams, an increase of £1. (For general clarification, the full fee should be paid by players playing more than half a game.)

Proposer - Paul Burroughs; Seconder -Peter Swift

  • Training Nights – another item affected by timing and level of income has fluctuated over the past 4 years but has averaged approximately £1,100 over that time. I believe, however, that numbers attending Junior Training are down and this may account for part of the reduction this year
  • Summer Tournament – headline income shows lower than 2014, however, this must be viewed in conjunction with expenditure for the tournament, which has reduced significantly. This is partly due to the netting effect of the car park (we didn’t have to pay up front this year) and there were no tournament T-Shirts. There was no other major purchase, which means that overall profit for the tournament was £4,032, an excellent performance. A fantastic job by all who contributed
  • Socials/Quiz Nights – a huge thank you to all the social committee for all their efforts this year in sorting out the social programme. Sadly, we have struggled to win the support of many of our members and, consequently, we have suffered a small loss of £151
  • Donations - £500 from Brush towards the A team shirts purchased last year
  • Miscellaneous – This item is worth of particular note and due credit should be recorded for the initiative and effort of Adrian Dewick in getting this substantial source of income into the club. Adrian and his band of (happy?) supporters braved several early Sunday mornings and late Sunday afternoons to provide breakfast and tea at the clubhouse for a local fishing club. This generated over £1,250 clear profit for the club – as Adrian would say…..fantastic!

Page 5 – Expenditure Account

  • Match Expenses - Thank you once again to all Captains and Secretaries for managing Match Expenses prudently this year with overall expenditure showing a further small reduction year on year.
  • Tournament Fees – The Summer League at Hermitage no longer runs due to there being no pitch to play on! Last summer we switched to Ashby and entered 3 teams at £350 each. The cost for this year’s Ashby Summer League has also been caught up in this year’s accounts but as the cost had increased to £375 per team, we have only entered 2 teams. Puts into perspective what great value our summer tournament!!
  • Pitch Hire – Last year’s figures distorted by the cost of hiring the University water-based pitch for U21 Summer Training, which was offset by a local grant. However, all pitch providers have made increases to their pitch hire rates, particularly East Leake. Careful negotiation of paying only for pitch time used has helped to keep cost neutral. However, the continuing poor quality of the pitch at East Leake has prompted the club to look at moving home games for the top four teams to the Grammar School, which will mean further cost next year. This will be offset by the proposed small increase in match fees mentioned above
  • Dinner Dance – Our 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance at Yew Lodge was a fabulous event and just about washed its feet - still one or two stragglers to pay up.
  • Training - we supported our coaches on relevant training courses
  • Sports Equipment – Our biggest single expense this year but this does include the full cost of £2,685 for new kit for the club for next season. Also included were two new keeper’s kits (£1,107), replacement/repair to existing kit (£250), new face masks (£588) and practice hockey balls (£100)
  • Miscellaneous - includes £51 for 1st Aid Kit, £35 for CRB checks, £198 for web hosting and £20 for Lottery Licence.

Once again, thanks to Dave Melbourne for auditing the books.

The following proposal was put to the meeting to amend match day subscriptions:


“Match day subscriptions to be £7 for adults and £5 for juniors/concessions across all teams. (For general clarification the full fee should be paid by players playing more than half a game.)

Proposed: Paul BurroughsSeconded: Pete Swift

Meeting voted: For – 20: Against – 2; Abstentions – 3. Proposal carried.

The accounts were unanimously accepted.

Proposed:Pete HubbardSeconded: Pete Swift

Dave Melbourne was proposed as auditor for the upcoming season. This was unanimously accepted.

Proposed: Pete HubbardSeconded: Pete Swift

Motion carried

Sports Club Accounts

  • Will presented the Accounts Key points were:
  • Bar Takings down£5k
  • Venue hire down significantly following the loss of the Play Group. However, the new Children’s Group has started, which will show positively in the next accounts
  • The loans for the Club House renovations are mostly repaid, the only remaining value is <£5k.
  • Looking at further improvements to the clubhouse, i.e. kitchen refurb

The accounts were unanimously accepted.

Proposed:Paul BurroughsSeconded: Pete Swift

6.Sports Club Report

The following report was provided by Clare Swift

Work is continuing with the local council regarding development from the old skip yard – we are still unsure if we can benefit from the development but we continue to keep in talks with them.

We now have a new group using the club on a daily basis, this will replace the revenue from the playschool group which we lost. Because of the nature of the group we will have to make some alterations around the club for example shutters on the bar which the club will benefit from too anyway.

There are only 3 payments left on the loans that paid for the renovations of the club that were done a few years ago which puts us in a better financial position to now start investing into the building in other areas. Both committees are now looking at how each club use the clubhouse to make sure we invest in the areas that are beneficial to the sports club as a whole.

5. Selection Chair’s Report

The following report was provided by Pete Mitchell

League selection: Selection this year has been a struggle at times. A reduction in the number of available players has meant that on occasions, most of the teams have had to go out with a bare 11 players, with selection meetings taking as long as an hour and a half of shuffling to try and put teams out. Many thanks go to all the captains and secretaries for their resolve and tenacity in ensuring all teams go out with a full squad. This shortage of players has been both a boon and a hindrance in movement of players up through the club. Shortages have allowed us to test players in various different teams, enabling captains to get first-hand experience with how players fit into their teams. However, the shortages have also meant that very few players have been able to play for a single team all season, resulting in teams being composed of different people each week, which is not ideal for providing consistency in performance. My thanks go to all club players this season for putting up with the inconsistency and continuing to put their all into each game no matter which team they played for.