Stockton Local Safeguarding Children Board

Briefing for schools and education settings no. 15


Each local authority is required to establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) for their area and Section 13 of the Children Act 2004 specifies the organisations and individuals (other than the local authority) that should be represented on LSCBs. This includes representation from the Education sector. This briefing note is put together by these representatives as a means of ensuring the key discussions, information and action points arising from the Board meetings are communicated to schools as swiftly and as accessibly as possible.

Briefing from Board meeting November 2015.


Please find attached reports and presentations delivered to the Stockton Safeguarding Board to demonstrate the work around PREVENT in the Borough with educational settings. Please contact Fiona Ranson for any further support with resources or training to support your work with young people around this key area of safeguarding.

·  CAMHS crisis team

Please see attached a helpful leaflet with the contact details and referral system for the CAMHS Tees Crisis Team. You may recall a presentation from the team at a previous Safeguarding Forum; they are now up and running and able to respond to referrals.

·  Consent in sexual relationships – would you like a cup of tea?
Please see below a resource for your consideration to use with older students to consider the issue of consent. The video has been shared on social media and has featured on BBC News.

It is a campaign which extends an analogy on the subject of consent between having a cup of tea and engaging in sexual activity. It is being widely supported by the police and other partner agencies.

·  Pupil safeguarding survey launch
Stockton has engaged with the Schools Health Unit in Exeter to devise a bespoke questionnaire for Stockton to elicit how empowered our young people are to keep themselves safe, particularly with regard to e-safety and the risk of sexual exploitation. The questionnaire will also explore young people’s mental health and their resilience to deal with distress and anxiety.
The questionnaire will be for Year 8 and Year 10 children in the first instance.
There will be a launch event on 3rd February 2016 at EDC@SSFC to ensure secondary schools are able to access the materials and are supported to deliver the questionnaire for their young people. Please make a note of the date; further details will be circulated nearer the time.

·  Staff engagement event

The SLSCB Staff Engagement Events for 2015 / 2016 are taking place on 15th, 19th and 29th January 2016. Please share the attached flyer with Front Line Practitioners who these sessions are aimed at. Please encourage your staff to attend as it is important that two-way engagement takes place and that they have the opportunity to influence and be part of our journey as we endeavour to improve services for children, young people and their families.

Applications expressing an interest in being part of one of the groups using the attached flyer should be sent to by 18.12.15. Further details are included in the flyer.

The next Safeguarding Forum is on 9th February 2016, 9am-12pm,

North Shore Community Zone

North Shore Academy

Talbot Street


TS20 2AY

Attendance at these briefings is evidence of the currency of your practice and training. The resulting notes from these forums and action plan will demonstrate your commitment to your statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The attendance of educational settings at these events is monitored and reported upon.

For any further information or queries, please contact Diane McConnell, Head of Schools and SEN, in the first instance: