APRIL 28, 2016




Item No. 1- Call to Order–Board Chairman Kingcalled the meeting to order and established a quorum.

Item No. 2- Invocation -Board Member Kennedy gave the Invocation.

Item No. 3- Pledge of Allegiance –Board Chairman King called for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4- Roll Call –Board Clerk Sherae Killingsworth called the roll. Those present: Barry Kennedy, Lionel Jones, Lavern Jenkins, Pamela Breland, Rachel Gill, James Knight, Frank Voelker, M.D., and Gerald King. Those absent: James Thomas, Violet Tate.Board Member Gill was in attendance at the meeting at 12:05 p.m.

Item No. 5- Approval of Minutes -Board Member Kennedy offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jenkins to accept the minutes of the April 7, 2016, regular meeting, and a Search Committee meetings on April 8, presented. There was a discussion of adjusting the 2015 yearend financials. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (7) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (3) ABSTAIN: (0).

Item No. 6- Annual Review of Code of Ethics and Conduct for 2016 –Board Chairman King stated that a copy of the Annual Review of the Code of Ethics and Conduct were emailed to the Board members prior to the meeting for review. Board Member Jones offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jenkins to approve the Annual Review of the Code of Ethics and Conduct for 2016. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (7) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (3) ABSTAIN: (0).

Item No. 7- Finance & Capital Planning Committee Report-Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire-Board Member Jenkins presented the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire, a copy of which is on file with these minutes. Board Member Jenkins offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jones to approve theLouisiana Compliance Questionnaire as presented. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (7) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (3) ABSTAIN: (0).

Olympus CO2 Monitor- Board Member Jenkins presented the Olympus CO2 Monitor, a copy of which is on file with these minutes. Board Member Jenkins offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jones to approve the purchase of the Olympus CO2 Monitor.

Item No. 8- Chief Financial Officer Report for March 2016-Bill Toujousestated there were 38 admissions for the month compared to a budget of 38 and prior year of 43. There were 8 swing beds for the month compared to a budget of 3 and the prior year was at 1. He reported that there were 40 observation stays compared to 45 last year. For the total admissions, there was 11.90% decrease for the month and 11.11% decrease for the year. There were 147 acute and 69 swing beds patients’ days. Bill Toujouse reported that during March the acute average daily census was 4.74 compared to 4.42 for the prior year and 4.06 budgeted. The average daily census for swing beds for the month of March was 2.23 and the prior year was 0.42. The average daily census of all admissions including swing bed, acute and observation for the month is 8.35. The average length of stay for acute during the month of


APRIL 28, 2016


Item No. 8- Chief Financial Officer Report for March 2016 (Continue)

March for the hospital was 3.87 and for swing bed is 8.63. The average length of stay for acute Medicare is 3.87 and for the prior year at 3.83.

Total equivalent patient days for the month were 1,791 compared to a budget of 1,611 and prior year of 1569. Total emergency department visits were 1,302 for the month, compared to 1,373 for prior year and 1,275 budgeted. The emergency room visit average per day for the month was 42. There were 51 surgical procedures performed during the month compared to budget of 63 and prior year of 61, with 166 surgeries year-to-date. There were 10 Cardiology Procedures for the month compared to 20 for the prior year.

There were 1,800 outpatient registrations during the month with 5,552 year-to-date. The outpatient registration average per day for the month was 58 with the year-to-date at 61. There were 220 FTE’s for March compared to 214 for the prior year and 215 budgeted. The accounts payable was at 91 for March, with prior year at 78.

Total Patient Revenue for the month of March was $5,114,608 which was more than budget by $212,060. Total Other Revenue for March was $418,122. Total Gross Revenue for March was$5,532,730. Total Deductions fromRevenue for March was $3,212,043.

Net revenue for March was $2,320,687 which was below budget. Personnel expenses totaled $1,646,479 for the month which was above budget by $164,032. Other operating expenses were $2,621,268 during March this was above budget by $196,955. Total operating loss for March was($300,582) which was above budget by ($267,701).

The net operating loss for the month of March was ($272,471) compared to a budgeted loss of ($133,292) and a net loss of ($1,048,702) for the year. There was discussion on adjustments to contractual allowances set up in the Cerner system after receiving the first denials of claims being written off. Bill Toujouse stated that he currently has individuals working to determine how much has been written off. He has discussed this with our auditors concerning the contractual allowances. The contracts for the hospital are not current with any of the insurance companies and haven’t been updated in years. There are linking issues with physicians. Bill Toujouse reported that the contractual allowance continues to be high because of several issues with the Cerner system. He provided examples to the committee on the write off process and the issues with the credit balances. There was discussion on who is responsible for working the credit balances so we can validate the information. This is a program issue with Cerner and he is working with them on a resolution for the issues.

Bill Toujouse presented a Cash Flow Statement for March 2016 which identifies the activities of the hospital that are generating or consuming the cash. The current assets were $4,748,670 with current liabilities at $4,948,114. Bill Toujouse stated that the current ratio measures the ability of the hospital to rely solely on its liquid assets to pay current liabilities.

The Beginning Operating Cash on Hand is $306,192 with the ending balance is $273,658. He said cash expenses per day average are $79,290 for March and the priormonth was $78,446. He stated that the Daily Operating Expense amounts are based on cash expenses calculated by removing all non-cash expenses. He presented a graph of cash on hand on a day by day basis for the month of March. The number of days operating of cash on hand for the March was at 3.45 and the prior month was at 4.17. Bill Toujouse presented the deposits verses the expenses for the month of February, a copy of which is on file with these minutes.


APRIL 28, 2016


Bill Toujouse reported there were no capital expenditures during the month of March. Total Capital Expenditure for the year was $38,800. Bill Toujouse reviewed the Accounts Receivable Analysis totals and graph. Bill Toujouse presented and discussed the daily cash collections to the Committee, a copy of which is on file with these minutes.

There were no recipients that qualified for the Charity Program during the month of March. Accounts written off as bad debts during March 2016 totaled $829,627.62. Board Member Jenkins offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jones to approve the bad debt list as presented. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (8) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (2) ABSTAIN: (0).

Item No. 9- Medical Staff Report- Board Member Voelkerprovided details of the last meeting of the Riverside Medical Center Medical Staff which was held on April 21, 2016. There was a presentation from Wound Care Specialist. The medical executive committee approved the antibiogram. The MEC approved the initial appointments of Fredrick Schouest, MD, Angelle Lew, FNP, and Garland Anderson, MD, all appointed to the Emergency Room. The MEC request approval from the Board of Commissioner for the formulary change and the initial as presented.

Board Member Jones offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jenkins to approve the antibioagramas presented. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (8) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (2) ABSTAIN: (0). Board Member Jones offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jenkins to approve the initial appointments of Fredrick Schouest, MD, Angelle Lew, FNP, and Garland Anderson, MD,Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (8) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (2) ABSTAIN: (0).

Item No. 10- Attorney Report-Board Chairman King called for the Legal Department Report to be given by Matthew Brown, the hospital attorney. Mr. Brown had nothing to report.

Item No. 11- Management Report- Board Chairman King called for the Management Report to be given by Lesia McQueen, RN, BSN.

Item No. 12- Public Participation –-Board Chairman King opened the floor for public participation.

Board Member Jones shared experiences that had been expressed to him by Riverside patients. The patient had a great experience. The Laboratory staff is very nice and friendly. The Riverside telestroke program is amazing.

Board Member Knight discussed the Veteran of Foreign Wars recognition that is done at other hospitals. He had received a special recognition when he was in another facility. Lesia McQueen and Kristina Knight discussed how Riverside recognizes patients who are veterans.

There was no further comment during public participation. Board Member Jones offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jenkins to close the public participation at 12:25 p.m. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (8) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (2) ABSTAIN: (0).


APRIL 28, 2016


Item No. 13-Executive Session – Board Chairman King announced that the Board of Commissioners would enter into Executive Session in order to discuss Strategic Planning. Board Member Jenkins offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jonesto enter into Executive Session at 12:25 p.m. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (8) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (2) ABSTAIN: (0).

Item No. 14-Reconvene If Necessary –After executive session was adjourned, Board Chairman King declared the Board meeting back in regular session at 4:35 p.m. with a motion by Board Member Jenkins seconded by Board Member Jones. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (8) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, Voelker, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (2) ABSTAIN: (0). Board Member Voelker left the meeting at 4:35 p.m.

Board Chairman King announced that due to sickness, Board Member Knight is going to resign as chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee. Board Member Jenkins offered a motion seconded by Board Member Jones to accept his resignation. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (7) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (3) ABSTAIN: (0).

Item No 15- Adjournment –No further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40p.m. on a motion by Board Member Brelandseconded by Board Member Jones. Roll call vote as follows: YEAS: (7) Kennedy, Jones, Jenkins, Breland, Gill, Knight, and King. NAYS: (0) ABSENT: (3) ABSTAIN: (0).


Gerald B. King ChairmanLesia McQueen, Interim CEO/Secretary

Riverside Medical Center


Sherae Killingsworth, Clerk to the Board

Riverside Medical Center

(All Resolutions, Affidavits, Correspondence and Attachments in its entirety are available of the Board at Riverside Medical Center 1900 South Main Street, Franklinton, LA) This meeting was held in accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistant please contact Sherae Killingsworth, Clerk to the Board at 985-839-4431 describing the assistance that is necessary.