Phys223Term Project

Term Project – Instructions

Group size:

1-3 (no exceptions). I prefer that you do not work by yourself but will accommodate you if you can convince me. Typical group size should be two, four or more will not be accepted.


You will choose your own project.

This is both an opportunity and a challenge. Choose something that you found most interesting and that you would like to explore further. If you are not sure what to choose, talk to others about ideas, browse the internet for inspiration etc. The challenge will be to find a project that is sufficiently ambitious but not impossible to do, given time and resource constraints. Don’t settle for too easy. This is your project; take pride in it.


There will be a number of requirements on your project:

1. Obviously, the topic should involve some aspect of physics.

2. There has to be a quantitative component.

3. There should be a hands-on component.

4. The physical size of your project should be feasible.

Important notes:

Most of your work will be done off-campus. Make sure to choose a project that is doable, e.g. you need to have access to any tools required for the task.

Workshop: access to the physics workshop is very limited. You simply cannot count on there to be space when you need it.You will be able to use some of the tools (hand tools, soldering iron, etc.). You will not be able to use the table saw, chop saw, band saw and other potentially dangerous tools. Details will be announced in class.

Make sure to plan ahead and do not procrastinate.

On your deliverables (see next page):

1. Be professional. Your submissions must be on time (if not, there will be deductions), typed, clean and clear. Presentation will be part of your grade.

2. You mustuse the templates on the website for your submissions. Add your names at the top and in the box provided.
3. I usually do not return your deliverables. Make sure to have an extra copy.


Date / What to submit / Percentage of Project Grade
See web / Deliverable 1 (D1) Proposal: Submit a written (typed) proposal:
1. What do you intend to do?
2. How did you get the idea?
3. Include references (can be www-links)
4. Address what your quantitative component will be. / 10%
See web / Deliverable 2 (D2) Design Plan:
1. Submit a detailed plan of your project.
2. What steps do you envision you need to take?
3. Submit a list of supplies. If you would like the department to make a particular purchase you need to provide detailed purchasing information. / 10%
See web / Deliverable 3 (D3) Status Report:
1. What have you accomplished so far?
2. What steps still need to be taken?
3. What problems did you encounter?
4. How will you address these problems? / 10%
See web / During Final’s week youwill demonstrate your project to your peers. Your presentation will include a (small) poster presentation of your project. You will submit to me:
Deliverable 4 (D4) Calculations
1. a written report with detailed calculations
2. a list of references used in your project
Deliverable 5 (D5) Poster
Presentation/Demonstration / 10%