Mrs. Allegier

Room 110

440-965-4255 (FHS office) ext. 4110

Geometry Syllabus



Be prepared for class everyday! Textbook/workbook, homework assignment, pencil, calculator, and student agenda are needed everyday.

Be on time! Any student not in the classroom when the bell rings is considered tardy.

Homework is to be completed every night!

Participate in class!

Be respectful! Listen when the teacher or other students are talking. Do not speak when others are talking. Always refer to others in a respectful manner.

Students will not be permitted to wait at the door at the end of class. There will be certain days students will be permitted to change seats and work with others.

Expect that sometimes students will have difficulty understanding concepts or doing practice problems. Almost everyone does. If at any time a student fails to understand the work being covered, it is their responsibility to seek extra help. Ask a friend for some assistance or schedule a time with Mrs. Allegier before or after school.


A graphing calculator is not required, but a TI-84+ is highly recommended. (The TI-84+ is permitted on the ACT and SAT. Each student will be provided a classroom calculator for CLASSROOM USE only. If a graphing calculator is not feasible at the moment, the recommended scientific calculator is the TI-30x.

A loose-leaf folder with pockets, kept separate from all other classes, is required. This folder will be used to keep worksheets, important handouts, quizzes, tests, this syllabus, and any other handouts. Nothing is to be thrown away from this course.

Pencils: Unless instructed otherwise, Always Use a Pencil.


Colored Pencils




Notebook paper and graph paper are both required for this course.


Student’s grade in this class will be based on points earned from homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and any other assignments that are necessary.

Points will be weighted as follows: Overall Percentage

Homework/In Class Assignments: 15% 90-100 A

Quizzes: 35% 80-89.99 B

Tests & Projects: 50% 70-79.99 C

60-69.99  D

0-59.99 F


Homework is a vital part of any math class. Students learn math by doing sample problems, not by merely watching the teacher.

Homework assignments may include:

·  Practice exercises to follow classroom instruction

·  Preview assignments to prepare for subsequent lessons

·  Extension assignments to transfer new skills or concepts to new situations

·  Creative activities to integrate many skills toward the production of a response or product.

Late work WILL BE accepted at ½ credit up until either interim reports or the end of the grading period, depending on the date of the missing assignment.

Students can also earn homework passes. If a homework pass is used on an assignment, the student is exempt from that assignment.


Attendance is very important. If students are absent from class, it is their responsibility to get all the materials missed.

With an excused absence, students will be allowed the amount of excused time plus one day for making up assigned work. For example, if a student is absent for one day, they will have two days to make up the missed work. In addition, it is important not to fall behind on current work.

Assignments may also be made up for an unexcused absence, truancy, and suspension at ½ credit.


Faculty automatically expects mature behavior from high school students. The following guidelines are assumed and enforced:

-All expectations discussed earlier are to be followed.

-There will be no eating without permission during class. You may bring in a bottle of water to drink in class.

-As per school policy, students are allowed to have their cell phone in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher. If a student is frequently distracted by their phone, it will be confiscated and kept until the end of the day. On the second offense that a phone is confiscated, it will be turned in to the office.

If a substitute teacher is present, students must remain on their best behavior. If the substitute writes down a student’s name with ANY complaints, that student will be automatically given a detention.

After-school detentions must be served when scheduled. If a student fails to attend a detention, a greater discipline will be handled by the office.

Discipline Procedures

Any Misconduct

1)  First Offense: verbal warning

2)  Second Offense: student/teacher conference and/or lunch detention

3)  Third Offense: lunch detention and phone call home

4)  Fourth Offense: after school detention and phone call home

5)  Office Referral

Re-Take Policy

The goal as a mathematics teacher is for the student to learn mathematics. The purpose of

an assessment is to assess a student’s mastery of a given concept. If a student has not

mastered a concept at the time of an assessment, the student and teacher will research

the mistakes and try again. Studies show that all students do not learn at the same

pace. What takes some students a day or two to master may take other students longer.

The Re-Take program is designed to give each student the opportunity to

re-take assessments.

Any student who receives a grade on an assessment lower than was desired will have the

opportunity to retake the assessment, as long as the teacher believes the student

tried their best to be properly prepared for the assessment.

Students will be required to study the material again and receive help outside the normal

school hours, or during FAST.

Students can never hurt their grade by taking a re-take assessment.

The new score will replace the old score unless the new score is lower

Students can only use the Re-Take option once per quarter.

All homework previous to the assessment must be completed before recovery assessment

will be considered.

Recovery Assessments will only be given before or after school.

Recovery grades must be completed with 2 weeks of the original assessment and none can

be completed within the final week of the quarter.

The original assessment must be signed by a parent/guardian before the re-take

assessment is taken.

The Re-Take program will not be used for homework or in-class assignments. It is

used for summative assessments only, which include quizzes and tests.



Please sign this page to acknowledge you have received your child’s Geometry course syllabus. Please do not sign until you have read the entire document. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress via email or by calling the school anytime. In return, I ask for your phone number(s) and email address(s) so that I might be able to contact you with any questions or concerns.

Student Name (printed)______period______

Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian Name (printed)______

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Parent/Family Email(s): Please print neatly and identify who uses each email.




Parent/Family Phone Number(s): Please print neatly and identify who uses each.


(cell)_ (____)______

(cell)_ (____)______

From the parent/guardian to Mrs. Allegier:

Please list any important information that you would like me to know about your child.

From the student to Mrs. Allegier:

Please list any important information that you would like me to know about you.

Students will be asked to use their online math accounts often throughout the course of the year!

□ My child does not have internet access at home! (please check if applies)