A. DEFINED—On the day of the Skills Championship, a Rules Committee will be established to settle all disputes that cannot be settled at the judge's level.

B. DISPUTES—Disputes will be handled in the following manner:

Any dispute of scoring of a particular event must be addressed by the affected Competitor after completing said run.

Only the Competitor may dispute scoring or a judge's decision.

Disputes will be brought to the Head Judge for a ruling over an event / course score.

If the dispute is not resolved by the Head Judge, the Rules Committee will resolve the dispute.

All decisions of the Rules Committee are final for the day of the Skills Championship.

Rules Committee will be selected in the following manner:

a. Consist of the Head Judge and at least Five members of the qualified entrants will be chosen by the Competition Director.

b. The Competition Director will be the Chairman of the Rules Committee.

C. CONDUCT—Participants who display or engage in an unprofessional conduct as determined by the Head Judge (or their designees), may be ejected from the Skills Championship. Any rider moving from one area to another, while inside the designated course area, shall do so at idle speed or at a speed no more than 10 mph. Violations may result in being disqualified from the event.


A. ELIGIBILITY—Competition is open to all sworn Law Enforcement Officers who are authorized to ride a police motorcycle through their department.

B. RUNNING ORDER—Each rider will be assigned a number after registration. The rider must run in numerical order.

C. MOTORCYCLE REQUIREMENTS— Competitors must compete on a Police motorcycle of at least 998cc’s, that is equipped in the normal deployment configuration. This includes lights, saddlebags, saddlebag rails, and engine guards (AKA “crash bars”), and jiffy stand (AKA kick stand can be secured with a zip tie). STOCK TURN STOPS ARE OPTIONAL. Tire Pressure must always be 30psi or greater. Mirrors may be removed or turned in during the Partner Ride ONLY. Spot checks will be performed and if a competitor can remedy any low tire pressure within the “malfunction” period, then the rider may continue, else they will be disqualified from that event.

D. COMPETITOR ATTIRE—Competitors must compete wearing the appropriate uniform normally worn while “on duty”.

E. PROTECTIVE GEAR—All Competitors must wear a helmet that is properly fastened, pants (No shorts), and boots that cover the ankle while on the course.

F. EMERGENCY MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS—Prior to entering an event, a Competitor (or team) will be allowed 15 minutes to repair a motorcycle that is malfunctioning. If the motorcycle is unserviceable, the Competitor may continue in the competition provided that:

The competitor can locate a replacement motorcycle within 15 minutes.

The “new” motorcycle must already be qualified.

The motorcycle must be assigned to compete in the same course as the Competitor.

G. MOTORCYCLE MALFUNCTIONS—If breakdown or malfunction occurs once a competitor or team has started an event, the competitor or team will be permitted 5 minutes to repair the motorcycle. If repairs are made within the allotted time, the competitor or team will be allowed to restart the event. Any penalties that were incurred in the original malfunctioning run will be added to the restarting run.

H. ENTRY RESTRICTION—A competitor may compete in only one division.

I. COMPETITOR'S MEETING—A meeting of all Competitors riding in the Skills Championship will be held prior to the start of the competition.

The scoring and the approved path of travel through the events will be reviewed.

Competitors should understand course events prior to the end of the meeting.

The meeting will be conducted by a designee of the Rules Committee.

The Competitor's meeting time will be announced in advance.

It is the competitor's responsibility to attend the meeting.

After the Competitor's meeting, any disputes concerning information disseminated at the Competitor's meeting will not be considered.

Rob Curry “B.R.A.T” Award

This honor will be awarded to the overall best rider throughout the competition. Riders must compete in all individual events (Individual Speed Run, Individual Slow Ride, and the Challenge Ride) to be eligible for this award. Points for each event will be awarded in order placed, 1st place finisher will be awarded 1 Point, 2nd place finisher will be awarded 2 Points and so on. The individual rider with the lowest amount of points after all events will be the recipient of this prestigious award.

Challenge Run

The object of the challenge run is to complete a timed run through a non-published course to test various riding skills in as fast a time as possible without being assessed any penalty points. Penalty points will be assessed the same as in the Individual Competition Run. This competition will be open to all participating riders, but is not separated by Divisions.

AWARDS—First through Third place will receive awards.



1. Non-Fairing Motorcycle, Long Wheelbase

Expert – Any competitor who has competed in 6 or more competitions, or has placed in the top three in Intermediate. Any Eligible competitor may elect to compete in the Expert Level. NOTE: However, once a competitor has chosen this level, he/she may not regress to any other level.

Intermediate – Any competitor who has competed in 3 or more competitions, or has placed in the top three in Novice.

Novice – A competitor who has not placed in the top three of any competition or who has not entered in more than three previous competitions.

2. Fairing Motorcycle, Long Wheelbase

Expert – Any competitor who has competed in 6 or more competitions, or has placed in the top three in Intermediate. Any Eligible competitor may elect to compete in the Expert Level. NOTE: However, once a competitor has chosen this level, he/she may not regress to any other level.

Intermediate – Any competitor who has competed in 3 or more competitions, or has placed in the top three in Novice.

Novice – A competitor who has not placed in the top three of any competition or who has not entered in more than three previous competitions.

3. Short Wheelbase Motorcycle (Honda, BMW, Other Harley-Davidson, etc)

Expert – Any competitor who has competed in 6 or more competitions, or has placed in the top three in Intermediate. Any Eligible competitor may elect to compete in the Expert Level. NOTE: However, once a competitor has chosen this level, he/she may not regress to any other level.

Intermediate – Any competitor who has competed in 3 or more competitions, or has placed in the top three in Novice.

Novice – A competitor who has not placed in the top three of any competition or who has not entered in more than three previous competitions.


Division 1 Expert—First through Fifth place will receive an award.

Division 2 Expert—First through Fifth will receive an award.

Division 3 Expert—First through Fifth will receive an award.

Division 1 Intermediate—First through Fifth will receive an award.

Division 2 Intermediate—First through Fifth will receive an award.

Division 3 Intermediate-- First through Fifth will receive an award.

Division 1 Novice—First through Fifth place will receive an award.

Division 2 Novice—First through Fifth will receive an award.

Division 3 Novice-- First through Fifth will receive an award.

C. GOAL—The object of the competition is to receive NO penalty points. All competitors begin with a score of ZERO.

D. COURSE RUNS—Competitors are required to make two runs through a series of exercises. Both runs will be timed beginning when the competitor's front tire breaks the electric eye and ending when the front tire breaks the electric eye when exiting the last exercise.

E. PENALTY POINTS—Penalty points for all riders will be assessed as follows:

Touch a cone-1 point penalty

Knock a cone down-3 points penalty

Put a foot down-5 points penalty

Drop the motorcycle-10 points penalty

Wrong Patch of Travel-10 points penalty

If a competitor drops the motorcycle and at the same time knocks over pattern cones, the rider will only be charged the 10 points for dropping the motorcycle and not the points for a cone knock down or foot down penalty. Once the rider has mounted up and started forward motion, point assessment will once again begin.

If a competitor fails to complete any exercise then that competitor will be Disqualified from the competition. However, if a competitor exits an exercise prior to completing that exercise, the rider may re-enter and complete that exercise and only have those penalties of which apply from the list above.



Final score will consist of combining the competitor's scores from each of the competitor’s timed runs.

After completing both runs, competitor's penalty points (if any) will be factored in to his/her runs.

G. TIES—In the event of a tie, a third timed run will be added to the first two runs to determine the winner.



A Competitor must be a member of a participating Department.

All rules of the Skills Championship shall apply.

B. AWARDS—First through Third place will receive awards.

C. GOAL—The object of the individual slow ride is for the Competitor to travel down a 35 foot long by an 8 foot wide lane as slowly as possible. The slowest time will determine the winner.

D. PENALTIES—The Competitor's time will stop at the occurrence of any of the following.

A Competitor puts a foot down in the lane.

A Competitor drops the motorcycle in the lane.

A Competitor touches a boundary line.


The time starts when the competitor’s front wheel crosses the start line.

The time ends when the competitor’s rear wheel crosses the end line.


A. AWARDS—First through Third place teams will receive awards.

B. This event will consist of two motorcycles being connected by a rope which is 36 inches long. The rope is divided into two 18 inch pieces. The two pieces have velcro attached to the end, so the two ropes will be joined together. The ropes are attached to the saddle bag rails. Mirrors may be removed or turned in during the Partner Ride ONLY.

C. Each Competing team will have a predetermined course of travel.

D. Each participating team will be given two runs. After completing the original run, each team will have the option to buy additional runs for a fee of $5.00 per run. A team will be allowed a maximum of five (5) runs.

E. DISQUALIFICATIONS—If any of the following occurs, the team will be disqualified in partner ride competition:

If the connecting ropes are separated at the velcro connection.

If any team member puts their foot down.

If any team member touches a cone.

If any team member drops the motorcycle.

Rides out of the predetermined course of travel.


This award is given to the competitor with no penalties and the fastest time. This award will be given to only one competitor, regardless of their division or level of experience.


Long Wheelbase: Any motorcycle with a wheelbase length of at least 63 inches but not longer than 66 inches.

Short Wheelbase: Any motorcycle with a wheelbase length of less than 63 inches.

Average Turning Radius : left turn radius + right turn radius / 2

Competitor : A Law Enforcement Officer who is authorized to ride a police motorcycle by their department and is registered to compete in the Skills Competition.

Competitor's Meeting : A meeting of all competitors to review the rules, path of travel and scoring procedures of the Skills Competition.

Course : A series events which a competitor must ride. Includes the path of travel between exercises in the individual timed run.

Department : Any Police Agency who a competitor is a member.

Drop the Motorcycle : In an exercise, if the motorcycle falls to the surface and the competitor does not have control of the motorcycle, which would allow for safe operation of the motorcycle (includes any part of the entire course in the timed run).

Exercise : A specific set of obstacles, which makes up part of the course.

Expert Level : Primary level of competition for the individual competition.

Fail to Complete an Exercise : If a competitor starts an event, and does not finish by exiting the event at the normal exit point. Also if the competitor does not follow the correct path of travel as required.

Foot Down : In an exercise, whenever a competitor's foot comes in contact with the surface (includes any part of the course during the timed run).

Judge : A person designated to score and/or time a competitor on the course.

Judge's Meeting : A meeting of course judges to review rules and scoring procedures of the Skills Championship.

Knock over a Cone : Whenever any part of the motorcycle or competitor hits any part of a cone which causes the cone to fall over off its normal standing base.

Normal Deployment How a Department's motorcycle is normally outfitted for Configuration everyday use as ridden by the Department's Motorcycle Officers.