PRESENT: Cllr J. Whittal Williams (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs C. Edwardes

“ Mrs E.L. Evans

“ Lady Hooson

“ Mrs S. Mills

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ N. Venti

Town Clerk

The meeting opened with prayers

351/01APOLOGIES received from Cllr Mrs Margot Jones, D.C. Jones, G. Powell and P. Rees

351/02DECLARATION OF INTEREST Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes. Clerk explained that Special Dispensation forms had been given to employees of PCC for completion as soon as possible. Cllr Morgan declared an interest as a Member of PCC. Cllr Smith and Cllr Evans declared an interest as employees of PCC.

351/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Minutes of a Council meeting held on 18.04.11 350/02 Cllr Whittal Williams has met with Mrs Price and she is happy to have the incline graded.

Minutes of site visit to public toilets 20.04.11 True Record Cllr Whittal Williams has spoken to Cllr Rees and a meeting has taken place with the “toileteers”. A letter will be sent out to Council soon.

Minutes of Visit to Fire Station 20.04.11 True Record

351/04NATIONAL GRID Cllr Mrs P. Smith asked if the Tan 8 document could be explained? Cllr Mrs Christina Edwardes offered to share her knowledge of the Tan 8 document and explained that it gave details of the many types of systems available for providing electricity power. Cllr Whittal Williams stated that he and Cllr Edwardes had recently attended a planning liaison meeting where it was stated that there is no upper limit for the amount of windfarms in Wales and an application can be “called in” and will be undoubtedly passed. Cllr Venti asked if Council could form an opinion on Wind Farms, as he could find out whether he needs to declare an interest with regard to his current employment. It was agreed that Council should discuss the issue at the next Environment/Planning meeting on 13th June at 6.30pm.

351/05LETTER FROM MONTGOMERYSHIRE LOCAL COUNCIL FORUM - A letter from Forum was received. A letter from Renewable UK was also read out. Discussion took place as to the validity and legality of a suggested pole (organised by the Forum). This will be discussed at the next environment meeting. Cllr Whittal Williams stated that he will be going to Cardiff on the protest march on Tuesday 24th May and offered a lift to anyone wishing to attend.

351/06QUOTATIONS FOR ASSET REGISTER Clerk explained that she has now received 3 quotations. It was agreed to discuss them at the next Town Hall/Finance Panel meeting to be held on Monday 20th June at 7.00pm

351/07NATSOL Letterreceived. It was agreed to discuss at next Environment panel meeting.

351/08LETTER FROM RESIDENT REGARDING TREE WORK AT VICTORIA AVENUE Clerk explained that branches to the trees were cut back for Health and Safety reasons and that none of the flora and fauna were touched. She also explained that the Bluebells and other wild flowers are in bloom at present and the park is looking its best. Clerk will write back to the resident and explain the works carried out by Tidy Towns initiative.


351/10LETTER FROM SEVERN WYE ENERGY AGENCY Received. Cllr Whittal Williams stated that Llanidloes (ie LLES) are well ahead with this. An e mailwas received from Ms Diana Berriman advising us that the draft action plan for Llanidloes is now completed and a consultation period will now begin. Councillors are invited to attend a meeting on 14th June to discussthe 1st draft. Lles and PCC are also holding a joint stall for world environment day on 3rd June on Great Oak Street, with the theme being woodland.

351/11GREAT POPPY PARTY Clerk explained that she had been asked to make Councillors aware of the Great Poppy Party taking place at Maesywennol on Saturday 11th June.

351/12PUBLIC MEETING ARRANGED BY CHC TO DISCUSS HEALTH ISSUES IN THE AREA Cllr Whittal Williams explained that a meeting is being arranged by the Community Health Council to discuss Bronglais and Health Services in this area in general. This is being arranged for8th June and further details will follow.

351/13SATURDAY STREET MARKET –Cllr Williams thanked Cllr Smith for regularly collecting the rents on Saturdays. Cllr Venti agreed to join the rota. It was agreed to discuss the future running of the market at the next Environment panel meeting. Cllr Edwardes suggested that we contact Mr Robert Anthony to discuss the issue as well as inviting Mr Huw Davies (PCC) whom we have spoken to previously. It was agreed that the next meeting would be for Councillors only as it is too soon to involve anyone else at this stage.

351/14BUILDINGS AT REAR OF THE TOWN HALLIt was agreed to invite Charles Cowan along to the Town Hall Panel meeting to discuss the project so far.

351/15CO-OPERATIVE SUPERMARKET Councillors agreed that the shop is often poorly stocked and the main concern of Council is that this has a knock on effect on other businesses in the Town. Cllr Edwardes spoke in defence of the Co-op and thought that a fair job is being done there. Clerk explained that a meeting was held last year and management of Co op agreed to meet with Council again if they wished. Clerk agreed to set up another meeting.

351/16MAYOR MAKING AND MAYORAL SUNDAY Cllr Williams expressed his concern at the poor turnout at both events. He stated that he is a traditionalist and wished to see both events continue. It was agreed that the Mayoral Sunday parade was particularly poor this year and the lack of a band does not help. Cllr Williams stated that after enquiries, the High school band appear not to be interested in turning up. Lack of a Police presence is also an issue. Cllr Mills stated that if youth group leaders are not interested in turning out then the youth will not turn out and this is clearly what had happened. Cllr Lady Hooson stated that a youth leader had mentioned that she was apprehensive about taking youths across a road without Police presence. Council will revisit this item.

351/17 The following accounts for APRIL were confirmed:-

Chq No

104393Wages (07.04.11)761.77

104394One Voice Wales374.00

104395Wages (14.04.11)761.77

104396One Voice Wales (training)100.00

104397P.C. Q 18.37

104398Agri Power606.18

104399P.C.C. (council tax) 1,245.36

104400J.D.H Business Services 330.00

104401Wages & P. Cash (21.04.11)858.56

104402Wages(28.04.11) 761.77

TOTAL£ 5,817.78

351/18Next Meeting will be held on Monday 27th June, 2011.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm