
Avon City Council

January8, 2018


Mayor John Grutsch called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


John Grutsch – Mayor,Julie Jarnot,Kurt Marthaler,Jeff Meyer – Councilors

Jon Forsell – Director of Public Works, Corey Nellis – Chief of Police

Jodi Austing-Traut, City Clerk-Administrator

Absent:Jim Stang


Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Public Forum

Chuck Donaldson – Presentation of Appreciation to Police Department. Chuck Donaldson presented a wooden “thin blue line” flag to the Avon Police Department and thanked them for their service.

Jim Read – Candidate State Representative for MN House District 13A was present to gather input about the types of issues might be important to small communities such as Avon.


1.Council Minutes of December 4, 2017

2.Planning Commission Minutes of December 19, 2017

3.Paid Check Register, Manual Claims, Capital Expenditures

4.Legal Fees, Engineering Fees, Auditor/Acct. Fees

5.Auditor Engagement/Rate Schedule

6.Engineer Engagement/Rate Schedule

7.Financial Advisor Engagement/Rate Schedule

8.League of MN Cities Dividend Letter & Check

9.Small Wireless Facilities Colocation Agreement

10.Fire Department Officer Appointments

11.WSB Invoice $194.50

Motion Kurt Marthaler to approve consent agenda second Jeff Meyer and carried unanimously.


Waste Management Update – DanBehnke was present to notify the council that Waste Management would be sending postcards to residents to let them know that yard waste carts would be delivered to all residents beginning March 1st. These carts are to be used for leaves, grass clippings, twigs and branches, etc…

2018 Appointments Fee Schedule 2018

Motion Kurt Marthaler to adopt appointments and fee schedule as presented and to retain NorthRisk Partners as the city’s agent of record, second Jeff Meyer and carried unanimously.

Avon Estates – Council discussed options for the next phase of Avon Estates. Several different options were presented along with cost estimates and utility layouts. Avon Estates committee will be established to continue to look at options.


AdministrationNo further report.

Planning/ZoningNo further report.

Water WastewaterWritten Report and Request Approvals for:

a)Service line freeze prevention adjustments to utility bills

b)Lift Station #2 pump replacement $9,970

Jon Forsell, Director of Public Works requested council approval to authorize a slight discount to previously identified properties in Avon that are at high risk of having their water lines freeze. This allows those property owners a slight discount to let their water run at a trickle in order to help avoid frozen water lines.

Jon also requested authorization to replace a pump in Lift Station #2 with a Flygt pump for $9,970.

Motion Kurt Marthaler to approve prorated adjustment to water bills for those previously identified properties at high-risk of having water lines freeze, second Jeff Meyer and carried unanimously.

Motion Jeff Meyer to approve lift station #2 pump replacement at $9,970 second Kurt Marthaler and carried unanimously.

Public WorksWritten Report

Police DepartmentWritten Report

Fire DepartmentNo further report


Council briefly discussed financial planning. Mayor Grutsch gave the audience a brief history of the city’s finances and major capital expenditures.


Motion byKurt Marthalerto adjourn the meeting at 8:02pm; second by Councilor Jeff Meyer andcarried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jodi Austing-Traut City Clerk/Administrator