Directions: Circle the number from 1 to 5 that best represents your response to each statement, ac-cording to the following key: (1) Strongly disagree (never feel this way); (2) Disagree (rarely feel this way); (3) Moderately agree (sometimes feel this way); (4) Agree (frequently feel this way); (5) Strongly agree (almost always feel this way).

1.My performance improves when I am offered a cash bonus as an incen-tive.12 3 4 5

2.I would find it difficult to work for an organization that creates an atmos-phere of uncertainty among its employees. 1 2 3 4 5

3.I like a supervisor who works hard to develop a friendly working atmos-phere.12 3 4 5

4.I do my best work when I know my supervisor is aware of my progress toward the goal.1 2 3 4 5

5.I can find something stimulating and challenging in almost any job.123 4 5

6.I enjoy working with employees who are compatible and work well as a team.12 3 4 5

7.I work hardest when mistakes are not punished and there is little chance of losing my job. 1 2 3 4 5

8.It frustrates me when I have to work over my lunch and coffee breaks.123 4 5

9.I dislike it when my supervisor allows me little freedom to decide how best to get my job done. 1 2 3 4 5

10.I would probably quit a job that did not offer rewards or recognition for my abilities.1 2 3 4 5

11.I would hesitate to take risks that might endanger the progress I’ve made thus far.1 2 3 4 5

12.The best organizations are those that pay salaries that enable all employees to live comfortably. 1 2 3 4 5

13.I need a detailed job description to better understand what my employer expects of me.1 2 3 4 5

14.The quality of the relationships in my informal work groups is important to me.12 3 4 5

15.I would probably quit my job if I had to work with inadequately skilled people or outdated equipment. 1 2 3 4 5

16.It is important to me to feel that my skills are fully utilized on the job.123 4 5

17.Most of my rewards are internal and come from the work itself, not from external incentives. 1 2 3 4 5

18.I do not like to see my abilities going unrecognized.12345

19.The best thing an employer can do for me is to provide stable employment and job security. 1 2 3 4 5

20.When I do my job exceedingly well, I should receive a salary increase.123 4 5

21.Retirement benefits and stock programs are important to me.1234 5

22.I think of myself as being the best at what I do.12345

23.I like to schedule my own work and make my own decisions with little input from my supervisor. 1 2 3 4 5

24.It frustrates me when my supervisor gives attention and recognition to others but not to me. 1 2 3 4 5

25.I dislike working all by myself without the input of others.1234 5

26.It is important that I have the best equipment to work with in order to do my best work.1 2 3 4 5

27.I understand that my job is dependent on my organization’s ability to compete effectively. 1 2 3 4 5

28.It means a lot to me to be recognized for a job well done.1234 5

29.It hurts my feelings when my supervisor is indifferent toward me.123 4 5

30.It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to explore new areas of responsibil-ity.12 3 4 5

31.My favorite supervisors allow me to utilize my talents and ideas to their fullest.12 3 4 5

32.When selecting an organization to work for, I am most influenced by good working conditions, good pay, and good benefits. 1 2 3 4 5

33.I like an organization to sponsor employee social events after working hours.12 3 4 5

34.Job security is most important to me.12345

35.It is important to me that my job offers rewards that help me get ahead because of my own abilities. 1 2 3 4 5

36.It is difficult for me to work with people who hold grudges and refuse to help each other. 1 2 3 4 5

37.I would probably quit a job that did not fully utilize my skills.1234 5

38.I want to advance in the organization as fast as my abilities will allow.123 4 5

39.The best-managed organizations are those that maintain stable job security and employee benefits. 1 2 3 4 5

40.I work hardest when my work setting is modern, attractive, and comforta-ble.12 3 4 5

41.I like to be surrounded with people who like me and are friendly.123 4 5

42.I would like my supervisor to give special attention to my physical work-ing conditions.1 2 3 4 5

43.I want to work for an organization that offers rapid advancement on the basis of my achievements. 1 2 3 4 5

44.My most important reward is pride in a job well done.12345

45.I work hardest when everyone pitches in to help get the work done.123 4 5

46.It is important that my organization’s pay scales and benefits stay above those offered by other organizations in the area. 1 2 3 4 5

47.The jobs I enjoy most are those that allow me to be creative.1234 5

48.The best thing anyone can do for me at work is to encourage teamwork and camaraderie. 1 2 3 4 5

49.I would be unhappy working so hard that there was physical discomfort.123 4 5

50.I want to give the best in everything I do.12345

Write the numbers you circled to the corresponding questions in the chart below, and then total

each column.

Basic NeedsSafety and Security NeedsBelongingness or Social Needs Esteem


1.______2.______3.______4.______5. ______

8.______7.______6.______10.______9. ______

12.______11.______14.______16.______17. ______

20.______13.______25.______18.______23. ______

26.______15.______29.______22.______30. ______

32.______19.______33.______24.______31. ______

40.______21.______36.______28.______37. ______

42.______27.______41.______35.______44. ______

46.______34.______45.______38.______47. ______

49.______39.______48.______43.______50. ______



1.Which of the five categories signifies your strongest need (highest score)? Do you agree with this assessment?

2.Which category represents your lowest need (lowest score)? What is happening in your life right now that may be reflected in this score?

3.Explain your understanding of the statement, “Only unsatisfied needs motivate behavior.”

4.Do you agree with Maslow’s theory of “prepotency”? That is, as each lower-level need is satis-fied, the need at the next level demands attention. Why or why not?

5.Review the statements included in the column that represents your strongest need. List below the specific needs you can identify from these statements.

6.How would your teachers, supervisors, and family members benefit by learning about your strongest needs at this point in your life? How might you benefit by sharing this information

with them?