EAGLE College Prep Schools: Mesa
Board of Directors - Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2017
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Date and Time: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 from 5:00 – 7:00PM
Location: EAGLE College Prep Maryvale
3950 N. 53rd Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85031
Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm.
Matt Fryberger, Chairperson
Susan Rojas, Secretary
Excused: Steve Inman, Member, Regional Exec Director
Staff Present:
Lisa Fantasia, Director of Teaching & Learning OpenSky Education
Willis Pierson, EAGLE
Frances DeWindt, EAGLE
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Call to the Public
No members of the public were present
Approval of Previous Minutes
The April 18, 2017, May 08, 2017, May 30, 2017, and June 27, 2017 meeting minutes were sent out via email to Board members prior to this meeting for review. Hearing no objection to the minutes as drafted and distributed, they were approved via consent.
Principal’s Report
Principal Allen provided an overview of the Principal’s Report provided in advance of the meeting for review by the Board. The report includes the following categories: Education, Culture, Finance & Operations, and People.
Reviewed Staff attendance challenges regarding sick time, PTO time, and vacation pay policy. Discussed the current policy and alternate options that may improve the situation. This topic to be continued at the EAGLE Arizona upcoming Regional Board meeting.
Regional Report
Efforts throughout the summer focused on the following areas for our EAGLE Schools in Arizona:
- The Character Formation Project (CFP):
- CFP team provided training for all site “Partner Leads”
- Partner Leads led regional and site-level CFP training
- Academics:
- Conducted thorough review of all academic assessment results (NWEA MAP, Galileo, & AzMERIT)
- Professional development focused on key levers in a coordinated, comprehensive, & focused manner for all teachers
- Initial NWEA MAP assessments are underway
- Look forward to evaluating our re-enrollment efforts using precise retention data
- Initiated ambitious enrollment campaigns across the network of schools
- Current enrollment results vary widely by site
- Implementing a new student information system to improve communication and reporting capabilities
- FY17 results are being finalized as we prepare for on-site audits in the near term
- FY18 budgets will be adjusted as enrollment numbers stabilize
- EAGLE South Mountain will have a 10-year review from the Charter Board this year
- Office of Civil Rights agreement regarding website is having a significant impact on our day-to-day management of the website
- We have a new Community Relations Director, Alyssa Felton, who transitioned from her role as a classroom teacher at EAGLE South Mountain
- We brought on a new EAGLE Manager of Financial Reporting & Compliance, Willis Pierson, who comes to us from the Department of Public Safety
- The Nat’l Recruitment team continues to source teachers to fill the remaining openings
Board Meeting Calendar
The proposed EAGLE Mesa Board Meeting Calendar was provided to Board members and Staff for review prior to the meeting. Mr. Fryberger walked through the key meeting dates included on the proposed Board Calendar for 2017-18.
Mr. Fryberger motioned to approve the 2017-18 EAGLE Mesa Board Meeting Calendar as presented to the Board. Ms. Rojas seconded the motion. A vote was called, all were in favor.
The motion passed. Mr. Fryberger instructed that the Board Meeting Calendar be posted online.
Extracurricular Activity Handbook with “no pass no play” policy
EAGLE South Mountain is heading up the “No Pass No Play” policy for use by the EAGLE Network of schools. This item has fallen to the back burner but, is an important policy that the Board would like to see in place for next school year 2018-19. Reviewed the purpose of the policy is to promote College Prep and the importance of academics first by establishing a policy that applies to all extracurricular activities including sports, clubs, and groups. The following topics are discussion items for the policy:
- What is the minimum GPA? Or is there a minimum grade for all classes?
- Should scholars be allowed to practice if grades are too low to play?
- What should the frequency of grade checks be?
- Developing a manageable system for grade checks
- Are there any exceptions such as interim grade checks to accommodate games or other activities?
Board members and Staff are encouraged to reach out to Mr. Fryberger or Mr. MacDonald with any recommendations and comments.
Board Development
Currently Board member terms are three (3) years. Continued discussion about board development and structure, one of the long term goals is to include more parent involvement on the Boards for each of the EAGLE schools – South Mountain, Maryvale, Mesa, and Harmony. Board development and Board structure will be discussed in more detail at the upcoming EAGLE Arizona Regional Board Meeting.
Website Management
This item was tabled, the website is currently being reformatted.
2016-17 Academic Review
This item was briefly covered in the Principal’s Report.
Next Meeting and Adjournment
The next meeting will be October 17, 2017 at 5:00 pm at EAGLE South Mountain.
A general consent motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Hearing no objections, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 pm.
EAGLE College Prep Schools: Mesa
Board of Directors, Secretary
Dated this 30thday of September 2017