Volkswagen Owners of San Antonio ~ Jan /Feb 2006

"My Two Cents Worth"~ Philip Amon

It is nice to know that you are not alone in this world.

Whenever I drivemy Bug, it helps me think through things.

It helps me relax and in manyways gives me inspiration for

some project or problem that I am grapplingwith.

One of thenice things about driving a vintage VW Bug is that it notonly has substance but also style. It is simple in executionbut alsoelegantin so many ofits details.So what if Professor Porsche designed it in the1930s. Some styles just last.

Indeed, they just stopped production of the Bug in Mexico last year. How many other cars can make that kind of production claim? NONE. And how many other cars have madesuch a big influenceon culture and style. NOT MANY.In short,I drive an ICON of the 20th century. Probably one of the most recognizable shapes in the world and one that has staying power in the 21st Century.

Each year AutoWeek magazine sponsors a design forum in conjunction with the Detroit Auto Show and invites some of the leading designers in the Auto industry to speak about trends in the automobile industry. They also invite significant individuals from outside the auto world to speak about future trends in style and fashion that relate to the automobile.

These people are the trendsetters that are influencing not only what cars are being built today, but also what we are seeing at the local movie theaters and who knows where else. At this year's symposium several of the participants selected the VW Beetle as the European design icon that influenced them.Among them are John Lasseter of Pixar animation and Joel Piakowski the chief designer for Hyundai's California studios.

Have you ever noticed how many old VWs are featured in ads? It must be that those ad writers derive some inspiration from either the shape or the mood that a Bug, Bus or Ghia invokes in everyone. It is nice to know that I am not alone.

I never thought of myself as being trendy but maybe I am.Lots of Bug owners do not think of their car as just basic no frills transportation but as a member of the family. Many are handed down in families or adopted into new families after careful scrutiny of potential new owners.

I like the thought that my Bug is an Icon. Maybe that is why I’ve kept it for almost 30 years. It not only has become familiar, but it has never gone out of style. Until next time drive safe, drive VW. You may be influencing a whole new generation of style makers.


2006 will be a busy year for San AntonioVW fans!

On the next page we’ve published VOSA’s 2006 Calendar of Events so you can mark your calendars. Here’s some of the highlights:

March 12th – VOSA Annual Swap Meet

One of the earliest swap meets of the year, our swap meet brings out lots of vendors with tons of goodies. Come out and see what folks have been gathering over the winter.

April 22nd & 23rd – Texas VW Classic – Fredericksburg

Only in its third year, this weekend is already a ‘must attend.” A great event with a swap meet, cruiseand show set in the Hill Country. What else could you want? Register early and save $5 plus get a free meal!

May 6th–The 17th Annual Classic Cruise Along the Corridor

The Alamo Area Council of Car Clubs sponsors the “Classic Cruise Along the Corridor” which is really a day long cruise! We visit towns east and south of San Antonio. It’s a great day long event with plenty of stops for food and refreshments and a chance to see other car clubs’ cars. Don’t miss it!

June 24th– Worldwide Day of the Beetle

We plan to do the Worldwide Day of the Beetle show again as a joint show and swap meet between VOSA and the San Antonio Aircoolers. It’s a great way to celebrate the car that started it all!

October 21st & 22nd – VOSA 14th Annual Oktoberfest – Boerne

Last year’s event received raves from attendees! On “The Square” in the quaint, Hill Country ‘berg of Boerne, our Oktoberfest is a laid back show. Lots of vendors in our swap meet, a great cruise and a fun show with LOTS of trophies are just a few of the reasons to join us.

ATTENTION! Input needed for YOUR newsletter! If you’ve been or done something interesting with your VW (that we can publish in a family oriented publication…), let us know! We’d be glad to put it in YOUR newsletter. Just e-mail it to and we’ll print it up.


January 8 – Monthly Meeting

February 12 – Monthly Meeting

March 12 – Swap Meet at the Pig Stand on Broadway

April 9 – Spring Picnic. We’ve usually done our Spring Picnic at MacArthurPark and we can have it there again. BUT… does anyone have another idea?

May 6 (Saturday) – Monthly meeting will be the AACOG Cruise Along the Corridor

June 11 – Monthly Meeting

June 25 – Worldwide Day of the Beetle (tentative)

July 9 – Monthly Meeting

August 13 – Monthly Meeting

September 10 – Fall Picnic & Oktoberfest Planning Meeting

October 15 – Monthly Meeting & Oktoberfest Planning Meeting

October 21 & 22 (Saturday and Sunday) – VOSA Oktoberfest – Boerne

November 12 – Monthly Meeting

December 10 – Christmas Cruise and Dinner

Monthly meetings are held at 2:00 p.m.on the second Sunday of the month at the Pig Stand on Broadway, unless noted otherwise. Come a little early and grab a bite to eat (or a great shake!), look over the latest mods to each other’s cars and just hang out.


The Ridiculous…

February 11 - February 12– 2nd Annual Buses By the Beach

BUS BRRR Winter Camp. PokagonState Park in Angola, Indiana

The Sublime…

February 12 - Hawaiian VW & Classic Bicycle Swap Meet.
Waimalu Elementary, Hawaii

January 8 ~ VOSA Monthly Meeting.

February 12 ~ VOSA Monthly Meeting.

February 23 - February 26 - Mardi Gras VW weekend in GALVESTON.
Galveston State Park, Texas


March 12 ~ VOSA Swap Meet.

March 25 - The Bloomin'Good VW Show II & Azalia Trail Cruise

March 26 - How does your VW grow? Free Show and Picnic. AUSTIN, Texas


Check the mailing label on your newsletter!


Simply complete the form and mail it in with your check to:

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(Be sure to visit the VOSA Forums at for these and other ads)

Volkswagen Owners of San Antonio