Matthew 6:9-10, KJV: “After this manner therefore pray ye: `Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
Most of you have probably prayed that prayer in King James English since childhood. I have. Catholics pray it every time they say the rosary. Christianity has reduced the saying of the “Lord’s Prayer” to little more than an amulet to ward off fear, and the Devil. I remember, years ago, watching the movie “The Omen.” In it, a man was fleeing from what he knew was the Devil incarnate. He began rapidly praying the “Our Father.” The Devil got him anyway. Thus, along with so many Scriptures, the “Lord’s Prayer” is often relegated to no more than liturgical mouthing. And, like Psalm 91 and Psalm 23, so often the “Lord’s Prayer” is no more than spiritual “comfort food” for the soul (“psyche”--mind, emotions).
In giving us the order of this outline for prayer, Messiah, first of all stressed that we approach His Presence with humility, honor, respect, and fear. And above all, “hallowing,” or setting apart His Name – not His titles, but His Name! Then we are to call for His Kingdom to rule over the earth, acknowledging Him as Creator and His right to rule the earth! Today, the world as a whole does not acknowledge Him as Creator nor His right to rule His creation. This strong statement of asking Him to come and rule is an act of submission to Him--submission to His rule over our own lives--bringing “death to self-will.” As Romans 6 clearly states, when we receive Messiah, we die to sin, we die to our own self-will, in order to receive His resurrection life within ourselves!
This heart-felt cry should come from deep in our spirit and be spoken slowly with passion before Him: “YOUR KINGDOM COME! YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” It is a call for Yahuweh to send Messiah Yahuweh! (i.e. Revelation 22:17a) But, it is also a call for the Creator to bring His Kingdom, His “New Jerusalem” down into His creation, so that all will be subject to His rule! It is a call for His Kingdom to descend. (Revelation 21-22)
Then this outline for prayer leads us to ask for our temporal needs to be met--“our daily bread,” showing our total dependency on Him for everything! This is followed by a plea of repentance, asking Elohim to forgive our sins AS WE FIRST FORGIVE the sins of others! It reflects Mark 11:25-26: If we do not forgive others their sins against us, Yahuweh will not forgive our sins! Then follows the plea for protection, in which we ask Elohim to keep us on the path of righteousness so that evil does not overtake us. It closes with praise for Abba Yahuweh--our Father.
The words of the “Lord’s Prayer” are simply an outline--a guideline for coming to our Abba with our requests--definitely not something to be rattled off as a display of religiosity. In fact, the prayer of Yahushua to His Abba on our behalf--the real “Lord’s Prayer”--is in John 17.
In 1987, in Fort Worth, at my church, I taught classes on prayer, using Larry Lea’s “Can You Not Tarry With Me One Hour?” series of teachings on the Matthew 6:8-13 outline. Pastor Lea treated it as an outline, so his materials gave me flexibility to really teach as the Spirit led. Maybe some of you took that class--it was taught in churches over the United States.
“THE KINGDOM OF ELOHIM” is used in Mark, Luke, and John, and other places in the Messianic writings, and denotes the rule of Elohim over His people who have been born again by His Spirit through faith in Messiah, those submitted to Him who guard His Kingdom Torah in obedience. These are His people, who are undefiled, set-apart, and pure of heart unto Him. He is their Father, because they have come out of all that defiles. (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1) He cannot be a Father if there is defilement.
Luke 4:43: “To the other cities I also have to bring the Good News: The Kingdom of Elohim, because for this I have been sent.”
Luke 12:32: “Do not fear little flock, for your Father delights to give you the Kingdom.”
I Corinthians 6:9: “…do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim?”
“THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN” is only used in Matthew, and gives the impression of the future rule of Messiah over an earthly Kingdom. The book of Matthew speaks much about the coming Kingdom, i.e. Matthew 13 gives several parables about the Kingdom.
I hope you have carefully read all the Scriptures listed in Your Kingdom Come Parts I and II. As I said, the Kingdom of Yahushua for 1000 years on earth, then the Kingdom of Yahuweh forever on earth, is the main final focus of the whole of Scripture. It is by doing your own study in the Word, asking His Spirit to teach you, that you come to receive personal understanding. You should know your place in the Kingdom.
His Kingdom on earth for us begins with each individual person’s new birth, with which we receive our citizenship in the Kingdom of Elohim. (Philippians 3:20-21) The Scriptural new birth brings us into right-standing with the King of the Kingdom, so that we are free to live as He directs us. Our citizenship in His Kingdom supersedes our citizenship in our earthly country. If the laws of our earthly country cross the laws of the Creator, we must obey the Torah (teachings, instructions, rules, statues, laws) of the Kingdom of Yahuweh!
By working with persecuted believers inside mainland China, I learned personally the high cost of being a citizen in His Kingdom. These true believers live in danger daily because they will not disobey the laws of their Creator outlined in the Word. Two examples: China has a one-child law. Mostly female children are killed, for if a couple can have one child, they want a boy. Abortions are the norm. But, the true believers won’t kill their children. If a second one is born, they hide the child with a relative or trusted friend. They consider the female children as valuable as the male children because both are in the likeness of Elohim. They will not submit to the rules of the government, who say they cannot witness openly of their salvation, especially to those under 18, nor teach on the coming of Messiah. So, they are hunted like animals, denied rights, beaten, imprisoned, tortured, and killed. The strongest believers in the world are in countries like China, North Korea, North Viet Nam, and other countries of severe persecution. They know that when they commit to following the Savior, it is unto death. These are ones like Revelation 12:11 speaks of. Most do not have a Bible. Even many large do not have a Bible. Many pastors do not have one either. I recommend the book The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun. He gives his testimony of how true believers live in China. It will open your eyes to what is coming for all true believers on earth! And yet their simple faith radiates the joy of their salvation!
First of all, the Kingdom must be in us! That means that the King must have absolute authority over us! He is King. He is Creator. His mercy has allowed us into His Kingdom because of the blood of Yahushua, our substitute Lamb. Therefore, we must take His rules very seriously and obey them. There are examples in the Messianic Writings in which Messiah speaks of the final judgment, where many who think they have a free ticket out hell are turned away from His Kingdom. (i.e. Matthew 7:21-23)
Luke 13:23-27: “…Strive to enter through the narrow gate, because many shall seek to enter in and shall not be able to. When, once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying `Master, Master, open to us,’ He shall answer and say to you `I do not know you, where are you from?’ Then you shall begin to say `we ate and drank in Your Presence and You taught in our streets.’ But, He shall say to you, `I say to you I do not know you, where are you from? Depart from Me all you workers of unrighteousness’ ” (“anomia”--Torahlessness).
From eternity past, the heart of Yahuweh has wanted a family. He began His family by begetting a Son (Yahushua) from the innermost parts of His own being. The word “begotten,” as in Psalm 2, means “to have a baby”--i.e. in one’s own likeness and image, from one’s own reproductive organs. This Son came forth from Yahuweh, “before the foundation of the world,” and took form--form that would be the pattern (the blueprint) for all mankind, who was created in His likeness and image. Now, as we have ended an Era, containing 5 Ages within that era, we are on the brink of His Son coming to earth with His wrath, to take back what man has stolen from Him. To be a part of this Kingdom, we must submit totally to His will--be humble, contrite, obedient, fearing and respecting His orders, and loving Him with all our heart. His true children have His nature, ways, and thinking. These children will enter His Kingdom.
The first real kingdom of the Israelites was the kingdom ruled by King David, then Solomon. King David ruled from Zion, “the city of David.” In like manner, Isaiah 2:2-3, Messiah will rule from what is now known as East Jerusalem, the City of David--Zion: “And it shall be in the latter days …many people shall come and say `Come let us go up to the mountain of Yahuweh, to the House of the Elohim of Ya’cob, and let Him teach us His ways, and let us walk in His paths, for out of Zion comes forth the Torah, and the Word of Yahuweh from Jerusalem.”
Proverbs 2:20-22: “For the righteous shall dwell in the earth and the perfect shall remain in it, but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the transgressors be rooted out of it.”
Psalm 37:9: “For evil doers shall be cut off, but those that wait upon Yahuweh shall inherit the earth.”
Psalm 39:22: “For as many as are blessed of Him shall inherit the earth, and they that are cursed of him shall be cut off.”
Psalm 39:29: “For the righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.”
Psalm 22:28: “For the Kingdom is Yahuweh’s, and He rules over the nations.”
First the 1,000-year reign of Messiah Yahushua, filtering out the wicked, rewarding the righteous, then the eternal Kingdom of Yahuweh will descend. (Revelation 19-22)
Messiah’s Kingdom is spoken of in II Peter 3, and in many places in the Tenach, which describes His reign in different aspects. See Parts I and II.
Yahushua is the extension of Yahuweh into the earth--Yahuweh’s “right hand,” and Yahuweh’s “right arm.” He prepares the way for His Father’s Kingdom, and when His Father’s Kingdom comes, Yahushua steps back, and El Shaddai, Elyon, Yahuweh, rules forever. (I Corinthians 15:24-28)
There is not even an allusion in Scripture to His people spending eternity in heaven. This was made up from paganism--the “Elysian Fields” concept of Roman mythology. The earthly Kingdom is not just for the Jews, as Christian eschatology surmises--it is for all the House of Ya’cob, all the tribes of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob. Not one gentile will be left alive when Yahuweh comes. He will destroy all gentiles (pagans, barbarians, heathens, foreigners, strangers, and aliens to His Covenant) as He clearly says.
There is so much false teaching in the eschatology of Christians, and such a mixture of teaching, it is mindboggling.
Isaiah 9:7: There will be no end to Elohim’s earthly government – the increase of His government shall be peace, justice, and righteousness forever!
From Obadiah 1:15-17, 21: “For the day of Yahuweh is upon all the gentiles. As you have done, it shall be done to you. Your reward shall come back on your own head. But on Mount Zion there shall be escape, and they shall be set-apart. And the House of Ya’cob shall possess their possessions…The Kingdom shall belong to Yahuweh!”
Read carefully, proclaim out loud with a joyful heart: Revelation 4 and 5.
Will you be among the multitudes who worship Yahuweh, who worship the Lamb, who are dressed in white linen--the garments of the set-apart ones? Those who wrap themselves with His Presence daily, having the joy of His Kingdom within them, walking in Kingdom lifestyle on earth, will feel their part in this great praise rally. Those with a belief-system, who go about their lives pleasing their flesh, their families, their church, their teachers, and who live to advance “self,” in the love this world, but who never have really known Yahuweh or Yahushua personally, would feel very out of place in such an atmosphere of purity, set-apartness, unity and love. The Light would be too bright. They would shrink back. If the required submission is too great now, it will be too great then!
Therefore, the determining factor for entrance into His Kingdom seems to whether He knows you or He does not. He says to the foolish virgins (Matthew 25:12), “Truly I say to you `I do not know you.’ ”
There has to be testing, purging, trials, tribulation, and suffering, so that the true ones will rise to the surface, and those who love themselves more than Elohim will fall away.
“…It is through much tribulation that we will enter the Kingdom.” (Acts 14:22)
We are clearly seeing the “great falling away.” (II Thessalonians 2:1-3) But, this great deception that causes people to turn from Truth to fables began in the 1st century. It was institutionalized in the 4th century, and today has over 2 billion members!
But, even within the great deception that rejects the Torah of Yahuweh and unites with the massive counterfeit, are deceptions being embraced with zeal in today’s churches and Messianic gatherings, which will turn even devout believers away from Truth.