Triangle Trade Simulation
In conjunction with our study of the New World Economy of the 16th and 17th centuries the following trade game will be played out:
Each group of students will assume the identity of a major trade group in the triangle trade. Your objective is to reach agreements with other groups. Your goal is to meet as many of your needs as you can without giving up too much of what you possess: In short, we want to make money…not lose money
The following are the groups…their current possessions…their needs
Group 1 / English MerchantsProducts to Export (possessions) / 600 guns, 50 tons of tea, 65 clipper ships, 55 schooner ships, 45 textile machines for weaving, 200 barrels of rum
Products in Demand (needs) / Rice, lumber, sugar, molasses, furs, tobacco, indigo and small numbers of captives (house guests) and gold
Group 2 / Boston Merchants
Products to Export (possessions) / 25 clipper ships, 30 schooner ships, 550 barrels of rum, 200 furs, 500 cords of lumber, 250 guns, 25 textile machines
Products in Demand (needs) / Tobacco, rice, Sugar, Molasses, tea, small number of captives as house guests, indigo, gold
Group 3 / Carolina and Va. Planters
Products to Export (possessions) / 800 tons of tobacco, 2500 tons of rice, 50 tons of indigo
Products in Demand (needs) / Large number of captives for labor, textile machines, ships, sugar, molasses, gold, tea, lumber, rum
Group 4 / African Princes
Products to Export (possessions) / 950 Captives (possible laborers), 1500 dollars in gold coins
Products in Demand (needs) / Rum, large numbers of guns , textile machines
Group 5 / Hispaniola Landowners
Products to Export (possessions) / 190 tons of sugar, 390captives, 200 tons of molasses, 700 dollars in gold coins
Products in Demand (needs) / More captives to trade, lumber, rice, tea, guns, ships, textile machines
Group 6 / Rogue Smugglers
Products to Export (possessions) / 150 Captives, 70 tons of sugar, 5 tons of molasses, 110 tons of tobacco, 180 barrels of rum, 12clipper ships, 10 textile machines, 140 guns, 500 gold coins, 10 tons of tea, 30 cords of lumber
Products in demand / Willing to buy any product at lowest bidder to maintain operations
1. Assign members to the following responsibilities:
Negotiators- creates trade proposals, negotiate and finalize deals with other groups
Writers- Sign up with other trade groups. Crafts the final deal. Use template
Accountants-Keeps and maintains records of current possessions. Use balance sheet
Responsibilities may overlap
2. Schedule will be provided detailing which groups you are meeting with and in which round. Discuss trade strategies so you can make the most of your opportunities
3. All deals must be agreed upon by both sides indicated by all groups signing the final deal. Negotiation rounds are timed. No GROUP IS UNDER ANY OBLIGATION TO ACCEPT A FINAL DEAL
4. Other deals may be necessary in order to put your group in a position to trade with others
5. Be warned: Do not end up with a large supply of a product that you do not need when the game is over. Moreover, points can be gained if one group clearly outwits another group as evidenced by a given deal
Good Luck…Drive a hard bargain!
Balance Sheet
Group Name: ______
Group Members______
After Round…
/ Met with which group / Current Possessions1.
3. Final Possession List
Triangle Trade Game
Name of Group:______
Group Members: ______
Answer the following:
1. Identify the products you sold (don’t need specific amounts)
2. Identify the products you bought (don’t need specific amounts)
3. Identify groups you negotiated with and made a deal
4. What groups seemed to be in the strongest position in most trade negotiations? Why?
5. What groups seemed to be in the weakest position during trade negotiations? Why?
Product / Value Number (1= Most Valuable, 10=least valuable)Tobacco
Textile Machines
Sugar and Molasses
Draw arrows on map to indicate the deals you made. Arrows should connect the two regions involved in the deal and labeled with goods traded (no need for amounts)
Final Trade Proposal
We, the______give the______
(products and amounts)
(products and amounts)
On November 6 in the year of our Lord 1733.
Signatures of the First GroupSignatures of the Second Group
Negotiation Sign Up Sheet
After discussing your trade options and needs, there will be a sign up session. Each group will send their chief writer to a designated area to make appointments with other groups. Each group is only permitted to meet with one other group per round. Once sign up is conducted it cannot change
Round 1: Meet with______
Round 2: Meet with______
Round 3: Meet with______
Negotiation Sign Up Sheet
After discussing your trade options and needs, there will be a sign up session. Each group will send their chief writer to a designated area to make appointments with other groups. Each group is only permitted to meet with one other group per round. Once sign up is conducted it cannot change
Round 1: Meet with______
Round 2: Meet with______
Round 3: Meet with______
Final Trade Proposal
We, the______give the______
(products and amounts)
(products and amounts)
On November 6 in the year of our Lord 1733.
Signatures of the First GroupSignatures of the Second Group